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DMBM510360 - Customer contact and data security: telephone contact: telephone technique: telephone do’s and don’ts

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There are a few general rules to bear in mind when undertaking Debt Management telephone work. The list is not exhaustive.



  • undertake verification check on every call (DMBM512800)
  • give your name if asked (DMBM510340)
  • remain professional at all times and remember that you are representing HMRC
  • use the customers name if appropriate
  • ask appropriate questions to resolve the issue as quickly as possible
  • summarise any action you will take or you expect them to do
  • note the record correctly (DMBM900500)
  • remember that you are a representative of HMRC at all times.



  • give information to the caller unless they have been verified
  • speak over the customer
  • be aggressive or use aggressive tones.