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INCHP03150 - Lodgements of documents: how the National Clearance Hub (NCH) deals with specific types of movement and/or goods: A-Z INF2s and INF5s

Note: This manual is under review following Brexit and is likely to be withdrawn. If there is anything within this manual you use regularly, please email to let us know. Please check the other guidance available on GOV.UK from HMRC.

Outward processing INF2s

Procedure on export

Individual INF2(s) (indicated on export declaration by use of the Document code C604 and status code “AC”). When a consignment has been selected for Route 1 and is covered by an individual INF2(s), the NCH emails / faxes Border Force (BF) to inform them the consignment has been selected and send them a copy of the entry and details of the profile. BF checks boxes 1-15 of the INF have been completed correctly and agree with the details on the entry and Box 16 must be completed and stamped by the BF officer. If the goods are being exported from the EU, box 17 must be completed too. BF emails / faxes a copy of the endorsed INF2 and the entry number to NCH when the task is complete to enable the NCH to clear the goods.

Global INF2s (indicated on export declaration by use of the Document code C604 and status code “AE”) are no longer subject to NCH/Border Force checks as they are controlled by the supervising office. If they are incorrectly declared to status code “AC” clear and advise trader to consult their supervising/authorising office.

Procedure on re-import

Individual INF2(s) (indicated on import declaration by use of the Document code C604 and status code “AC”). When a consignment has been selected for Route 1 and is covered by an individual INF2(s), the NCH emails / faxes UKBA to inform them the consignment has been selected and sends a copy of the entry and details of the profile. UKBA checks that eligible goods and the correct amount of duty is declared on the re-import entries by comparing them to the INF2. The quantity of the re-imported goods must be deducted from the original quantity exported until the total amount is exhausted. Once checks are done and the officer is satisfied, the INF2 is stamped. Compensating products may be re-imported in more that one consignment. UKBA returns time expired and exhausted INF documents to the appropriate HMRC local authorising office. UKBA emails / faxes a copy of the endorsed INF2 and the entry number to the NCH when the task is complete to enable NCH to clear the goods.

Global INF2s (indicated on import declaration by use of the Document code C604 and status code “AE”) are no longer subject to NCH/Border Force checks as they are controlled by the supervising office. If they are incorrectly declared to status code “AC” clear and advise trader to consult their supervising/authorising office.


Inward processing

Where a consignment has been selected Route 1 and is covered by an INF5 the NCH should email / fax the BF to inform them the consignment has been selected and send them a copy of the entry and details of the profile. When the BF Officer has completed their checks the BF will email / fax a copy of the endorsed INF5 and the entry number to the NCH when this task is complete for the NCH to clear the goods.