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INCHP03200 - Lodgements of documents: how the National Clearance Hub (NCH) deals with specific types of movement and/or goods: A-Z INF6s

Note: This manual is under review following Brexit and is likely to be withdrawn. If there is anything within this manual you use regularly, please email to let us know. Please check the other guidance available on GOV.UK from HMRC.

Temporary admission INF6s

Procedure for UK issued INF6

When a consignment has been selected for Route 1 and an entry to Temporary Admission (TA) is being made under a Simplified TA authorisation the NCH emails / faxes BF a copy of the entry and details of the profile. BF checks the INF6 against the entry and if satisfied stamps the original INF6 and 2 copies in box 15. BF emails/ faxes the NCH a copy of the INF6 with the entry number. The NCH can then clear the goods. BF returns the original and one copy INF6 to the holder. BF sends the other copy of the INF6 to the UK supervising office identified in Box 44 of the entry.

If a consignment has been selected for Route 1 and the entry is being made under a Full or Single TA authorisation the NCH should obtain a faxed copy of the INF6 either from BF or the importer / agent. Fax the INF6 and a copy of the entry to the supervising office, identified in Box 44 of the entry, and ask them to carry out checks on the INF6 and confirm whether the trader is authorised to import these goods under their authorisation. The supervising office will then fax the NCH when the check has been completed and the INF6 is correct. The NCH will email / fax BF informing them of the entry number and asking them to stamp the INF6 in box 15. BF faxes a copy of the stamped INF6 with the entry number to the NCH. The NCH can now clear the goods.

If the INF6 is received out if office hours, the NCH still clears the entry before the INF6 is checked by the supervising office.

Procedure for non-UK issued INF6

Re-export The officer at the NCH faxes a copy of the re-export declaration and details of the profile to the BF. BF checks the re-export declaration against the INF6 and ensures that Box 15 of the INF has been completed and stamped by the issuing office. The holder presents an original and copy INF6. If satisfactory mark ‘re-exportation’ section and stamp the discharge box on the form. BF sends a faxed copy of the endorsed INF6 and the entry number to the NCH. The NCH clears the goods. UKBA officer returns the forms to the holder.
Diverted to free circulation or declared to another Customs procedure The INF6 (original and copy) is presented to BF and the declaration to the NCH. The NCH faxes BF a copy of the declaration and the profile. BF checks the declaration against the INF6 and ensures that Box 15 of the INF6 has been completed and stamped by the issuing office. If satisfactory BF marks the original and copy INF6 ‘release for free circulation’ or ‘other customs arrangements allowed’ as appropriate, stamps the office of discharge box. BF faxes the NCH a copy of the endorsed INF6 and the entry number. The NCH clears the goods. BF returns the original and copy to the holder.
  If there any doubts about the correctness of the information, the NCH completes INF6 box 16 and sends the form to the customs office shown in box 15 for verification.