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INCHP04200 - Outline of CHIEF computer facilities: routes and codes

Note: This manual is under review following Brexit and is likely to be withdrawn. If there is anything within this manual you use regularly, please email to let us know. Please check the other guidance available on GOV.UK from HMRC.

Routing of entries

The initial routing of an entry is determined by the computer and is shown on the entry acceptance advice (output E2 or H2) that the trader must attach to the entry.

Routing codes

There are new entry routings which were introduced for the new arrangements for processing entries subject to Trading Standards controls. See CIP (2015) 07.

A combination of numeric and alphabetic codes are used to identify specific functions. These are:

Code Function
Route 0 Awaiting a response from another government system before the route is determined.
Route 1 Requiring the supporting documentation to be examined.
Route 2 Requiring goods and documents to be examined.
Route 3 Which implies automatic clearance after a short period of time during which the documentation must be submitted and Customs have the opportunity to examine it.
Route 6 CFSP. Paperless declaration with the entry being given immediate clearance, ie zero time out.
Non CFSP No paper declaration held by Customs. Allocated to authorised Paying Agents, where entry is Route 3 and there is no Customs checks.

Other routes that may be allocated are:

Code Function
Route H has always applied to pre-lodged Entries (with no un-resolved Front End Credibility (FEC) failures)
Route E applies to Entries with stored data linked to them
Route F applies to Entries with un-resolved FEC failures
Routes 2/5, 1/5 and 5 are equivalent to routes 2, 1 and 3 Entries where the method of payment includes ‘cash’.

CHIEF does not allow clearance while the Route of an Entry is ‘E’, ‘F’ or ‘H’.

Import Clearance Status (ICS) codes

ICS codes are an integral part of the processing of the entry. They add to the information provided by the route codes and are a means of indicating to the Direct Trader Input (DTI) trader, and to Customs, the stage of processing of the entry.

They are also used to stop automatic clearance of an entry when necessary.

After clearance they are a useful source of management information.