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INCHP04250 - Outline of CHIEF computer facilities: validation and selection

Note: This manual is under review following Brexit and is likely to be withdrawn. If there is anything within this manual you use regularly, please email to let us know. Please check the other guidance available on GOV.UK from HMRC.

Validation and selection of ADP entries for checking is via the CHIEF System. Direct Trader Input (DTI) traders either key the entry details into the computer using their own computer terminals or sending an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) message that contains the entry details, under CIE Customs staff key in the entry details.

The computer validates the information to:

  • ensure the coded boxes on the entry have been completed with a valid code
  • ensure that where a relationship exists between boxes, they are compatible
  • ensure any additional information codes and statements (Tariff Volume 3 Appendix C9) that are required by the CPC have been completed
  • calculate the appropriate revenues, allowing any eligible reliefs claimed, and
  • select entries requiring scrutiny of supporting documents and in some cases goods examination.

The originator of the message must be advised immediately of any incorrect or incompatible boxes. Errors must be corrected before any further processing can be undertaken.

CHIEF advises of acceptance of entries by EDI messages and by producing a printed Entry Acceptance Advice output E2 or H2.