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SW09135 - Customer Engagement: Dealing with Agents

Communicating with agents through Shared Workspace is different to communicating with organisations. This is because the dialogue that we have is with a representative of the customer rather than directly with the customer.

Agents must be authorised to act on behalf of their client SW09140.

Business Units must ensure they put in place a process to:

  • Identify all cases dealt with by new agents who elect to use Shared Workspace
  • Exclude cases who do not want their affairs dealt with by their agent through Shared Workspace.
  • Identify new cases for existing agents.
  • Remove cases where the acting agent does not use Shared Workspace e.g. Where there is a change of agent or where the client dispenses with his agent altogether.

All appropriate communication must be processed through Shared Workspace (some correspondence can only be accepted in paper form).