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SW09146 - Customer Engagement: Private Sector Organisations

HMRC are licensed to use Shared Workspace for collaboration with Private Sector Organisations.

For the purposes of Shared Workspace such organisations are known as Customer Organisations.

When using Shared Workspace with a Customer Organisation it is important to note that HMRC remain the service owners.

Some key points that need to be considered when using the service with Customer Organisations are,

  • HMRC must be involved in the collaboration with the Customer Organisation. This means that Customer Organisations cannot use Shared Workspace unless HMRC is also a participant.
  • HMRC must appoint HMRC Business Authorising Officers (BAOs) SW05220 for each SW Room used by the Customer Organisation. The BAOs must be HMRC staff.
  • Customer Organisations must comply with the corresponding customer processes including Registration and Enrolment SW05230.
  • Customer Organisation members must comply with the SW service Terms and Conditions SW03260 and linked Security policies SW03000.
  • Customer Organisations must nominate a Customer Organisation Representative SW09120 and Customer Nominated Contacts SW04520 for each Organisation using the service.
  • All member roles being added to a Room involving a Customer Organisation must be prefixed with the name of the Customer Organisation. For example Texaco (CNC) or Texaco (Participant).
  • For related information see Member Roles SW05600.