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SW09150 - Customer Engagement: Dealing with Multiple Organisations in a Room

It is important that Business Units adhere to the principle of allowing only one Customer Organisation into a Room SW03120.

However, it is possible to have more than one Customer Organisation in a Room, but only where,

  • there is a business need for multiple Customer Organisations in a Room.
  • the Business Unit has contacted all the Customer Organisations involved.
  • all Customer Organisations have agreed to participate in a Room and they are prepared to share all information with everyone who has access to the Room.
  • a written agreement to share all information within the Room must be obtained from each organisation and a record of their agreement must be kept by the HMRC Business Authorising Officer.

No Access Controls SW07410 should be set on items added or created by an organisation within the Room


  1. HMRC is not accountable for breaches of information added or created by a Customer Organisation to a Room shared by multiple organisations.
  2. Allowing only one Customer Organisation into a Room reduces the risk of customer information being shared inappropriately with other organisations.