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TCM0134220 - Miscellaneous: C to D: incorrect details - identifying (Info)

Use this guidance to identify if there is incorrect information on a claim following an amendment. For example, there is an incorrect Nil award or an element of entitlement is missing.

Note: From 6 April 2017, customers will only get the Family Element of Child Tax Credit where they are responsible for a child or children born before that date.

Note: The individual child element of Child Tax Credit will no longer be awarded for third and subsequent children or qualifying young persons in a household, born on or after 6 April 2017, unless it meets the exception criteria.

Note: All children/qualifying young persons should be added to the award. Customers will still receive the childcare and/or disability element for all children/qualifying young persons if they are entitled, even if they are not in receipt of the child element.

Note: If you are dealing with a claim where the exception marker has been applied to any of the children/young persons included in the claim contact the Exception Team (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) . For how to check if the exception marker has been applied, use TCM1000314.

Note: If you are dealing with a claim where the customer states they are claiming for a child/young person who is an exception contact the Exception Team (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) .

This may occur when

  • you receive a complaint about an incorrect Nil award
  • you receive a complaint about missing children or any other element of entitlement
  • the customer states they have told us about a change of circumstances at an earlier date
    Note: Requesting a change of circumstances to be backdated isn’t the same as requesting a claim be backdated. For more information on backdating a claim, follow the guidance in TCM0022080.
  • the customer had previously requested that a change of circumstance is backdated and the award is still incorrect
  • the customer is concerned that they may have been overpaid and requests that details of their eligibility is checked
  • you identify incorrect recorded history
  • the case has been referred as incorrect information has been identified by our IT suppliers which require your intervention
  • the award has been incorrectly terminated
    Note: Where incorrectly terminated cases are reinstated, eligibility must be checked.
  • a reply to the Annual Declaration hasn’t been received by 1st Specified Date (1SD)
  • a reply to an enquiry about the Annual Declaration - for example, an Incomplete work item hasn’t been received by the 1SD
  • the case is finalised on the information already held on the computer.

Where incorrect Nil awards have been reported, these can occur for one of the following reasons

  • an include from date has been incorrectly entered on the computer
  • the claim has been incorrectly terminated
  • the effective date has been moved to a date before the original claim effective date.
    Note: This list isn’t exclusive.

This guidance will direct you to the appropriate guidance that will enable you to identify what corrective action is required.

Where a claim has been identified as being incorrectly ended, you will need to be refer it to the Incorrectly Ended Claim Team on the ‘M1 referral form’.

Note: Where you are looking at award periods, you must be aware that provisional claims for the following tax year are set up before the start date of that tax year. For example, a provisional claim is set up for the period 06/04/2006 to 05/04/2007. If the customer’s entitlement ends on 10/02/2005, the provisional claim won’t be valid. The earliest provisional claim set up will usually show an amount of entitlement for tax credits, then revert to Nil once the entitlement has ended.

Note: If an Appeals marker is present on a claim you are attempting to correct, you must inform appeals of your intended action.

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

There is an Action Guide for this subject, select TCM0134240 to access it