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TCM0140080 - Miscellaneous (W to Z): Work list items - displaying linked items (Info)

Function VIEW LINKED WORK ITEMS provides a facility for you to check a summary of work lists on which there are outstanding work items for

  • the household in which the customer is (or has been) a member


  • an employer.

This function will be useful to users

  • who don’t deal with the same allocation of work from day to day
  • who deal with enquiries on a more random basis (such as Contact Centres)
  • in specialist offices.

This function enables whole case working as it provides a summary of all work lists on which there are outstanding work items for the household or employer. This may be particularly useful when contacting the customer or employer, or when they contact you, so that all outstanding issues can be considered at the same time.

For each work list identified, the following are provided

  • name of work list
  • which office the work item has been allocated to
  • the identity of the responsible Management Unit.

Note: Guidance on how to action entries on a specific work list is detailed in the section to which the work list relates - for example, use TCM0076040 for guidance on how to action entries on the Incomplete Applications work list.