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TCM0140100 - Miscellaneous (W to Z): Work list items - retaining (Info)

Function MAINTAIN WORKLISTS provides a facility to retain a work item on a work list in your Management Unit and prevent it being transferred.

You may want to prevent a work item being transferred, for example

  • where there are Compliance implications
  • in complex cases where there has already been substantial contact with the customer and you want to resolve the issues before the transfer takes place.

Once there’s no longer a reason to retain a work item, Function MAINTAIN WORKLISTS should be used again to unset the signal and, if applicable, enable the work item to be transferred.

Note: Guidance on how to action entries on a specific work list is detailed in the section to which the work list relates - for example, use TCM0076040 for guidance on how to action entries on the Incomplete Applications work list.