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TCM0140120 - Miscellaneous (W to Z): Work list items - transferring (Info)

Function MAINTAIN WORKLISTS provides a facility to transfer a work item on a work list from one Management Unit to another.

You may need to transfer a work item if

  • a customer or employer moves to another part of the country


  • the work item requires action by a specialist office.

Before the work item is transferred, you’re presented with the details of where the work item is being transferred to and invited to confirm that the transfer is to go ahead.

You won’t be able to transfer a work item to another Management Unit if the Retained signal has been noted on that work item. For more information about the use of the Retained signal, use TCM0140100.

Note: Guidance on how to action entries on a specific work list is detailed in the section to which the work list relates - for example, use TCM0076040 for guidance on how to action entries on the Incomplete Applications work list.