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TCM0140180 - Miscellaneous (W to Z): Work lists - filtering and sorting (Info)

Some work lists will

  • contain many entries
  • retain those entries for quite some time.

Filtering and sorting will help you to make the work list more manageable and let you target the more urgent entries on the list.

You can use [Sort Filter] in Function MAINTAIN WORKLISTS to

  • filter the list so that only certain types of case appear - for example, cases that show a specific action date


  • sort the list into a working priority in ascending order or descending order.

Manipulating the work lists in this way doesn’t delete the entries that don’t fall into your filtered selection. They will still be accessible when you need them.

More than one operator can filter and sort the same work list at the same time using different terminals. The ‘mini-list’ you create will be personal to you and won’t affect the list viewed by another operator on another terminal.

Note: Any filter or sort you apply to a work list will remain in place until

  • you select a new filter or sort order


  • you abandon Function MAINTAIN WORKLISTS.

Note: You can, however, undo any existing filter or sort order so that the list reverts to its original and full state as originally displayed.

Note: Your ‘mini-list’ won’t be updated for new entries by the computer.

Note: Guidance on how to action entries on a specific work list is detailed in the section to which the work list relates - for example, use TCM0076040 for guidance on how to action entries on the Incomplete Applications work list.