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TCM0140200 - Miscellaneous (W to Z): Work lists - managing (Info)

Work lists

  • are a major feature of the tax credits computer
  • provide up-to-date on-screen displays of categories of cases that need to be reviewed and reflect most of the actions needed
  • provide a safety net to show you what hasn’t been done.

Checking work lists regularly ensures that each case is worked completely.

All users and managers can benefit from work lists. To get the best out of the tax credits computer, you need to know which lists to use, when to use them, and how to use them most effectively.

All staff need to be familiar with the way work lists work and what they can do. Some work lists should become a routine tool in your day-to-day work. Other work lists will alert you to unusual events and entries on these work lists will be rare.

Note: Guidance on how to action entries on a specific work list is detailed in the section to which the work list relates - for example, use TCM0076040 for guidance on how to action entries on the Incomplete Applications work list.