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TCM0160020 - Notes - standardised messages (H to I): standardised messages - H - verification failures

Standardised reference

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message. For more information see TCM0152090

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’

Note: ‘HSV’ stands for ‘High Severity Verification’

  • HSV Rule 1 - customer not matched
  • HSV Rule 2 - child not matched
  • HSV Rules 3 and 5 - customer in another household / child in another household
  • HSV Rule 4 - young person (16 to 20 years) claiming tax credits
  • HSV Rule 12 - residency criteria not met.

Note: ‘LSV’ stands for ‘Low Severity Verification’

  • LSV Rule 6 - bank account / sort code
  • LSV Rules 7 and 8 - employer reference not matched or employer name not matched
  • LSV Rules 9, 10 and 11 - no MIG, JSA (IB) or IS entitlement.

HSV Rule 1 (codes start with HA)
HSV Rule 2 (codes start with HB)
HSV Rules 3, 4 and 5 (codes start with HC)
HSV Rule 12 (codes start with HD)
LSV Rules 9, 10 and 11 (codes start with HQ)
High Risk Renewal Team (codes start with HR)
High Value Renewal Team (codes start with HV)

HSV Rule 1

Tracing customer when the tax credits computer can’t automatically match them to an existing HMRC record. The customer has to be traced or contacted in order to match the customer to the correct NINO in order to clear the verification failure. This also helps prevent mismatch cases and fraud.

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
HA01 - DD/MM/YY-CLMT1/2 T&M HSV 1 failure worked on the date shown at the start of the message. The customer has been traced and matched on the tax credits computer. The case has been processed and the verification failure cleared.
This Note no longer used from 8 August 2008 - HA02 - (DD/MM/YY) - (INSERT DETAILS) HSV 1 failure worked on the date shown at the start of the message. The customer has been traced and matched using the TBS computer. The case has been updated and the verification failure cleared.
HA03 - DD/MM/YY-POSS COMP TF (MU NO.) HSV 1 failure worked on the date shown at the start of the message. The Potential Compliance criteria has been met. The work list entry has been transferred to the Management Unit shown.
HA04 - DD/MM/YY-UTC (TIME) RE CLMT1/2 (DOB/NINO).CBK REQ.BF DD/MM/YY.TF(MU NO.) HSV 1 failure worked on the date shown at the start of the message. Unsuccessful phone calls made to the customer regarding date of birth or NINO for customer 1 or 2. Call back required. The case has been put in BF until the date shown. The work list entry has been transferred to the Management Unit shown.
This Note no longer used from 8 August 2008 - HA05 - (DD/MM/YY) (INSERT DETAILS). TELO (INSERT DETAILS). CORRECT TITLE (MISS/MRS) NOT (MRS/MISS). CASE POTENTIAL MATCH. TR MU (MU NO.) HSV 1 failure worked on the date shown at the start of the message. The customer has been traced but doesn’t match. A phone call has been made to the customer to confirm the correct title. The case is a potential match. Form TC648 has been completed and the work list entry been transferred to the Management Unit shown.
HA06 - DD/MM/YY-TELO.CLMT1/2 (DOB DD/MM/YY/NINO).RETRACED. STU referral TF (MU NO.) HSV 1 failure worked on the date shown at the start of the message. There has been no match found for the customer. A telephone call has been made to the customer who confirmed what the date of birth and NINO should be. The customer has then been re-traced but no match has been found. A referral to Specialist Trace Unit has been completed and the work list entry has been transferred to the Management Unit shown.
HA07 - DD/MM/YY-TELO.CLMT1/2 (DOB DD/MM/YY/NINO) NOT (INSERT DETAILS)T&M HSV 1 failure worked on the date shown at the start of the message. There’s been no match found for the customer. A phone call has been made to the customer who has confirmed what the date of birth and/or NINO should be. The customer has then been re-traced and a match has been found. The work list entry has been transferred to the ‘Worked and Cleared’ Management Unit.
HA08 - DD/MM/YY-CLMT1/2 NINO CONF (INSERT NINO) NOT (INSERT NINO),IOM.TF (MU NO.) HSV 1 failure worked on the date shown at the start of the message. There’s been no match found for the customer. A phone call has been made to the customer who has confirmed what their correct NINO should be. A form TC648 has been completed. This is an Isle of Man (IMO) case. The work list entry has been transferred to the Management Unit shown.
This Note no longer used from 8 August 2008 - HA09 - LETTER (NUMBER) TO (INSERT DETAILS) (DD/MM/YY) A Recorded or Registered letter has been received under the number shown and has been redirected to the section shown. Worked on date shown.
HA10 - DD/MM/YY-UTCX2 RE CLMT1/2 TC657 ISSD BF DD/MM/YY TF(MU NO.) A letter has been sent to the customer for HSV rule 1 to confirm the NINO after two unsuccessful phone calls. Case in BF and transferred to the relevant MU.
HA11 - DD/MM/YY-TC609R ISSD RE CLMT1/2 BF DD/MM/YY TC657 letter not returned by BF date. TC609 reminder sent to the customer. Case in BF
HA12 - DD/MM/YY - DUPLICATE CA8288 ISS’D HSV 1 failure has been worked previously and form CA8288 sent to the Specialist Trace Unit (STU). BF date has now expired and the case has been worked again and duplicate form CA8288 completed and referred to STU.
HA13 - DD/MM/YY-CLMT1/2 POT MATCH HSV 1 failure worked on the date shown at the start of the message. The customer specified is a potential match. The correct details have been obtained and the case has been referred to a manager to be cleared.
HA14 - DD/MM/YY-TC657 RCVD,CLMT1/2 T&M HSV 1 failure worked on the date shown at the start of the message. Form TC657 has been received and the details entered on the computer. The customer has been traced and matched.
This Note no longer used from 02 October 2012 - HA15 - DD/MM/YY-REM CYCLE EXP,REJ HSV 1 failure worked on the date shown at the start of the message. The BF cycle has expired and there has been no reply to the reminder. The claim has been rejected.
HA16 - DD/MM/YY-TC657 RCVD,CLMT1/2 RETRACED. STU referral TF(MU NO.) HSV 1 failure worked on the date shown at the start of the message. Form TC657 has been received and the details entered on the computer. The customer has then been re-traced but no match has been found. A referral to Specialist Trace Unit has been made and the work list entry has been transferred to the Management Unit shown.
HA17 - DD/MM/YY CONTACT CLM1/2,COC SENT The HSV 1 claim work list entry was worked on the date shown. The customer has been phoned and they have confirmed there has been a change of circumstance. Details have been sent to the Change of Circumstance team.
HA18 - DD/MM/YY TELO CLMT 1/2 CONF NO NINO referred to STU TF(MU NO) HSV 1 failure worked on the date shown at the start of the message. No match was found for the customer. A telephone call made to the customer has confirmed they do not have a National Insurance number. A referral to Specialist Trace Unit has been made and the work list entry has been transferred to the Management Unit shown.
HA19 - DD/MM/YY NINO NOT NIRS TF to STU inbox HSV 1 failure worked on the date shown at the start of the message. No match was found for the customer. Customer’s National Insurance number is not NIRS 2 maintained. The work list entry has been transferred to the Management Unit shown.
HA20 - DD/MM/YY - CLAIMANT 1/2 T&M ON ADD HSV 1 failure worked on the date shown at the start of the message. The customer has been traced on ADD. The case has been processed and the verification failure cleared.
This Note no longer used from 18 February 2011 - HA21 - DD/MM/YYYY *DO NOT PROC* COMP REF SENT, BF DD/MM/YY INC (Team name/initials) The HSV claim work list entry was worked on the date shown. It’s a possible Compliance case. The claim has been referred to Compliance to investigate the income and employer details and transferred to the BF MU for one month.
HA22 - *DO NOT PROC* COMP REF SENT, BF DD/MM/YY (Team name/initials) The HSV1 work list entry was worked on the date shown. It’s a possible Compliance case. The claim has been referred to Compliance to investigate the income and employer details and transferred to the BF MU for one month.
HA23 - Unable to trace and match referral sent to STU for further specialist trace / NINO allocation, BF DD/MM/YY (Team name/initials) The HSV1 work list entry was worked on the date shown. Claim has been referred to Specialist Trace Unit for the action shown.
HA24 - DD/MM/YY HSV3 / HSV1 worked (delete if not applicable) duplicate/ M1 referral sent to mismatch team B/F DD/MM/YY Customer confirmed their NINO. Trace shows NINO with different customer details. M1 referral sent to the Mismatch Team for their action. BF set to date shown.
HA25 - DD/MM/YY HSV1 customer confirmed details shown on ADD as correct. Details on NTC (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (Team name/initials) Self-explanatory.
HA26 - DD/MM/YY HSV1 (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (Team name/initials) Self-explanatory.
HA27 - DD/MM/YY HSV1 match found is to NONO/ Open ended NONO sent to STU for their action (Team name/initials) Self-explanatory.
HA28 - DD/MM/YY HSV1 (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) B/F DD/MM/YY (Team name/initials) Self-explanatory.
HA29 - DD/MM/YY, no reply to enquiries. Man TC601 (no appeal rights) sent. Claim rejected. HSV 1 failure worked on the date shown at the start of the message. The BF cycle has expired and there has been no reply to the reminder. The claim has been rejected.
HA30 - DD/MM/YY, Clmt 1/2 EU National. Customer is self-employed. Claim transferred to International MU for G & E test. Customer is self-employed. Claim transferred to International MU for genuine and effective test.
HA31 - DD/MM/YYYY, Clmt 1/2 EU National. Customer is employed but no trace of Emp on RTI. Claim transferred to International MU for G & E test. Customer is employed but no trace of Emp on RTI. Claim transferred to International MU for genuine and effective test.

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HSV Rule 2

When a child’s details held on the tax credits claim don’t match the details held on the Child Benefit Service, the child must be traced so that the claim can be processed.

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
HB01 - DD/MM/YY CHILD’S FULL NAME VERIFIED HSV 2 worked on the date shown. The child’s details match on both the tax credits computer and Child Benefit Service. Rule 2 now cleared.
This Note no longer used from 12 May 2007 - HB02 - (DD/MM/YY)-HSV2-DETAILS ON NTC & Child Benefit Service MATCH. OTHER RULES TRFD TO MU (MU NO.) The child’s details match on both the tax credits computer and Child Benefit Service. Rule 2 now cleared. The entries on the ‘Verification Failures’ work list have been transferred to another Management Unit.
This Note no longer used from 12 May 2007 - HB03 - (DD/MM/YY)-HSV2-DETAILS ON NTC & Child Benefit Service MATCH. CHB NUMBER UPDATED ON NTC FROM Child Benefit Service (CHB NUMBER). R2 CLRD The child’s details match on both the tax credits computer and Child Benefit Service. The Child Benefit number has also been updated on the tax credits computer using the information taken from CBOL. Rule 2 now cleared.
HB04 - DD/MM/YY-BF DD/MM/YY HSV 2 worked on the date shown. The case has been put in BF for two weeks to await Child Benefit Service being updated.
HB05 - DD/MM/YY CHILD’S NAME VERIFIED HSV 2 worked on the date shown. The customer has sent a birth certificate to TCO and it’s been checked by a member of staff for the child detailed. Rule 2 verification failure now cleared.
HB06 - DD/MM/YY CHILD’S NAME VERIFIED (B/CERT/PASSPORT/HO DOCS) RTRND NP/SPDEL HSV 2 worked on the date shown. The customer has returned form TC655 along with the child’s birth certificate and/or documents. The child detailed has been matched and the original documents have been returned to the customer, either by normal post or Special Delivery, as stated.
HB07 - DD/MM/YY TC655 RE CHILD’S NAME.BF DD/MM/YY TF (MU NO.) HSV 2 worked on the date shown. Form TC655 sent to the customer requesting confirmation of the stated child’s details or to confirm if the same child or different children appear in more than award. An action date of 14 days has been set and it’s been transferred to the BF MU stated.
This Note no longer used from 12 May 2007 - HB08 - (DD/MM/YY)-HSV2-CNM-TC655 ISSD TO (INSERT DETAILS) AS CHILD NOT ON Child Benefit Service. BF’D (DD/MM/YY) Form TC655 sent to request confirmation of the child’s details or to confirm if the same child or different children appear in more than award. This has been issued, as the child isn’t shown on Child Benefit Service. An action date of 14 days has been set and it has been transferred to another Management Unit.
This Note no longer used from 12 May 2007 - HB09 - (DD/MM/YY)-HSV2-CNM-CHILD SURNAME HAS BEEN MATCHED TO THE (MOTHERS/FATHERS). R2 CLEARED The child’s surname has been matched to the mother or father. Rule 2 now cleared.
This Note no longer used from 12 May 2007 - HB10 - (DD/MM/YY)-HSV2-CNM-UTC RE CHILD DETAILS (INSERT DETAILS). TC655 ISSD TO (INSERT DETAILS). BF’D (DD/MM/YY). TR MU (MU NO.) Unanswered phone call to customer to confirm some of the child’s details. A form TC655 has been issued to the customer to obtain the information needed. This has been given an action date of 14 days. The case has been transferred to another Management Unit.
HB11 - DD/MM/YY.TC609R BF DD/MM/YY HSV 2 worked on the date shown. There has been no reply to the first letter issued to the customer. A reminder form TC655r09R has been issued to obtain the information requested. This has been given an action date of 15 days.
This Note no longer used from 12 May 2007 - HB12 - (DD/MM/YY)-HSV2-CNM-TELO TO (INSERT DETAILS) RE CHILD DETAILS. CLMT CONFIRMED DETAILS AS CORRECT. R2 CLRD Phone call has been made to the customer. The customer has confirmed that the child details are correct. Rule 2 verification failure now cleared.
This Note no longer used from 12 May 2007 - HB13 - (DD/MM/YY)-HSV-R2-UNABLE TO CONTACT CLMT AS NO TELO. TC655 ISSD TO (INSERT DETAILS) RE CHILD DETAILS. BF’D (DD/MM/YY). TR MU (MU NO.) Unanswered phone call. The reminder cycle for issuing letters has ended. The information needed to match the child hasn’t been received. The child or children have to be deleted from the claim. The details we hold for the child must be put into Household Notes. All this information must be used when verifying the Rule 2 verification failure.
This Note no longer used from 12 May 2007 - HB14 - (DD/MM/YY)-HSV2-UNABLE TO CONTACT CLMT AS NO TELO. TC655 ISSD TO (INSERT DETAILS) RE CHILD DETAILS. BF’D (DD/MM/YY). TR MU (MU NO.) Unable to obtain a phone number to contact the customer. Form TC655 issued to the customer to confirm the child details. The case has been transferred to another Management Unit.
This Note no longer used from 12 May 2007 - HB15 - (RECORDED/REGISTERED) LETTER (NUMBER) REDIRECTED TO (INSERT DETAILS) (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
HB16 - DD/MM/YYTELO CLMT1/2 CHILD’S NAME VERIFIED HSV 2 worked on the date shown. The child shown has been matched to Child Benefit Service after confirming the details from the customer. The case has been cleared.
HB17 - DD/MM/YY SCAN ERROR CHILD’S NAMEVERIFIED HSV 2 worked on the date shown. The child shown has been matched to Child Benefit Service after correcting a minor scanning error in the date of birth or name. The case has been cleared.
HB18 - DD/MM/YY CHILD’S FULL NAME & DOB REMOVED HSV 2 worked on the date shown. The customer has asked for the child shown to be removed from the claim. The child’s name is shown because they no longer appear on the computer. The case has been cleared.
HB19 - DD/MM/YY CHILD’S FULL NAME & DOB REMOVED HSV 2 worked on the date shown. The reminder cycle has been exhausted and the child shown has been deleted in order to progress the claim. The child’s name is shown because they no longer appear on the computer. The case has been cleared.
HB20 - DD/MM/YY CHILD’S FULL NAME & DOB REMOVED HSV 2 worked on the date shown. The customer has refused to send in the required documentation and the child shown has been deleted in order to progress the claim. The child’s name is shown because they no longer appear on the computer. The case has been cleared.
HB21 - DD/MM/YY CHILD’S FULL NAME & DOB REMOVED HSV 2 worked on the date shown. The customer has returned form TC655 with insufficient details to clear the failure. The child shown has been deleted in order to progress the claim. The child’s name is shown because they no longer appear on the computer. The case has been cleared.
HB22 - DD/MM/YY FOR (NAME OF CHILD) VERIFIED HSV 2 worked on the date shown. The customer has supplied the child’s birth certificate and/or documents. The details held on computer have been amended to match. The case has been cleared.
HB23 - (DD/MM/YY) CHILD (A/B/C/ETC) to Team (00) The form TC655 and child’s UK birth certificate have been received in the Post Room. Both the form and a photocopy of the birth certificate have been sent to the service team. The original birth certificate has been sent back to the customer.
HB24 - DD/MM/YY-POSS COMP TF (MU NO.) HSV 2 failure worked on the date shown at the start of the message. The Potential Compliance criteria have been met. The work list entry has been transferred to the Management Unit shown.
HB25 - DD/MM/YY CONTACT CLM1/2, COC SENT The HSV 2 claim work list entry was worked on the date shown. The customer has been phoned and they have confirmed there has been a change of circumstance. Details have been sent to the Change of Circumstance team.
HB26 - DD/MM/YY EC REGS APPLY TF(MU NO) The HSV 2 claim work list entry was worked on the date shown. An EC marker is showing on Child Benefit Service. The work list entry has been transferred to Management Unit shown.
HB27 - DD/MM/YY TC655 received (MORE TIME REQUESTED) RE CHILD’S NAME BF DD/MM/YY Form TC655 received and more time requested to confirm the child or young person’s details. The customer has been granted more time to reply.
This Note no longer used from 6 April 2018 - HB28 - DD/MM/YY CHILD / YP NAME & DOB REMOVED ENTER THE APPROPRIATE REASON 1-2-3 or 4 HSV 2 child or young person removed because of either; no reply received to enquiries, TC655r is incomplete, customer confirms on TC655 they are not responsible, document problems. The child or young person’s details are shown as they are no longer on the claim. The case has been cleared.
HB29 - DD/MM/YY CODE AR9033 TF(MU) HSV 2 worked on the date shown. Code AR9033 showing on Child Benefit Service. The work list entry has been transferred to Management Unit shown.
HB30 - DD/MM/YY CHILD / YP NAME & DOB LIVES OUTSIDE UK TF(MU) HSV 2 worked on the date shown. Customer states on form TC655r that the child or young person lives outside the UK. The work list entry has been transferred to Management Unit shown.
HB31 - DD/MM/YY CODE AR9097 HSV 2 worked on the date shown. Code AR9097 showing on Child Benefit Service. Referred to Compliance.
HB32 - DD/MM/YY DO NOT PROC FTNAE REFER SENT FOR (NAME OF CHILD) HSV 2 worked on the date shown. Referral sent to the FTNAE Team as the child’s FTE status needs to be confirmed.
HB33 - DD/MM/YY TC1145 ISS FOR (NAME OF CHILD) HSV 2 FTNAE referral worked on the date shown. Form TC1145 sent to the customer to confirm the child’s FTE status.
HB34 - DD/MM/YY TC1059 REMINDER ISS FOR TC1145 HSV 2 FTNAE referral worked on the date shown. Form TC1145 not received by the BF date so reminder form TC1059 sent to the customer.
HB35 - DD/MM/YY DECISION OF FTNAE TEAM SENT FOR (NAME OF CHILD) HSV 2 FTNAE referral worked on the date shown. Details of the FTE decision e-mailed to the Rule 2 VF Team.
HB36 - Child’s (name/DOB) on tax credits computer changed from (*****to *****) as confirmed by Bcert/Passport. Details shown on Child Benefit Service are correct. DD/MM/YY TM. Self-explanatory.
HB37 - Child’s (name/DOB) on tax credits computer changed from (*****to *****) as confirmed by Bcert/Passport. CH649a and copy docs passed to Child benefit to update Child Benefit ServiceDD/MM/YY TM. Self-explanatory.
HB38 - PA HSV2 no reply to TC655, TC655r sent BF DD/MM/YY Post award HSV 2 worked on the date shown. There has been no reply to the first letter issued to the customer. A reminder form TC655r has been issued to obtain the information requested. This has been given an action date of 15 days.
HB40 - Child’s full name can be verified, MET check not satisfied TF to International Team. Child’s full name has been verified but the check in ‘New claims only-All claims received UK after 01/03/14-interim guidance for R2 teams when new claim is received’ has not been satisfied. Case transferred to the International Team.
HB41 - TC655 rec’d docs at CHB/OGB BF DD/MM/YY. TC655 received but documents with the Child Benefit Office or other Government Department. Placed in BF for 30 days.
HB42 - Child’s name and DOB need to be removed reason (1/2/3/4), MET check not satisfied TF to International Team. Child’s name and DOB need to be removed due to reason (1/2/3/4). The check in ‘New claims only - All claims received UK after 01/03/14 - Interim guidance for R2 teams when new claim is received’ has not been satisfied. Case transferred to the International Team.
HB43 - MV04 rec’d child’s full name can be verified, MET check not satisfied TF to International Team. MV04 received child’s full name can be verified, the check in ‘New claims only - All claims received UK after 01/03/14 - Interim guidance for R2 teams when new claim is received’ has not been satisfied. Case transferred to the International Team.
HB44 - Child under 3 months BF DD/MM/YY. Child is 3 months or under. Case placed in BF for 21 days from the action date.
HB45 - Child’s full name can be verified, MET check and RTR satisfied. Child’s full name has been verified and the check in ‘New claims only - All claims received UK after 01/03/14 - Interim guidance for R2 teams when new claim is received’ satisfied. Right to reside also satisfied.
HB46 - Child’s (name/DOB) on tax credits computer match details on the Bcert/Passport so NTC not updated. Child’s details match Bcert/Passport therefore NTC does not need updating.\n09/03/21 This part of the message has been removed due to the change to the Child Benefit system- CH649a and copy docs passed to Child Benefit to update Child Benefit Service (DD/MM/YY).
HB47 - DD/MM/YY name of child and DOB REM’D. No reply and no docs recand REM cycle xhaus. Ch not to be readd. If calls advise to submit MR along with orig BCERT for Ch with TC655.
HB48 - Child’s birth not registered when child added Customer unable to register birth of child when child added
HB49 - Birth cert requested - (DD/MM/YY) - child not registered. Four week BF referral sent to R2 VF team Birth certificate requested from customer as child not registered and four week BF referral sent to R2 VF team
HB50 - Birth cert ref number xxxxx. Birth cert requested. - child born in NI/abroad. Four week BF referral sent to R2 VF team Birth certificate reference number xxxxx. Birth certificate requested. Child was born in Northern Ireland/abroad and four week BF referral sent to R2 VF team
HB51 - Birth cert ref number xxxxx (DD/MM/YY) Birth certificate reference number provided.
HB52 - Child name/DOB matched (DD/MM/YY) Child name and date of birth matched.
HB53 - HSV2 worked on day shown. Child details matched on Child Benefit Service HSV2 worked on the day shown and the child details have been matched on the Child Benefit Service
HB54 - HSV2 worked on day shown. Child details matched on GRO HSV2 worked on the day shown and the child details matched on GRO
HB55 - an EC marker is shown on the Child Benefit Service. The work item has been transferred to the MU shown An EC marker is shown on the Child Benefit Service and the work item has been transferred to the MU shown
HB56 - On BF check for evidence of birth Check for evidence of birth

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HSV Rules 3, 4 and 5

  • Rules 3 and 5 - when a customer or child is in more than one household.
  • Rule 4 - when a young person (16 to 20 years) begins to claim tax credits in their own right whilst still included in an existing claim - for example, their parents’ claim.

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
HC01 - DD/MM/YY HSV 3/4/5 POSSCOMPTF (MU NO.) HSV failure indicated worked on the date shown at the start of the message. The Potential Compliance criteria have been met. The work list entry has been transferred to the Management Unit shown.
HC02 - DD/MM/YY-HHBD DD/MM/YY EFF DATE AMENDED HSV 3 worked on the date shown. Customer phoned/replied to TC1081/TC664/TC609 as previous joint/single claim has had a household breakdown. The customer has confirmed the date of the household breakdown. The effective date has been amended and the claim processed.
This Note no longer used from 07 May 2013 - HC03 - DD/MM/YY TELO CLMT1/2 RE DUP CLM,COC,REJECTED HSV 3 worked on the date shown. Customer phoned to confirm the reason for sending a duplicate claim. The customer has confirmed that this was due to a change of circumstance. Details have been referred to the Change of Circumstance team and the failed claim rejected.
This Note no longer used from 07 May 2013 - HC04 - DD/MM/YY TELO CLMT1/2 RE DUP REJECTED HSV 3 worked on the date shown. Customer phoned about the duplicate claim. The customer has confirmed the claim was sent in error. The failed claim has been rejected.
HC05 - DD/MM/YYUTC (TIME) CBK REQ HSV 3 worked on the date shown. Unsuccessful phone call. The customer needs a call back.
HC06 - DD/MM/YY UTCX2 TC TC1081 ISSUED BF DD/MM/YY HSV 3 worked on the date shown. Two unsuccessful telephone calls have been made. The form TC1081 has been sent to establish the reason for the duplicate claim being received. BF set to date shown.
HC07 - DD/MM/YY TC1081 RCVD,COC,REJECTED HSV 3 worked on the date shown. Form TC659 received regarding the duplicate claim. Customer confirms duplicate claim was sent due to a change of circumstances. Details have been sent to the Change of Circumstance team. The failed claim has been rejected.
HC08 - DD/MM/YY REM CYCLE EXP,REJECTED HSV 3 worked on the date shown. The BF date has expired. There has been no reply to form TC1081/TC664/TC609 and the failed claim has been rejected.
This Note no longer used from 14 May 2010 - HC09 - DD/MM/YY RESP DATES CONF.PROC HSV 5 worked on the date shown. Child Benefit Service has confirmed the same child in both awards. Both customers with the same child’s name and date of birth have been phoned and the customers have confirmed the same responsibility start and end dates for the child. Failed claim processed.
This Note no longer used from 14 May 2010 - HC10 - DD/MM/YY 2XTC656 ISSD BF DD/MM/YY HSV 5 worked on the date shown. Child Benefit Service has confirmed the same child in both awards. Both customers with the same child’s name and date of birth have been phoned and the customers have provided conflicting information. Form TC656 sent to both customers. BF set to date shown.
This Note no longer used from 14 May 2010 - HC11 - DD/MM/YY DIFF CHILD ON CBOL,PROC HSV 5 worked on the date shown. Child Benefit Service checked for same child. Different child’s name and date of birth verified. Failed claim processed.
This Note no longer used from 14 May 2010 - HC12 - DD/MM/YY 2XTC656 RCVD,RESP DATES CONF,PROC HSV 5 worked on the date shown. Form TC656 has been received from both customers. The customers confirm the same responsibility end and start dates. Claims amended with the responsibility dates. Failed claim processed.
This Note no longer used from 14 May 2010 - HC13 - DD/MM/YY 2X656 RCVD REMOVED CH FROM FAILED CLAIM/ENDED CHILD RESP ON EXISTING CLAIM. PROC HSV 5 worked on the date shown. Form TC656 has been received from both customers confirming the conflicting dates. Shared care criteria not met for one or the other customer.
This Note no longer used from 14 May 2010 - HC14 - DD/MM/YY REM CYCLE EXP HSV 5 worked on the date shown. Unsuccessful phone call. BF date has expired and there’s been no reply to form TC609. Removed child on the failed claim or ended responsibility for the child on the existing claim.
HC15 - DD/MM/YY PROC HSV 4 worked on the date shown. The customer or young person traced on the failed claim is different to the one on the existing claim. Or the young person can’t be traced. Failed claim processed.
This Note no longer used from 7 May 2013 - HC16 - DD/MM/YY RESP DATES CONF HSV 4 worked on the date shown. Phoned customer and confirmed the dates required to establish responsibility end date for the young person on the existing claim. Amended the effective and received dates on the failed claim, depending on the situation of the household.
HC17 - DD/MM/YY UTC TC1075 ISSD BFDD/MM/YY HSV 4 worked on the date shown. Unsuccessful phone call made to customer. Form TC1075 sent to customer in failed claim. BF set to date shown.
HC18 - DD/MM/YY TCO DECISION HSV 4 worked on the date shown. Phoned customer. The customer wants to claim in his or her own right. The failed claim has been processed. The responsibility for the young person has been ended on the existing claim and a form TC1076 sent.
HC19 - DD/MM/YY REM CYCLE EXP HSV 4 worked on the date shown. Unsuccessful phone call. BF date expired and no reply has been received on the forms TC1075 and TC609. The failed claim has been processed. The responsibility for the young person has been ended on the existing claim and a form TC1076 sent to the existing customer.
HC20 - DD/MM/YY HSV (3/4/5) W/DRAWN HSV indicated, worked on the date shown. The failed claim has been withdrawn at the customer’s request.
This Note no longer used from 13 February 2009 - HC21 - DD/MM/YY HSV(3/4/5) (YY/YY) DETS CONF & UPDTD HSV indicated, worked on the date shown. Phone call to customers to confirm the reason for no Annual Declaration. Income and benefits for 04/05 and personal circumstances confirmed. Updated existing claim with the information. The failed claim has been withdrawn and the existing claim restored through manage finalisation.
HC22 - DD/MM/YY HSV(3/5) UTC,TC829 & TC603D ISSD BFDD/MM/YY HSV indicated, worked on the date shown Unsuccessful phone call. Form TC829 sent and form TC603D pages specified for the income, benefits and personal circumstance. BF set to date shown.
This Note no longer used from 13 February 2009 - HC23 - DD/MM/YY HSV(3/4/5) NO ENTITLEMENT (YY/YY), W/DRAWN HSV indicated, worked on the date shown. Unable to restore as no entitlement for 2005-2006. The failed claim has been withdrawn.
HC24 - DD/MM/YY HSV(3/4/5) CLMT CONF IN HOSPITAL AT ISSUE OF DEC DD/MM/YY, GOOD CAUSE AGREED HSV indicated, worked on the date shown. Claim received outside of the 30 days of the Statement of Account. Phone call to customer regarding the good cause reason. Details of income, benefits and statement of circumstances during (YY/YY) period amended. Existing claim restored through manage finalisation and failed claim withdrawn.
This Note no longer used from 8 August 2008 - HC25 - (NUMBER) TO (INSERT DETAILS) (DD/MM/YY) A Recorded or Registered letter received under the number given. The letter has been redirected to the section shown. Worked on the date shown.
HC26 - DD/MM/YY CONTACT CLM1/2, COC SENT The HSV 3, 4 or 5 claim work list entry was worked on the date shown. The customer has been phoned and they’ve confirmed there’s been a change of circumstance. Details have been sent to the Change of Circumstance team.
This Note no longer used from 14 May 2010 - HC27 - DD/MM/YY TCO DECISION REMOVED CHILD FROM FAILED CLAIM / ENDED RESP ON EXISTING CLAIM HSV 5 worked on the date shown. Form TC656 has been received from both customers confirming the conflicting dates. TCO have made a decision on who has main responsibility, shared care form completed. Removed child from the failed claim or ended responsibility for the child on the existing claim.
HC28 - DD/MM/YY HSV 3/4/5 TC609R ISSD BF DD/MM/YY The HSV 3, 4, 5 claim work list entry was worked on the date shown. There hasn’t been a reply to the issued letter. A form TC609 reminder has been sent and the work list entry BF’d accordingly.
This Note no longer used from 14 May 2010 - HC29 - DD/MM/YY TC(SPECIFY) ISSUED RE RESP DATES TF(MU NO) BF DD/MM/YY HSV 5 worked on the date shown. Unsuccessful phone call to resolve overlap in responsibility dates. The specified letter has been sent to resolve the issue. The work list entry has been transferred to the Management Unit shown and BF set to date shown.
HC30 - DD/MM/YY HSV 3&5 HHBD DD/MM/YY EFF DATE AMENDED HSV 3 and 5 worked on the date shown. Phone call to customer as previous claim had household breakdown. The customer confirmed the date of the household breakdown. The effective date has been amended and any HSV 5 cleared.
HC31 - DD/MM/YY DOD TF PRIORITY 1TM HSV3 worked on the date shown. The previous joint claim has a date of death signal. The worklist entry has been transferred to the Priority 1 Team to be actioned.
HC32 - DD/MM/YY HSV3 CLM CONF SNT AS RENEWA.TC648 SNT TO RENEWALS TM HSV 3 worked on the date shown. Customer phoned to confirm the reason for sending a duplicate claim. The customer has confirmed that this was as a response to annual declaration. Details have been referred to the renewals team and the failed claim rejected.
HC33 - Case transferred to out of payment vantive MU Self-explanatory.
HC34 - Clerical rule 5 - didn’t add child (name and date of birth if known) due to not having minimum details Rule 5 clerical process. Action taken on the date shown. - The request to add the child wasn’t processed because the customer didn’t provide the child’s name, date of birth and/or the date the change occurred.
HC35 - Clerical rule 5 - didn’t add child (name and date of birth) because customer not mainly responsible Rule 5 clerical process. Action taken on the date shown. The request to add the child wasn’t processed because the customer wasn’t mainly responsible for the child.
HC36 - Clerical rule 5 - sent to storage for casepapers Rule 5 clerical process. Request for the customer’s casepapers sent to storage on the date shown.
HC37 - Clerical rule 5 - TC656F and TC656A or TC656 sent to customer for information about (child’s name and date of birth) Rule 5 clerical process. Relevant form TC656F and related forms TC656A or TC656 sent to the customer for information relating to the responsibility for the child or young person.
HC38 - Clerical rule 5 - TC609 reminder form sent as follow up to TC656 forms Rule 5 clerical process. Reminder form TC609 sent to chase up original TC656 forms sent in relation to request to add the child or young person.
HC39 - Clerical rule 5 - TC1027 issued for child (name) dob (dd-mm-yyyy) along with a duplicate award notice Rule 5 clerical process. Form TC1027 issued to the customer along with a duplicate award notice because the customer isn’t mainly responsible for the child.
HC40 - Clerical rule 5 - TC1027 issued for child (name) dob (dd-mm-yyyy) Rule 5 clerical process. Form TC1027 issued to the customer because they aren’t mainly responsible for the child.
HC41 - Clerical rule 5 - TC1062 issued for child (name) dob (dd-mm-yyyy) Rule 5 clerical process. Form TC1062 issued to the customer because they’re mainly responsible for the child.
HC42 - DD/MM/YY - HSV 5 form TC656 issued re responsibility for child/YP (name). Dates overlap from DD/MM/YY to DD/MM/YY. BF DD/MM/YY Rule 5 HSV worked on the date shown. Forms TC656 issued to the existing customer because the child or young person is in more than one household.
HC43 - DD/MM/YY - HSV 5 form TC656A issued re responsibility for child/YP (name). BF DD/MM/YY. Rule 5 HSV worked on the date shown. Forms TC656 issued to the failed customer because the child or young person is in more than one household. Do not add child back onto the claim.
HC44 - DD/MM/YY - HSV 5 TC609 plus the appropriate form(s) (select from TC664, TC656, TC656A) issued Rule 5 HSV worked on the date shown. Form TC609 and the relevant reminder form(s) have been sent to the customer because we have either not had a reply or the reply received was incomplete.
HC45 - DD/MM/YY - HSV5 form(s) received back from customer (select from TC656, TC656A, TC664) HSV5 form(s) received back from customer (TC656, TC656A, TC664)
HC46 - DD/MM/YY - form TC655 issued Rule 5 HSV worked on the date shown. Form TC655 issued to both customer households to determine if the child or young person is the same person in both households.
HC47 - DD/MM/YY - form TC655r issued Rule 5 HSV worked on the date shown. Form TC655r issued either because the customer has not replied to form TC655 or because they have an acceptable reason for needing more time to reply.
HC48 - DD/MM/YY - child / YP (name) and DOB (DD/MM/YYYY) removed from claim following HSV rule 5 action Rule 5 HSV worked on the date shown. Child or young person removed from the claim because the customer isn’t responsible for them.
HC49 - DD/MM/YY - child / YP (name) and DOB (DD/MM/YYYY) excluded from award from DD/MM/YY following HSV rule 5 action because (reason) Rule 5 worked on the date shown. Child or young person excluded from the claim because the customer isn’t responsible for them.
HC50 - DD/MM/YY - following rule 5 action customer is responsible for child / YP (name) and DOB (DD/MM/YYYY) Self-explanatory.
HC51 - DD/MM/YY - TC1027 issued for child (name) DOB (DD/MM/YYYY) along with a duplicate award notice Rule 5 HSV worked on the date shown. Form TC1027 issued to the customer along with a duplicate award notice because the customer isn’t mainly responsible for the child.
HC52 - DD/MM/YY -TC1027 issued for child (name) DOB (DD/MM/YYYY). Do not add child back onto the claim. Rule 5 HSV worked on the date shown. Form TC1027 issued to the customer because the customer isn’t mainly responsible for the child.
HC53 - DD/MM/YY -TC1062 issued for child (name) DOB (DD/MM/YYYY) Rule 5 HSV worked on the date shown. Form TC1062 issued to the customer because the customer is mainly responsible for the child. Do not add child back onto the claim.
HC54 - DD/MM/YY - HSV rule 5 VF for child / YP (name) and DOB (DD/MM/YYYY) cleared as not the same child Self-explanatory.
HC55 - DD/MM/YY HSV4 worked (duplicate) M1 referral sent to mismatch team BF DD/MM/YY Customer on the failed claim and the young person in the existing claim aren’t the same person but have the same NINO. M1 referral sent to the Mismatch Team for their action. BF set to date shown.
HC56 - DD/MM/YY HSV4 YP (insert details) RMD/EXCL (delete as appropriate) TC1076 ISSD Rule 4 worked on date shown. The young person named has been removed or excluded from the failed claim because they have an award in their own right. Form TC1076 has been sent to the customer on the failed claim.
HC57 - DD/MM/YY HSV4 CLD NO OVERLAP Rule worked on date shown. Responsibility has been ended or full-time education or Connexions Local Authority Support Services details indicate the young person is no longer included in the competing claim.
HC58 - DD/MM/YY HSV5 TC664 issued for further information. BF DD/MM/YY This Note in use from Sept 2015 - Rule 5 worked on date shown. TC656 or TC656A received from customer. Unable to decide who has main responsibility. TC664 sent out to each customer for more information to enable decision to be made.
This Note no longer used from Sept 2015 - HC58 - DD/MM/YY HSV3 HH end date (DD/MM/YY) entered. New single / joint clm rec (DD/MM/YY) treated as CoC Household end date (DD/MM/YY) entered on computer. Customer has submitted new single/joint claim which was received on (DD/MM/YY). Customer has not replied to HSV 3 forms TC081/TC664/TC609. New claim received date has been treated as notification of change of circumstances and used to end existing claim (DD/MM/YY).
HC59 - DD/MM/YY HSV3 TC664 and TC609 sent further information required B/F DD/MM/YY Self-explanatory.
HC60 - DD/MM/YY HSV3 worked M1 referral sent to mismatch team B/F DD/MM/YY Customer on the failed claim and the existing claim using the same NINO but claims do not appear to be from the same customer. M1 referral sent to the Mismatch Team for their action. BF set to date shown.
HC61 - DD/MM/YY (state documents) received from customer re (enter child’s name) date stamped DD/MM/YY. Decision made on DD/MM/YY after BF expired. Agreement made. Sent to storage. B/F expired and a decision was made on main responsibility agreeing with decision. NFA possible by operational team. Original document returned to customer and papers sent to storage.
HC62 - DD/MM/YY - Shared Care Case. Ch rmvd from DD/MM/YY. Ongoing Shared Care Case. Child responsibility decision. Child (name) DOB removed from DD/MM/YY.
HC63 - DD/MM/YY - Shared Care Case. Ch incl frm DD/MM/YY. Clm cannot be b’dated Ongoing Shared Care Case. Child responsibility decision. Child (name) DOB included from DD/MM/YY. Claim cannot be backdated.
HC64 - DD/MM/YY O/LAP AMENDED HSV 4 worked on the date shown. Amended the effective and received dates on the failed claim, depending on the situation of the household.
HC65 - DD/MM/YY New Claim submitted, entered HHBD DD/MM/YY. Eff Date amended Rule 3 New Claim worked on the date shown. Entered Household Breakdown date and effective date amended.
HC66 - DD/MM/YY HHBD DD/MM/YY, Eff date not amended as HHBD date prior to 31 days Rule 3 worked on the date shown. Household Breakdown date entered. Effective date not amended as Household Breakdown date is prior to 31 days.
HC67 - DD/MM/YY DUP CLM, COC, RJCTD Rule 3 worked on the date shown. Duplicate claim received due to change of circumstances. Failed claim rejected.
HC68 - DD/MM/YY DUP CLM, RJCTD Rule 3 worked on the date shown. Duplicate claim sent in error. Failed claim rejected.
HC69 - DD/MM/YY HSV New claim submitted DD/MM/YY, entered HHBD DD/MM/YY. Rule 3 worked on the date shown. Existing claim ended.
HC70 - DD/MM/YY HSV case generated from previous rejected claim. Award issued claim holds most recent info. Awaiting Award rejected. Rule 3 worked on the date shown. Claim resurrected in error but already Award Issued claim on system. Awaiting award rejected and no changes made to Award issued claim.
HC71 - DD/MM/YY HSV5 Customer is responsible for child/YP (name) from DD/MM/YY. Child/YP in other award to DD/MM/YY. Rule 5 worked on date shown. The young person has been removed/ responsibility has been ended from DD/MM/YY and there is no overlap.
HC72 - DD/MM/YY (state documents) received from customer re (enter child’s name) date stamped DD/MM/YY. Decision made on DD/MM/YY after BF expired. No Agreement. Redirected to MR. B/F expired and a decision was made on main responsibility. Customer does not agree with decision. NFA possible by operational team. Original document returned to customer. Details to be considered by MR.
HC73 - ##PLEASE READ - DO NOT ADD CHILD (Name) BACK ONTO CLAIM. If Cust calls because they disagree with TC1027 (child removed from award) advise them to apply for Mandatory Reconsideration Reminder for contact centres
HC74 - Inhibit signal set as Rule 5 investigation currently ongoing. Inhibiting renewal during Rule 5 investigation.
HC75 - Child removed from 16/17 awaiting finalisation period to exclude child and finalise PY. Child removed CY and child will be removed from PY on finalisation.

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HSV Rule 12

This is generated when a claim is received that doesn’t indicate whether or not the customers are subject to immigration control or whether they normally live in the UK.

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
HD01 - (DD/MM/YY) Clmt 1 (nationality) Clmt 2 (nationality) R12 verified HSV 12 worked on the date shown. The customers meet all the residency criteria, and don’t live or work outside the UK.
HD02 - (DD/MM/YY), XFER>PFA HSV 12 worked on the date shown. The customer is subject to immigration control, so they don’t appear to meet the residency criteria. The case has been transferred to the Persons From Abroad Team.
HD03 - (NUMBER) REDIRECTED TO (INSERT DETAILS) (DD/MM/YY) A Recorded or Registered letter received under the number given. The letter has been redirected to the team shown. Worked on the date shown.
HD04 - (DD/MM/YY), R12 TF>(insert team) HSV 12 worked on the date shown. There is other team involvement. The HSV rule 12 verification failure has been transferred back to the team currently working this claim.
HD05 - (DD/MM/YY), Clmt 1 (nationality), R12 TF>(insert team) HSV 12 transferred on date shown to the appropriate team for action.
HD06 - (DD/MM/YY) Clmt 1 (nationality), R12 verified HSV 12 worked on the date shown. The customer meets all the residency criteria and doesn’t live or work outside the UK.
HD07 - (DD/MM/YY), Clmt 1 (nationality) Clmt 2 (nationality), R12 TF>(insert team) HSV 12 transferred on date shown to the appropriate team for action.
HD08 - (DD/MM/YY), Clmt 1 (nationality), R12 TF>(insert team) HSV 12 transferred to the appropriate team on the date shown. Not passed to PFA Team as the customer is an EU national.
HD09 - (DD/MM/YY), Clmt 1 (nationality), Clmt 2 (nationality), R12 TF>(insert team) HSV 12 transferred on date shown to the appropriate team. Not passed to PFA Team as at least one customer is an EU national.

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LSV Rules 9, 10 and 11

  • Rule 9 - no MIG (Pension Credit) entitlement
  • Rule 10 - no JSA (IB) entitlement
  • Rule 11 - no IS entitlement

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
HQ01 - Rule 9/10/11(delete as appropriate) failure cleared - benefit start on computer within 19 days of DWP/DSD or ADD (delete as appropriate) date Self-explanatory.
HQ02 - Benefit dates on computer corrected to match dates on ADD and rule 9 / 10 / 11 (delete as appropriate) failure cleared Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 19 November 2010 - HQ03 - Rule 9 /10 /11 (delete as appropriate) failure - contact DWP / DSD on DD/MM/YY if V/F still exists to confirm end date of benefit Self-explanatory.
HQ04 - JSA / ESA history removed as cont based not IB or IR - rule 11 Failure cleared Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 19 November 2010 - HQ05 - PC history removed as the claimant is under 60. Correct IS /JSA /ESA (delete as appropriate) history entered and rule 9 cleared Self-explanatory.
HQ06 - Rule 9/10/11(delete as appropriate) failure cleared - customer has never received PC / IS / JSA /ESA (delete as appropriate) benefit details deleted Self-explanatory.
HQ07 - Rule 9/10/11 [delete as appropriate] failure - TC664 sent to Clmt1/Clmt2 [delete as appropriate] to confirm benefit/work/income details BF to DD/MM/YYYY Self-explanatory.
HQ08 - Rule 9/10/11 [delete as appropriate] failure - Reminder and TC664 sent to Clmt1/Clmt2 [delete as appropriate] to confirm benefit/work/income details BF to DD/MM/YY Self-explanatory.
HQ09 - Rule 9/10/11 (delete as appropriate) failure cleared as DWP start date does not match due to customer being in receipt of IS/PC/JSA(IB)/ESA(IR)(delete as appropriate) on effective date of claim Self-explanatory.
HQ10 - Rule 9/10/11 (delete as appropriate) BF to DD/MM/YY await decision on outstanding DWP claim Self-explanatory.
HQ11 - Rule 9/10/11 (delete as appropriate) cleared PC / IS / JSA /ESA (delete as appropriate) handled clerically Self-explanatory.
HQ12 - Rule 9/10/11 (delete as appropriate) cleared ADD shows a future end date of PC / IS / JSA /ESA (delete as appropriate) Self-explanatory.
HQ13 - Rule 9/10/11 (delete as appropriate) cleared incorrect benefit start used due to 4WRO Self-explanatory.
HQ14 - Rule 9/10/11 (delete as appropriate) cleared DWP case handled clerically Self-explanatory.

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High Risk Renewal Team

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
HR01 - High Risk Renewals caller failed verification - AREA/TM/PID The caller has failed the security check
HR02 - Call in reply to High Risk Renewal letter unable to renew due to ongoing compliance/complex activity customer referred to appropriate officer - ARE/TM/PID Ongoing compliance or complex activity

Top of page

High Value Renewal Team

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
HV01 - High Value Renewals caller failed verification - AREA/TM/PID The caller has failed the security check.
HV02 - Call in reply to High Value Renewal letter unable to renew due to ongoing compliance/complex activity customer referred to appropriate officer - AREA/TM/PID Ongoing Compliance or Complex case activity.
HV03 - Call in reply to High Value Renewal letter - (detail of info needed e.g. income or hours worked etc) Customer will call back AREA/TM/PID Assisted the customer with their renewal and they’re calling back with necessary information.
HV04 - Call in reply to High Value Renewal letter - claim not renewed as customer not engaged AREA/TM/PID Claim not renewed.
HV05 - Call in reply to High Value Renewal letter - claim renewed AREA/TM/PID Claim renewed.
HV06 - Call in reply to High Value Renewals letter - customer unable to make an annual declaration (enter reason why customer unable to renew) - referred to ??/escalated to ???? - AREA/TM/PID Claim not renewed because the caller is unable to make an Annual Declaration.
HV07 - Reply to High Value Renewal letter (High value renewal case - no contact made) - (list details of changes applied and source of changes e.g. phone, letter) claim renewed - AREA/TM/PID Change of circumstances applied and claim renewed.
HV08 - Call in reply to High Value Renewal letter (High value renewal case - no contact made) - Renewal captured and stored, (enter letter issued: evidence request, discrepancy or undeclared partner) letter issued DD/MM/YY - AREA/TM/PID Letter issued to customer to obtain further information.
HV09 - no response received from customer (and child care provider) claim and referred to risk Area/team/PID - AREA/TM/PID The information obtained from the third party shows a discrepancy of more than £15 weekly.
HV10 - Call in reply to High Value Renewal letter (High value renewal case - no contact made) - (list details of changes applied) claim renewed discrepancy > £15, risk referral completed - AREA/TM/PID The information obtained from the third party shows a discrepancy of less than £15 weekly.
This Note no longer used from 23 September 2010 - HV11 - High value renewal case. HMRC systems checked. Annual declaration processed - AREA/TM/PID Cannot contact the customer, but HMRC systems has been checked and the Annual Declaration has been processed
This Note no longer used from 23 September 2010 - HV12 - No reply to High Value renewal letter - annual declaration received so claim renewed - AREA/TM/PID Self-explanatory.
HV13 - Call in reply to High Value Renewal letter (High value renewal case - no contact made) - HMRC systems checked - discrepancy letter TCC50b issued (list details of changes applied and source of changes e.g. phone, letter, etc.) - S17 processed - AREA/TM…/PID Discrepancy letter B issued.
HV14 - HVR case - residual risk, not cost effective to pursue further, award finalised. AREA/TM…/PID Residual risks in the claim.
HV15 - High Value Renewals - Restore - Stencil referred - asked all questions re elements (list elements & CoC) - declaration made AREA/TM…/PID Restore Stencil completed.
HV16 - High Value Renewal - Restore - all elements checked: HMRC systems checked (Systems checked) Satisfied with the declaration made AREA/TM…/PID Restore action. No change made.
HV17 - High Value Renewal letter - Restore - (List details of changes applied and source of changes e.g. phone, letter, etc.) claim renewed - AREA/TM…/PID Restore action. Changes made.
HV18 - High Value Renewal - Restore - HMRC systems checked - discrepancy letter TCC50b issued (list details of changes applied and source of changes e.g. ADD, PAYE browser etc.) - S17 processed - AREA/TM…/PID Restore action. Discrepancy letter B issued.
HV19 - High Value Renewal - Restore - Renewal captured and stored, (enter letter issued: evidence request, discrepancy or undeclared partner) letter issued - AREA/TM…/PID Restore action. Letter issued.
HV20 - Call in reply to High Value Renewal letter (High value renewal case - no contact made with customer) - (list details of changes applied) claim renewed discrepancy > £15, risk referral completed - AREA/TM…/PID The information obtained from the third party shows a discrepancy of more than £15 weekly.
HV21 - High value renewal case. HMRC systems checked. S17 processed - AREA/TM…/PID Can’t contact customer but satisfied with the details on the Annual Declaration.
HV22 - High value renewal case. (List particular aspects currently being checked under quick sift e.g. only childcare checked for HVR purposes, no other areas considered) - (list any HMRC systems checked). S17 processed - AREA/TM…/PID Quick sift, only certain aspects checked.