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TCM0170020 - Notes - Standardised Messages (Q to R): Standardised Messages - Q - Manual capture

Manual capture - Annual Declaration (codes start with QA)
Manual capture - In and Out of Work (codes start with QF)
Manual capture - Lone Parent Obligation claims and Incapacity Benefit (+IS) re-assessment (codes start with QL)
Manual capture - new claims (codes start with QN)
Manual capture - Renewal Late Declaration cases, new claim has to be captured (codes start with QR)
Manual capture - Tell Us Once claims (codes start with QT)

Standardised reference

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message. For more information see TCM0152090

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’

Manual capture - Annual Declaration

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
QA01 - Annual Declaration received on (DD/MM/YY). Barcode number (XXXXXXXX). PA’d The Annual Declaration has been received showing the barcode number. This has been logged on the tax credits computer and sent to storage.
QA02 - (Recorded/Registered) letter (number) redirected to (insert details) (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.

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Manual capture - In and Out of Work

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
QF01 - MAN CAP, IOW case The case has been manually captured by the In and Out of Work team.
QF02 - MAN CAP, IOW case TC664 issd re (insert missing information).(insert BFXXXXXX Group/Team/Initials) The case has been manual captured by the In and Out of Work team. Further information is required before the claim can be processed.
QF03 - MAN CAP, IOW case, refd to PFA team The case has been manually captured by the In and Out of Work team and referred to the Persons From Abroad team.
QF04 - MAN CAP, IOW case, new clm rcd but new clm already in pymt. New clm sent as COCs (chges mde) New In and Out of Work claim received but a claim is already in payment. Customer has sent in a new claim as there is a Change of Circumstances. Changes have been made.
QF05 - MAN CAP, IOW case, inc frm erngs chgd frm £XX.XX to £XX.XX TC2006 ltr issd. The case has been manually captured by the In and Out of Work team. The income has been amended because the information we hold does not match the income declared by the customer on the claim form. Letter (TC2006) issued to customer.
QF06 - Corre rcvd. Cust querying inc figs amended by IOW team The customer has contacted us in response to a letter they have received advising them that the In and Out of Work team have amended the original income the customer supplied on their claim form.
QF07 - Correspondence received. Customer querying the income figures amended by the In and Out of Work team The customer has contacted us in response to a letter they have received advising them that the In and Out of Work team have amended the original income the customer supplied on their claim form.
QF08 - TC1109 ltr issd for fther info frm cust A TC1109 letter has been issued to the customer to get further information so we can deal with their query.
QF09 - TC1109 letter issued for further information from customer A TC1109 letter has been issued to the customer to get further information so we can deal with their query.
QF10 - TC1110 ltr issd to adv we ha*/hv nt* (delete as appropriate) amd their clm A TC1110 letter has been issued to the customer to advise them that we have*/have not* (*delete as appropriate) amended their claim based on the evidence we have and which has been supplied.
QF11 - TC1110 letter issued to customer to advise we have*/have not* (delete as appropriate) amended their claim A TC1110 letter has been issued to the customer to advise them that we have*/have not* (*delete as appropriate) amended their claim based on the evidence we have and which has been supplied.
QF12 - No amds md to clm. Cust did nt rply to ltr isd The customer did not reply to the letter we issued asking for further information to deal with their query. No letter issued.
QF13 - No amendments made on claim. Customer did not reply to letter issued The customer did not reply to the letter we issued asking for further information to deal with their query. No letter issued.
QF14 - (insert date) No rply to TC664/609 clm rejected. (insert BF XXXXXX Group/Team/Initials) Customer has not replied to the information requested on TC664/609. Their claim has been rejected.
QF15 - (insert date) info requested on TC664 recd, dtls ent’d, clm processed. (insert BF XXXXXX Group/Team/Initials) Details requested on TC664 have been received. Details entered and claim has been processed.
QF16 - MAN CAP, IOW case, Srd until S/E sts. The case has been manually captured by the In and Out of Work team. The claim has been stored until the self-employment start date has been reached.

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Manual capture - Lone Parent Obligation claims and Incapacity Benefit (+IS) re-assessment

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
QL01 - LPO case, refer to LPO team if work starts before effective date or effective date is incorrect Self-explanatory.
QL02 - LPO case, effective date has been changed Self-explanatory.
QL03 - LPO case, JSA (IB) or ESA (IR) history corrected Self-explanatory.
QL04 - LPO case, effective date changed and new work details added Self-explanatory.
QL05 - LPO case, cannot apply change customer has failed to provide information Self-explanatory.
QL06 - IB case, refer to LPO team if work starts before effective date or effective date is incorrect Self-explanatory.
QL07 - IB case, effective date has been changed Self-explanatory.
QL08 - IB case, JSA (IB) or ESA (IR) history corrected Self-explanatory.
QL09 - IB case, effective date changed and new work details added Self-explanatory.
QL10 - IB case, cannot apply change customer has failed to provide information Self-explanatory.

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Manual capture - new claims

The claim is manually captured on to the computer because the Rapid Data Capture (RDC) scanner has rejected the claim.

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
QN01 - MAN CAP The case has been manually captured.
This Note no longer used from 15 February 2008 - QN02 - MDS Case The customer or their partner hasn’t supplied a NINO or a date of birth, or the customer has entered details on the partner’s side of the form, but no partner is shown on the front page of the claim.
This Note no longer used from 15 February 2008 - QN03 - MTE Case The claim has had to be recaptured manually as the RDC scanner has rejected it. The customer or their partner may have declared income above the maximum threshold of £150,000 or may have declared more than the threshold for childcare charges. A phone call is made to the customer or their partner for confirmation. If there’s no reply, the claim is captured as seen and stored on the Incomplete Applications work list.
QN04 - Old Clm Form, Inc/CCC (delete as appropriate) An old claim form was received - for example, for the tax year more than two years ago. The income or childcare charges have been recorded.
QN05 - Clmt incld atchmnt, otstdng DLA / AA / PIP (delete as appropriate) clm for (enter AP1, Ap2, Ch as appropriate). TC919 sent The customer included an attachment with the claim form stating there’s an outstanding DLA / AA / PIP claim for the customer, partner or the named child. Form TC919 has been sent to the customer.
QN06 - Clmt incld atchmnt asym clmd as refge and/or b/dat reqtd The customer included an attachment with the claim form stating that asylum as a refugee has been claimed and/or backdating requested.
This Note no longer used from 7 November 2011 - QN07 - ChB incrt The Child Benefit reference number provided by the customer is incorrect. The reference number has been recorded.
QN08 - Wk det not prvd The customer has answered ‘Yes’ to question 4.1 on the claim form, but hasn’t provided any work details.
QN09 - P60 emp inc The customer hasn’t provided an employed income figure on the claim form. The figure has been taken from the form P60 that was sent in with the claim form.
QN10 - MAN CAP - STU Claim The case has been manually captured and was issued by the Specialist Trace Unit.
This Note no longer used from 1 January 2019 - QN11 - CCP not reg, CCC rmvd. Ltr isd The customer has put childcare charges on the claim form but the childcare provider isn’t registered. Childcare costs have been removed. Letter issued to customer.
This Note no longer used from 1 January 2019 - QN12 - CCC rmvd, ch not yet std. Ltr isd The customer has put childcare charges on the claim form but the childcare hasn’t yet started. Childcare costs have been removed. Letter issued to customer.
This Note no longer used from 1 January 2019 - QN13 - CCC rmvd, ch not kwn*/atd*(*delete as appropriate). Ltr isd The customer has put childcare charges on the claim form but the childcare provider doesn’t know the children or the children have never attended. Childcare costs have been removed. Letter issued to customer.
This Note no longer used from 1 January 2019 - QN14 - CCC chgd fm £XX to £XX. Ltr isd The customer has put childcare charges on the claim form but the amount is incorrect. Childcare costs have been amended. Letter issued to customer.
This Note no longer used from 1 January 2019 - QN15 - CCC amd fm mntly to wkly £XX to £XX. Ltr isd The customer has put childcare charges on the claim form but has put monthly instead of weekly. Childcare costs have been amended from monthly to weekly. Letter issued to customer.
This Note no longer used from 1 January 2019 - QN16 - CCP not reg, CCC rmvd. Inc chgd fm £XX to £XX. Ltr isd The customer has put childcare charges on the claim form but the childcare provider isn’t registered. Childcare costs have been removed. Income has been amended because the information we hold doesn’t match the income declared by the customer on the claim form. Letter issued to customer.
This Note no longer used from 1 January 2019 - QN17 - CCC rmvd, ch not yet std. Inc chgd fm £XX to £XX. Ltr isd The customer has put childcare charges on the claim form but the childcare hasn’t yet started. Childcare costs have been removed. Income has been amended because the information we hold doesn’t match the income declared by the customer on the claim form. Letter issued to customer.
This Note no longer used from 1 January 2019 - QN18 - CCC rmvd, ch not kwn/atd. Inc chgd fm £XX to £XX. Ltr isd The customer has put childcare charges on the claim form but the childcare provider doesn’t know the children or the children have never attended. Childcare costs have been removed. Income has been amended because the information we hold doesn’t match the income declared by the customer on the claim form. Letter issued to customer.
This Note no longer used from 1 January 2019 - QN19 - CCC chgd fm £XX to £XX. Inc chgd fm £XX to £XX. Ltr isd The customer has put childcare charges on the claim form but the amount is incorrect. Childcare costs have been amended. Income has been amended because the information we hold doesn’t match the income declared by the customer on the claim form. Letter issued to customer.
This Note no longer used from 1 January 2019 - QN20 - CCC amd fm mntly to wkly £XX to £XX. Inc chgd fm £XX to £XX. Ltr isd The customer has put childcare charges on the claim form but has put monthly instead of weekly. Childcare costs have been amended from monthly to weekly. Income has been amended because the information we hold doesn’t match the income declared by the customer on the claim form. Letter issued to customer.
This Note no longer used from 1 January 2019 - QN21 - Inc chgd fm £XX to £XX. Ltr isd Income has been amended because the information we hold doesn’t match the income declared by the customer on the claim form. Letter issued to customer.
This Note no longer used from 6 April 2012 - QN22 - 50+ rmvd, no entmt. Ltr isd The customer has put entitlement to the 50+ element on the claim form but isn’t entitled. Letter issued to customer.
This Note no longer used from 6 April 2012 - QN23 - 50+ rmvd, no entmt. Inc chgd fm £XX to £XX. Ltr isd The customer has put entitlement to the 50+ element on the claim form but isn’t entitled. Income has been amended because the information we hold doesn’t match the income declared by the customer on the claim form. Letter issued to customer.
QN24 - MAN CAP - Clm sts clmt lvs in UK, clm isd to (enter country from green area on claim form) The customer has been issued with a claim form to an address outside the UK. The claim form has been returned but the customer has amended their address to a UK address.
QN25 - MAN CAP - Non UK add, rcd fm (enter country from green area on claim form) The customer has been issued with a claim form to an address outside the UK, and the claim form has been returned.
QN26 - Wk det rmvd. Clmt 1*/2* (*delete as appropriate) not kwn*/atd* (*delete as appropriate). Ltr isd The customer has put employment on the claim form but the employer does not know the customer or the customer did not attend work. Employment has been removed. Letter issued to customer.
This Note no longer used from 1 January 2019 - QN27 - Wk det rmvd. Clmt not kwn*/atd* (*delete as appropriate). Inc chgd fm £XX to £XX. Ltr isd The customer has put employment on the claim form but the employer does not know the customer or the customer did not attend work. Employment has been removed. Income has been amended because the information we hold does not match the income declared by the customer on the claim form. Letter issued to customer.
QN28 - Wk hrs chgd fm XX to XX. Ltr isd The customer has put employment on the claim form but the employee does not work the number of hours they have stated. The hours have been amended. Letter issued to customer.
This Note no longer used from 1 January 2019 - QN29 - Wk hrs chgd fm XX to XX. Inc chgd fm £XX to £XX. Ltr isd The customer has put employment on the claim form but the employee does not work the number of hours they have stated. The hours have been amended. Income has been amended because the information we hold does not match the income declared by the customer on the claim form. Letter issued to customer.
QN30 - S/E det rmvd. Clmt 1*/2* (*delete as appropriate) not S/E The customer has put self-employment on the claim form but the customer is not self-employed. Self-employment has been removed.
QN31 - S/E det rmvd. Clmt 1*/2* (*delete as appropriate) not S/E. Inc chgd fm £XX to £XX. Ltr isd The customer has put self-employment on the claim form but the customer is not self-employed. Self-employment has been removed. Income has been amended because the information we hold does not match the income declared by the customer on the claim form. Letter issued to customer.
This Note no longer used from 1 January 2019 - QN32 - Inc chdg fm £XX to £XX. IS*/JSA*/ESA*/PC* (delete as appropriate) rmvd. No entmt. Ltr isd. Income has been amended because the information we hold does not match the income declared by the customer on the claim form. The customer states they receive one of the following benefits IS/JSA (IB)/ESA (IR)/PC on the claim form. Entitlement is not confirmed by ADD. Letter issued to customer.
This Note no longer used from 1 January 2019 - QN33 - Wk det rmvd. Clmt not kwn*/atd* (*delete as appropriate). Inc chgd fm £XX to £XX. IS*/JSA*/ESA*/PC* (delete as appropriate) rmvd. No entmt. Ltr isd. The customer has put employment on the claim form but the employer does not know the customer or the customer did not attend work. Employment has been removed. Income has been amended because the information we hold does not match the income declared by the customer on the claim form. The customer states they receive one of the following benefits IS/JSA (IB)/ESA (IR)/PC on the claim form. Entitlement is not confirmed by ADD. Letter issued to customer.
This Note no longer used from 1 January 2019 - QN34 - Wk hrs chgd fm XX to XX. Inc chgd fm £XX to £XX. IS*/JSA*/ESA*/PC* (delete as appropriate) rmvd. No entmt. Ltr isd. The customer has put employment on the claim form but the employee does not work the number of hours they have stated. The hours have been amended. Income has been amended because the information we hold does not match the income declared by the customer on the claim form. The customer states they receive one of the following benefits IS/JSA (IB)/ESA (IR)/PC on the claim form. Entitlement is not confirmed by ADD. Letter issued to customer.
This Note no longer used from 1 January 2019 - QN35 - IS*/JSA*/ESA*/PC* (delete as appropriate) rmvd. No entmt. Ltr isd. The customer states they receive one of the following benefits IS/JSA (IB)/ESA (IR)/PC on the claim form. Entitlement is not confirmed by ADD. Letter issued to customer.
This Note no longer used from 1 January 2019 - QN36 - MAN CAP - Wk det rmvd. Clmt 1*/2* (*delete as appropriate) not kwn*/atd* (*delete as appropriate). (Enter employer name and hours). Ltr isd The case has been manually captured. The customer has put employment on the claim form but the employer does not know the customer or the customer did not attend work. Employment has been removed. Letter issued to customer.
This Note no longer used from 1 January 2019 - QN37 - MAN CAP - Child(ren) rmvd (enter name(s) and DOBs). Wk det rmvd. Clmt 1*/2* (*delete as appropriate) not kwn*/atd* (*delete as appropriate). (Enter employer name and hours). Ltr isd The case has been manually captured. The child(ren) have been removed as we are unable to confirm the employment. The customer has put employment on the claim form but the employer does not know the customer or the customer did not attend work. Employment has been removed. Letter issued to customer.
This Note no longer used from 1 January 2019 - QN38 - TSSB amd fm £XX to £XX. Clmt 1*/2* (*delete as appropriate) in rec of CA. Inc chgd from £xx to £XX. TC1094 isd Taxable Social Security Benefit (TSSB) income has been amended because the information we hold does not match the Carers Allowance (CA) provided on the claim. TC1094 Letter issued to customer.
This Note no longer used from 1 January 2019 - QN39 - Other inc amd fm £XX to £XX. Clmt 1*/2* (*delete as appropriate) in rec of a pen. Inc chgd from £xx to £XX. TC1094 isd Other income has been amended because the information we hold does not match the pension details on the claim. TC1094 Letter issued to the customer.
QN40 - NONO claim ended dd/mm/yy as unable to merge with NINO. New claim captured from dd/mm/yy NONO claim ended dd/mm/yy as unable to merge with NINO. New claim captured from dd/mm/yy
QN41 - Call me/Update letter issued to (App1/2), informing we will end NONO TC claim and re-capture new TC claim Call me/Update letter issued to (App1/2), informing we will end NONO TC claim and re-capture new TC claim
QN42 - Full remittance for (year) of (amount), due to merging NONO to correct NINO Full remittance for (year) of (amount), due to merging NONO to correct NINO

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Manual capture - Renewal Late Declaration cases, new claim has to be captured

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
QR01 - MAN CAP, Ren case. Renewal Late declaration case. The declaration has been manually captured as a new claim.
QR02 - MAN CAP, Ren case. Ltr isd. Late declaration case and a change of circumstance has been indicated, but the details of the change are missing. Letter issued to customer to confirm missing info. Declaration has been manually captured as a new claim and stored awaiting response to TC664.
QR03 - DD/MM/YY CoC not recd. Wk*/Ch* (*delete as appropriate) emts rmvd. Clm proc. The customer has failed to respond to our enquiry, however we already hold partial details of the change. The element affected by the change has been removed and the claim processed.
QR04 - DD/MM/YY CoC not recd. Wk*/Ch* (*delete as appropriate) rmvd. Clm rej. The customer has failed to respond to our enquiry and we didn’t hold any details of the change. As the customer has not made a complete declaration we are unable to treat it as a new claim. Work and/ or Children details have been removed in order to allow us to reject the claim due to nil response.
QR05 - DD/MM/YY CoC recd. Clm proc. The customer has responded to our enquiry and provided full details of the change. The change has been applied and the claim has now been processed.
QR06 - DD/MM/YY No reply to our inc enquiry. Clm Proc using £99999 inc. The customer has failed to respond to our enquiry around what income each customer has. As we cannot split the HH income correctly we have used £99999 to allow us to process the claim with a NIL award.
QR07 - DD/MM/YY Clmt 1*/2* (*Delete as appropriate) income amended to £XX as confirmed on NPS/SA. TC1222 issued. Clm proc. The income figure from NPS/SA has been used as this was higher than the figure reported by the customer. TC1222 issued to the customer to explain our action.

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Manual capture - Tell Us Once claims

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
QT01 - MAN CAP, TUO case The case has been manually captured by the Tell Us Once team.
QT02 - MAN CAP, TUO case awt (insert missing info) The case has been manually captured by the Tell Us Once team. Further information is required before the claim can be processed.
QT03 - MAN CAP, TUO case, rfd to Int team The case has been manually captured by the Tell Us Once team and referred to the International team.

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