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TCM0170040 - Notes - Standardised Messages (Q to R): Standardised Messages - R - Resolution

Resolution Team Pilot Project (codes start with RT)

Repairs and resolution (codes start with RZ)

Standardised reference

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message. For more information see TCM0152090

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’

Resolution Team Pilot Project

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
RT01 - Case opened by the Resolution Team Case being worked by the Resolution Team.
RT02 - Case worked and cleared by the Resolution Team. DOP(), MR(), Complaint(), NE(). Please continue to work future correspondence BAU. Case worked and cleared by the Resolution Team. Continue to work any future correspondence as business as usual.
RT03 - Case previously worked by the Resolution Team and subsequent repair item received from customer. Case previously worked by the Resolution Team. Subsequent repair item has now been received from customer.

Repairs and resolution

The Repair Team deals with the more complex and sensitive out of payment cases.

The team will contact the customer if further information or evidence is required and then work with the Technical Advice Line (TAL) and Information Management Services (IMS) to repair the case.

After the case is repaired, the team will monitor the case for a period of time to make sure no more system faults affect the case (codes start with RZ).

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
RZ01 - Hot cases being handled on (Group 15 Ext: 39244) do not take any further action Self-explanatory.
RZ02 - (Recorded/Registered) letter (number) redirected to (insert details) (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.