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TCM0172020 - Notes - Standardised Messages (S): Standardised Messages - S - Renewals (codes from SA to SD)

Note: This guidance provides Standardised Messages for the renewals issues listed below. Standardised Messages for other renewals issues are listed in TCM0172040 (codes from SE to SI), TCM0172060 (codes from SJ to SS) and TCM0172080 (codes from ST to SZ).

Finalised in error (codes from SA01 to SA05)
Restore a terminated renewal (codes from SA51 to SA74)
S17 finalised (codes from SB01 to SB12)
Restore of Previous Year or earlier years (codes from SB51 to SB79)
S17 finalised and terminated (codes from SC01 to SC15)
Annual Declaration for PY-1 or earlier received in Current Year (codes from SC51 to SC57)
S17 incompatibles (codes from SD01 to SD50 and SD90 )
Unfinalised S17, restore a terminated renewal and NTC Listings - initial action (codes from SD51 to SD59)
S17 RTI Incompatibles (codes from SD70 to SD82)

Standardised reference

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message. For more information see TCM0152090

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’

Finalised in error

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
This Note no longer used from 11 August 2007 - SA01 - Finalised in error. WAM received from (advisor name & office). Amended (clmt 1/clmt 2) income for (tax year) as per WAM The award has been finalised in error. A referral has been received from another adviser. The customer’s income has been amended as requested on the tax credits computer.
This Note no longer used from 11 August 2007 - SA02 - Finalised in error. WAM received from (advisor name & office). No action taken as claim previously updated Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 11 August 2007 - SA03 - Finalised in error. WAM received from (advisor name & office). TELO to (insert details) to confirm (details queried). Updated from (what is known on system) to (what clmt has confirmed) for (tax year) as confirmed by clmt The award has been finalised in error. A referral has been received from another adviser. The customer has been phoned to confirm the details. The tax credits computer has been updated.
This Note no longer used from 11 August 2007 - SA04 - Finalised in error. WAM received from (advisor name & office). UTCX2. TC664 issued to (clmt 1/clmt 2) to obtain (what type of details requested). BF’d (date) The award has been finalised in error. A referral has been received from another adviser. Two unsuccessful phone calls have been made to the customer. Form TC664 has been sent to the customer and the case put in BF until the date specified.
This Note no longer used from 11 August 2007 - SA05 - (Recorded/Registered) letter (number) redirected to (insert details) (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.

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Restore a terminated renewal

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
SA51 - Restore A Terminated Renewal Claim action required - Clmt to call back with missing *income/benefits information’, TC664 also sent*delete as appropriate Phoned customer, advised of missing information required before claim can be restored. Customer to call back with required missing information.
SA52 - Customer advised No earnings or Benefits received in PY. Customer informed that we may need to input £1 as other income to restore award The customer has been contacted and advised that we may need to apply £1 in PY, as nil income declared. This is needed to process restore request.
SA53 - Restore requested for 20XX-20XX, TC664 issued Manual form TC664 issued to customer asking them for missing income information from the Annual Declaration.
This Note no longer used from 23 September 2011 - SA54 - Restore requested for 20XX-20XX, TC829R Reminder issued A reminder form TC829R has been sent to the customer because there has been no reply to the first form that was sent.
SA55 - Restore requested for 20XX-20XX Customer did not respond to enquiries PY award has been finalised on the information held on the claim Self-explanatory.
SA56 - Do not send the re finalised award notice for last year, send the TC602 award notice for current year and remove the manual correspondence marker Message for Manual Corre team. Self-explanatory.
SA57 - Restore - Clmt confirmed zero income/benefit for PY. £1 input in the Other Income field in order to process renewal The computer won’t accept zero income or benefit for PY so £1 has been entered in the Other Income field to process the Annual Declaration so that the CY award can be restored.
SA58 - CY award Restored Claim was previously terminated at 1SD. Following restore being requested a full Annual Declaration has been provided and the CY award has been restored.
SA59 - Good Cause refused therefore CY claim not restored Self-explanatory.
SA60 - CY claim not restored. Request received after 2SD and therefore Good Cause not considered Self-explanatory.
SA61 - Inhibit Finalisation set by (enter details) do not remove Self-explanatory.
SA62 - CY claim not restored as no reply to TC829 or reminder (delete which ever is not applicable) Self-explanatory.
SA63 - Restore requested for 20XX-20XX, TC1121 sent *to establish reason for late S17/ for further details * (delete as appropriate). BF ‘d until (enter date +30 days) The TC1121 is a new letter adapted from a TC664 specifically asking good cause questions.
This Note no longer used from 23 September 2011 - SA64 - Restore requested for 20XX-20XX, S17 rec’d between 2SD & 5 April. Late declaration referral sent When a declaration is received between 2SD & 5 April a referral is sent to a specialist team to capture a new claim (based on a policy decision).
SA65 - Response received to TC1121 but no reason provided for the late declaration, good cause not satisfied. Restore not applicable. Self-explanatory.
SA66 - Restore request received. Claim is a PY household breakdown (DD/MM/YY). Claim restored to 06/04/2011. Manual Corre marker set. Payments suspended. Inhibit marker set. BF (DD/MM/YY) for 2 days. A restore request has been received but the customer has reported a PY or earlier household breakdown. You will restore the claim up to 6 April CY, set the manual corre marker, inhibit finalisation and suspended payments. You will BF for 2 days, at which point you will apply the correct household end date.
SA67 - Actual household breakdown date of DD/MM/YY applied. Manual Corrie marker removed. Payment suspension lifted. Inhibit marker removed. Self - explanatory.
SA68 - No response to the TC1121, good cause not satisfied. Restore not applicable. Self-explanatory.
SA69 - CY claim not restored. Request received prior to 2SD. TC603D/TC664 (delete as appropriate) has not been returned and therefore Good Cause not considered Self - explanatory.
SA70 - Restore request received for 20XX-20XX, TC603D issued for declaration details. BF’d until (enter date +30 days) Self - explanatory.
SA71 - Restore request received for 20XX-20XX,TC1121 sent *to establish reason for late S17/ for further details * (delete as appropriate), TC603D and or TC664 issued for further details* (delete as appropriate), BF’d until (enter date +30 days) Self - explanatory.
SA72 - Restore request received for 20XX-20XX,TC1121 sent *to establish reason for late S17/ for further details * (delete as appropriate), and TC664 issued for further details* (delete as appropriate), BF’d until (enter date +30 days) Self - explanatory.
SA73 - Cust called about terminated renewal, no good cause for delay The customer has contacted us about their terminated renewal and we have established there is no good cause.
SA74 - Cust called about terminated renewal [insert type] referral sent The customer has contacted us about their terminated renewal and a referral has been sent.
SA75 - Cust called about terminated renewal, no good cause for delay. The customer has contacted us about terminated renewal, no good cause for the delay.

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S17 finalised

A finalised S17 award hasn’t been cleared from the Unfinalised S17 work list. If the customer has submitted only one claim, we check if the income details match up to the award and amend if necessary. The case is then transferred to the Worked and Cleared MU. If more than one claim has been submitted, we check the details as before and if everything is ok, disregard the duplicate claim.

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
This Note no longer used from 23 January 2009 - SB01 - No outstanding declarations / finalised only. Disregarded duplicate S17 income on claim up to date There have been two claims sent in and the claim with the least information on has been disregarded.
This Note no longer used from 23 January 2009 - SB02 - No outstanding declarations / finalised only. Details provided on late Annual Declaration by (name) match details shown in function amend therefore claim not refinalised. BF (DD/MM/YY) Trfd to Unprocessed S17 Phase 2 Worked And Cleared MU The details on the Annual Declaration match the details held. An action date is set for 30 days time and the case is transferred to the Worked and Cleared MU.
SB03 - No outstanding declarations / finalised. Income details required to process - cannot send letter as RLS signal shown. Case trfd to Rogue Cases - Housekeeping MU A letter can’t be sent to the customer asking for income details as their address is marked ‘RLS’. The case has been transferred to the Rogue MU so that it can be sent to the correct area.
SB04 - No outstanding Declarations / Finalised. Income details required to process. TC603d & TC829 issd - update income through amend correction when reply received. BF (DD/MM/YY). Case trfd to Finalised Only BF MU A letter or form has been sent to the customer asking them for missing income information from the Annual Declaration in order for the award to be amended.
SB05 - No outstanding declarations / Finalised only. Details of late Annual Declaration entered in Amend The Annual Declaration details have been returned and these need to be checked and amended on the NTC computer
SB06 - No outstanding Declarations / Finalised. Compliance case. trfd to Renewals Related Compliance MU This case has compliance activity on it, so cannot be worked. The case has been transferred to the Compliance Management Unit
SB07 - No outstanding Declarations / Finalised. Case incompatible. trfd to Rogue Cases - Housekeeping MU The details provided have been entered, but they don’t match the details that are held on the computer for them. The Annual Declaration is now ‘Incompatible’ and has been transferred to the Rogue MU.
SB08 - No outstanding Declarations / Finalised. Case affected by vantive (insert number). Action date (DD/MM/YY). trfd to Old Cases Inc Vantives & Unproc/Vantives (All Categories) MU The case has been worked and all action completed, but it still isn’t disappearing from the work list. The case has been transferred to the Vantive MU.
SB09 - No outstanding Declarations / Finalised. TELO (insert details). Income confirmed & updated through amend The customer has been phoned to request income details for the Annual Declaration. These have now been entered on the tax credits computer.
SB10 - UTC x2. No outstanding Declarations / Finalised. Income details required to process. TC829 & TC603D issd - update income through amend correction when reply received. BF (DD/MM/YY). Trfd to Finalised Only BF MU After two unsuccessful phone calls, a letter or form (TC829 or TC603D) has been sent to the customer to request income details to complete the award. An action date has been set for two weeks and the case transferred to the BF MU, awaiting the customer’s reply.
SB11 - No outstanding Declarations / Finalised. LFC received, details updated on system. BF (DD/MM/YY). Trfd to Unprocessed S17 Phase 1 Worked And Cleared MU The letter or form has been returned by the customer and the details entered on the tax credits computer. An action date has been set for 30 days’ time and the case transferred to the Worked and Cleared MU.
SB12 - (Recorded/Registered) letter (number) redirected to (insert details) (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.

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Restore of Previous Year or earlier years

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
SB51 - PY (or earlier) restore case - Annual Declaration for XXXX/XXXX has been manually issued and reply required by XX/XX/20XX. If customer calls document the PY income and SOC for XXXX/XXXX in household notes or (Insert your team name and initials) Self-explanatory.
SB52 - PY (or earlier) TC1004 has been issued manually to confirm circumstances for 06/04/20XX to XX/XX/20XX. If customer telephones please ask them to telephone {Insert name} & telephone {insert telephone number directly {insert initials & Group} Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from August 2015 - SB53 - PY (or earlier) claim restored off system. Payments not to be recovered. Overpayment remitted in full. Amount remitted (insert amount) PY or earlier claim restored off system. Payments not to be recovered. Overpayment remitted in full.
SB54 - Restore PY case. Unable to Restore 20XX-20XX claim as customer/both customers/one customer from the joint claim has not replied to manual Annual Declaration. Papers sent to storage. Unable to restore claim as one or both customers from the joint claim has not replied to manual Annual Declaration.
SB55 - PY (or earlier) 20XX/20XX TC602 Manual Award Notice sent to customer, (enter your direct telephone number) Self-explanatory.
SB56 - PY (or earlier) 20XX/20XX Manual Award Notice sent to customer, (enter your direct telephone number) Self-explanatory.
SB57 - Restore or PY or earlier case - circumstances for period 06/04/20XX to XX/XX/20XX confirmed with customer. SEES calc established that details have reduced entitlement. Overpayment has already been remitted Self-explanatory.
SB58 - Restore PY case restored off system. One off payment made of £xx due to recoveries from other wards. PY case restored off system. One off payment made due to recoveries from other awards.
SB59 - Restore PY case - circumstances for period 06/04/20XX to XX/XX/20XX confirmed with customer. SEES calculation established that details have increased entitlement. Arrears due and been paid totalling (enter amount). This amount has been paid via BACS/in a one off payable order. Circumstances for period specified confirmed with customer. SEES calculation established increased entitlement. Arrears due and been paid either by BACS or as a one off payable order.
SB60 - Manual Annual Declaration not issued for restore period as App 1 or App 2 (delete as appropriate) is RLS Unable to issue manual Annual Declaration as customer’s address is marked ‘RLS’.
This Note no longer used from August 2015 - SB61 - Unable to Restore 20XX/20XX Claim restored off system. Payments not to be recovered. Overpayment remitted in full. Amount remitted (insert amount) Claim restored off system. Payments not to be recovered. Overpayment remitted in full.
This Note no longer used from August 2015 - SB62 - TC1004 has been issued manually to confirm circumstances for 06/04/20XX to XX/XX/20XX. If customer telephones please ask them to telephone (Insert name) & telephone (insert telephone number directly) (insert initials & Group) TC1004 issued manually to confirm circumstances for specified period. Customer to be advised to telephone named caseworker/Group
This Note no longer used from August 2015 - SB63 - Unable to Restore 20XX claim as no reply to manual Annual Declaration - enquiry sent Unable to restore claim as no reply to manual Annual Declaration - enquiry sent
This Note no longer used from August 2015 - SB65 - Unable to Restore 20XX claim as no reply to manual Annual Declaration - enquiry sent. Manual Correspondence marker removed Unable to restore claim as no reply to manual Annual Declaration - enquiry sent. Manual Correspondence marker removed
SB66 - Restore of PY or earlier - TC1078 issued to customer to invite a fresh claim DD/MM/YY Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from August 2015 - SB67 - Restore of PY or earlier - Manual reminder letter issued to remind customer to submit a fresh claim DD/MM/YY Manual reminder letter issued to remind customer to submit a fresh claim for specified period
SB68 - Restore PY case. Unable to restore claim for period 06-04-20XX to XX-XX-20XX as good cause has not been established. TC1138 issued to inform customer of decision to refuse good cause. Papers sent to storage. Unable to restore claim for specified period as good cause not established. TC1138 issued to customer.
SB69 - Restore PY case. Unable to restore claim for period 06-04-20XX to XX-XX-20XX as good cause has not been established. Unable to issue TC1138 to inform customer of decision as RLS case. Papers sent to storage. Unable to restore claim for specified period as good cause not established. Unable to issue TC1138 as RLS case.
SB70 - Restore PY case. Payments not to be recovered. Overpayment remitted in full. Amount remitted (insert amount) / Restore PY case. Payments not to be recovered. Overpayment remitted in full (including overpayment transferred to DWP). Amount remitted (insert amount) - Delete as necessary Restore PY case. Payments not to be recovered. Overpayment remitted in full (amount included) / Restore PY case. Payments not to be recovered. Overpayment remitted in full including overpayment transferred to DWP. Amount remitted (insert amount) - Delete as appropriate
SB71 - Restore PY case. Payments not to be recovered. Overpayment for XXXX-XXXX remitted in full. Amount remitted (insert amount). TC1239 issued to customer / Restore PY case. Payments not to be recovered. Overpayment for XXXX-XXXX remitted in full (including overpayment transferred to DWP). Amount remitted (insert amount). TC1239 issued to customer - Delete as necessary Restore PY case. Payments not to be recovered. Overpayment for specified period remitted in full. TC1239 issued to customer / Restore PY case. Payments not to be recovered (including overpayment transferred to DWP). Overpayment for specified period remitted in full . TC1239 issued to customer - Delete as necessary
SB72 - Restore PY case. Payments not to be recovered. Overpayment for XXXX-XXXX remitted in full. Amount remitted (insert amount). Unable to send TC1239 as customer is RLS. Payments not to be recovered. Overpayment for specified period remitted in full. Unable to send TC1239 as customer is RLS.
SB73 - Restore PY case. TC603D MAN returned RLS. Unable to trace a new address. Case on BF until new address known. TC603D MAN returned RLS. Unable to trace a new address. Case on BF.
SB74 - Restore PY case. *TC603D MAN *TC664 returned RLS. Unable to trace a new address. Claim cannot be restored. Papers sent to storage. TC603D MAN or TC664 returned RLS. Unable to trace a new address. Claim cannot be restored.
SB75 - Restore PY case. TC664 Renewals for 20XX/20XX has been issued. If customer telephones please ask them to telephone (Insert name) & telephone (insert telephone number directly) (insert initials & Group) TC664 Renewals for specified period has been issued Customer to be advised to telephone named caseworker/Group.
SB76 - Restore PY case. TC664 Renewals *not returned *returned incomplete by *customer *one customer. Unable to restore 20XX/20XX claim. Papers sent to storage. TC664 Renewals not returned or returned incomplete by customer or one customer. Unable to restore claim for specified period.
SB77 - Restore PY case. Declared income for XX-XX-20XX to XX-XX-20XX differs from our records. TC1221 (Restore) issued to customer to invite evidence to be sent in. Case on BF for 30 days. Declared income for specified period differs from records. TC1221 (Restore) issued to customer to invite evidence to be sent in. Case on BF.
SB78 - Restore PY case.TC1038 issued to customer with returned evidence. Customer’s income figures accepted and will be used in award calculations. TC1038 issued to customer with returned evidence. Customer’s income figures accepted and will be used in award calculations.
SB79 - Restore PY case. TC1038 issued to customer with returned evidence. Customer’s income figures not accepted. NPS/SA figures will be used in award calculations. TC1038 issued to customer with returned evidence. Customer’s income figures not accepted. NPS/SA figures will be used in award calculations.
SB80 - PY Restore case. No UC claim made. Eligibility established, new claim captured using existing details. PY Restore case. No Universal Claim (UC) made. New claim captured using existing details.

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S17 finalised and terminated

Deal with awards that have been finalised and terminated, as customers haven’t returned their Annual Declaration in time for renewal. They check the income details and their Statement Of Account award once the late Annual Declaration has been returned and either the award restored, if it has been received within 30 days of the Statement Of Account date or by sending a form TC664 to the customer.

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
SC01 - No outstanding Declarations / Finalised & Terminated. TC823 issd as unacceptable reason given by customer for late reply (insert reason and BF action) A form TC823 has been sent to the customer stating that their award has been terminated because the reason they gave us for their Annual Declaration being returned late isn’t acceptable.
SC02 - No outstanding Declarations / Finalised & Terminated. TC664 issd to establish reason for late reply A form TC664 has been sent to the customer to establish why their Annual Declaration has been returned late.
SC03 - No outstanding Declarations / Finalised & Terminated. Unable to restore CY as income incomplete. TC603D and TC829 issd - update income thru Amend CoC and restore CY when reply received A letter or form has been sent to the customer asking them for missing income information from the Annual Declaration so that the current year award can be restored after it has been finalised and terminated due to a late reply.
SC04 - No outstanding Declarations / Finalised & Terminated. Good cause required to restore CY award. Cannot send TC664 as RLS signal shown. BF date of 14 days set and case transferred to BF MU A letter can’t be sent to the customer asking them for a good cause reason to explain why the Annual Declaration has been returned late as their address is marked ‘RLS’. The case has been transferred to the BF MU so that it can be sent to the correct area.
SC05 - No outstanding Declarations / Finalised & Terminated. Details of late annual declaration entered in Amend. CY claim restored The Annual Declaration details have been returned and these need to be checked and amended on the tax credits computer. The award is then restored.
SC06 - No outstanding Declarations / Finalised & Terminated. Details of late annual declaration match those already held in Amend. CY claim restored The Annual Declaration details have been returned and these need to be amended on the tax credits computer, as all of the details are matched. The award is then restored.
This Note no longer used from 6 January 2007 - SC07 - No outstanding Declarations / Finalised & Terminated. Cannot restore CY, options greyed out. Xfer’d to vantive MU The current year award cann’t be restored because the option is greyed out. The case has been transferred to the Vantive MU.
SC08 - No outstanding Declarations / Finalised & Terminated. Cannot restore CY, overlapping date. Referred to tech team The award can’t be restored because there’s more than one claim for the customer and they’re running at the same time. The awards need to have household end dates entered on the tax credits computer in order for the award to be restored with no overlapping dates.
SC09 - No outstanding Declarations / Finalised & Terminated. Income details required to restore CY - cannot send TC603 & TC829 as RLS signal shown. Case xfer’d to Rogue Cases - Housekeeping MU A letter can’t be sent to the customer asking them for income details as their address is marked ‘RLS’. The case has been transferred to the Rogue MU, so that it can be sent to the correct area.
SC10 - (Recorded/Registered) letter (number) redirected to (insert details) (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
SC11 - Auto S17 case - Income change reported. S17 not rec’d Auto-renewal income change out of bandings captured in Function CAPTURE RENEWAL DECLARATION. Will now be treated as reply required S17.
SC12 - TC823b issd. Too late to make change as award finalised. A letter to inform the customer that a change can’t be made due to their award being finalised.
SC13 - 20XX-20XX Award terminated after 1SD due to failure to provide a complete reply The award has been terminated as the customer has failed to give a complete Annual Declaration.
SC14 - 20XX-20XX Award finalised after 1SD due to failure to provide a complete reply The award has been finalised after termination as the customer has failed to give a complete Annual Declaration.
SC15 - TC1138 letter issued to notify customer they will need to now claim UC direct If an S17 is received after 2SD and Good Cause is refused, the customer will need to apply for Universal Credit. Letter issued to customer

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Annual Declaration for PY-1 or earlier received in Current Year

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
SC51 - Terminated Compliance Case with status of ‘Terminated Compliance’ hasn’t been worked - Correspondence sent to storage.
SC52 - Complex Case referred to International Team The genuine complex case has been transferred to the International Team in Washington to complete their action.
SC53 - DOD indicator Case referred to the P1 CoC’s Team A date of death indicator is shown for one or both of the customers. The case has been transferred to the Priority 1 Change of Circumstances Team.
SC54 - Contacted Compliance Officer (name and Extension Number) informed can continue with action Case has an ‘Inhibited’ or ‘Claim Under Enquiry’ signal present, contacted Compliance Officer, informed that can continue with action.
SC55 - Contacted Compliance Office (name and Extension Number) cannot continue with action, action date set. Case has an ‘Inhibited’ or ‘Claim Under Enquiry’ signal present, contacted Compliance Officer, informed that can’t continue with action. Action date set XX/XX/20XX.
SC56 - Contacted CIO (name and Extension Number) informed can continue with action Case has a ‘SCO’ signal present, contacted CIO, informed that can continue with action.
SC57 - Contacted CIO (name and Extension Number) cannot continue with action, action date set. Case has a ‘SCO’ signal present, contacted CIO, informed that can’t continue with action. Action date set XX/XX/20XX.

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S17 incompatibles

Cases that have information on the Annual Declaration that doesn’t match the details held on the tax credits computer. For example, the customer states they haven’t any employment income but job details are held for them on the tax credits computer.

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SD01 - S17 Incompatible. Renewal declaration won’t process without (name) (tax year) (self-employed profits/paid earnings). System error. (Name) was not (self-employed/in paid employment) during (tax year). Finalised and renewed with Manage Finalisation The Annual Declaration won’t process as the case has a system error against it saying that we need earnings from self-employment or employment, which doesn’t exist for the relevant tax year. The award has to be force finalised through the manage finalisation or renewal procedure.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SD02 - S17 Incompatible. (name) started (IS/JSA/PC) on (DD/MM/YY) and ceased on (DD/MM/YY). Updated from CES. Finalised and renewed with Manage Finalisation The dates for the customer’s Jobseeker’s Allowance, Income Support or Pension Credit have been obtained from the CES (Common Enquiry System) and the award has been force finalised through the manage finalisation or renewal procedure.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SD03 - S17 Incompatible. (name) was (self-employed/in paid employment) during (tax year). TELO (name) (s)he (made a profit of/earned) £(XXXX) from paid employment in (tax year). Processed Declaration The customer has been phoned because there are missing self-employment, employment or income details from the Annual Declaration. Once these have been obtained, the award has been processed.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SD04 - S17 Incompatible. No outstanding (annual) declarations. trfd to Unprocessed S17 Phase 2 Worked And Cleared MU The ‘No outstanding declarations’ message has appeared when trying to access the award. The case has been transferred to the Worked and Cleared MU because nothing further can be done on this Annual Declaration.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SD05 - S17 Incompatible. (name) is deceased. Trfd to the deceased Rule 1 Post Award - In MU One of the customers on the award is deceased, so the case has been transferred to the Deceased MU.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SD06 - S17 Incompatible. Compliance case. Trfd to the Renewals Related Compliance MU The case is showing Compliance activity, so the case has been transferred to the Compliance MU.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SD07 - S17 Incompatible. S17 would not process as an (second reason) exists. Trfd multi-reason W/L item to the Rogue Cases - Housekeeping MU The case has more than one reason for being on a work list and therefore can’t be worked in the same way. The case has been transferred to the Rogue MU.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SD08 - S17 Incompatible. UTCx2. TC664 ISSD to (insert details) re (tax year) (profits/earnings) from (self-employed/paid employment). BF (DD/MM/YY). Trfd to Incompatible BF MU Two unsuccessful phone calls to the customer have resulted in the need for form TC664 to be sent to the customer asking them for specific information, in this case self-employed or employed earnings. A BF has been set and the case transferred to the BF MU to give the customer time to return the letter.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SD09 - S17 Incompatible. F-Clen error when attempting to (action attempted). BF for next Sunday the (DD/MM/YY) Due to a system error, a BF has been set on the case so that an attempt may be made to try and carry out the action shown in the Household Note again.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SD10 - (Recorded/Registered) letter (number) redirected to (insert details) (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SD11 - S17 Incompatible. UTCX1 clmt told to ring back with AD info re (insert reason). BF (DD/MM/YY) At least one unsuccessful phone call has been made to the customer who hasn’t given all the required information. The customer was asked to ring the Contact Centre with the required Annual Declaration information by the date shown.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SD12 - S17 Incompatible. UTCX1 verbal reminder for clmt to ring back with all AD info re (insert reason). BF (DD/MM/YY) At least one unsuccessful phone call has been made to the customer during the reminder cycle. The customer was asked to ring the Contact Centre with the required Annual Declaration information by the date shown.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SD13 - S17 Incompatible. TC664 re (insert reason). BF (DD/MM/YY) The form TC664 has been issued to the customer for the reason shown. The action date shown was set on the work item which is in the BF MU.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SD14 - S17 Incompatible. TC664R issued BF (DD/MM/YY) The form TC664R has been issued to the customer as a reminder to return the form TC664. The action date shown was set on the work item which is in the BF MU.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SD15 - No reply received. End of reminder cycle By the end of the reminder cycle there was no reply received to the incompatible enquiry. Therefore, the incompatible failure can’t be resolved.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SD16 - S17 Incompatible resolved by (insert reason) and award now *finalised only or *finalised and renewed *Delete as appropriate Either the incompatible failure reason was resolved using Access to DWP Data (ADD) or the information required has been supplied by the customer. Because the award was ‘Not Finalised’, the award has either been finalised only or finalised and renewed.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SD17 - S17 Incompatible resolved by (insert reason) Either the incompatible failure reason has been resolved using Access to DWP Data (ADD) or the information has been supplied by the customer. Because the award was already finalised, no other action was required.
Tis Note is no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SD18 - Finalised only or finalised and renewed (as appropriate) S17 Incompatible not resolved Because the award was ‘Not Finalised’, it has either been finalised only or finalised and renewed using the Annual Declaration information already held. The incompatible failure reason wasn’t resolved because the customer didn’t respond to the incompatible enquiries that were made, in time.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SD19 - TC853 issued for appeal An appeal reason was also shown for the work item. The form TC853 explains to the customer their appeal rights.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SD20 - S17 Incompatible Renewal dec won’t process without App’s PY paid inc. App was not in paid employment during PY. Checked ADD, app rec’d IS during xx/xx. Finalised and renewed with Manage Finalisation. xx/Gxx/xx The customer wasn’t in paid employment in PY. We’ve checked the ADD system, which shows that they were in receipt of IS. We have finalised and renewed using Function MANAGE FINALISATION.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SD21 - S17 incompatible. Renewal declaration won’t process without App’s PY self-employed profits. App was not S/E during xx/xx. Finalised and renewed with Manage Finalisation. Xx/Gxx/xx Because the customer wasn’t self-employed in PY, PY self-employed profits have been left blank on the Declaration screen. We have finalised and renewed using Function MANAGE FINALISATION.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SD22 - S17 Incompatible. Checked ADD App was not on IS in xx/xx, removed tick from dec. Finalised and renewed with Mange Finalisation. Xx/Gxx/xx Checks made on the ADD system confirm that the customer wasn’t getting IS. Therefore, the tick has been removed from the IS box on the Declaration screen. We’ve finalised and renewed using Function MANAGE FINALISATION.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SD23 - S17 Incompatible. UTCx2. TC664 issd to App re xx/xx earnings from paid employment. BF xx/xx/xxxx. Trfd to Incompatible BF MU 2499959. xx/Gxx/xx Following two unsuccessful phone calls to the customer, we’ve issued form TC664. This asks for specific information - in this case, details of earnings from paid employment. A BF has been set, and the claim has been transferred to the BF MU to allow time for a reply.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SD24 - S17 Incompatible. Checked ADD App was on IS in xx/xx, ticked dec. Processed dec. xx/Gxx/xx Checks made on the ADD system confirm that the customer was getting IS. Therefore, the IS box has been ticked on the Declaration screen, and the annual declaration has been processed.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SD25 - S17 Incompatible. App was self-employed during PY. App made a profit of £xx,xxx in PY. Processed Declaration. xx/Gxx/xx The customer has confirmed that they were self-employed during PY, and has provided details of profit. The annual declaration has been processed.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SD26 - S17 Incompatible. App1 was in paid employment during PY. App earned £xx,xxx in PY. Processed declaration. xx/Gxx/xx The customer has confirmed that they were in paid employment, and has provided PY income. The annual declaration has been processed.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SD27 - S17 Incompatible REMINDER. TC664R ISSD to App re PY earnings from paid employment. BF xx/xx/xxxx. Xfer to Incompatible BF MU 2499949. xx/Gxx/xx A TC664R reminder letter has been issued, asking for PY earnings from employment. A BF has been set, and the claim has been transferred to the BF MU to allow time for a reply.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SD28 - S17 Incompatible. BF cycle ended. PY finalised with info held. Processed declaration xx/Gxx/xx Self-explanatory.
SD29 - S17 Incompatible. Unable to process S17 due to F-error so updated claim and finalised and renewed with Manage Finalisation. Xx/Gxx/xx Due to a system error, the S17 couldn’t be processed automatically. Therefore, we’ve updated the claim and finalised and renewed using Function MANAGE FINALISATION.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SD30 - S17 Incompatible. App was not on IS in PY, unticked declaration. Processed declaration. Xx/Gxx/xx Self-explanatory.
SD31 - S17 Incompatible. 664 returned, claim already updated with details & finalised. xx/Gxx/xx Form TC664 has been returned after the claim had already been updated and finalised.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SD32 - S17 Incompatible. Customer informed that we may need to input £1 to process renewal as income was Nil. This will be used for Incomplete action if needed The customer has been contacted to obtain approval for applying £1 in PY when there has been nil income declared. This is needed to process the renewal at Incomplete, if needed.
SD33 - S17 Incompatible. Customer asked to confirm their income was Nil. If it was we may need to input £1 to process their renewal. This will be used for Incomplete action if needed The customer has been contacted to confirm income details were nil approval for applying £1 in PY when there has been nil income declared. This is needed to process the renewal at Incomplete, if needed.
SD34 - S17 Incompatible / PY-1 Incompatible. Attempt(s) to contact customer unsuccessful. TC664 issued to (insert details) re (insert reason). Customer already provided (Insert details). BF (DD/MM/YY) The attempts to contact the customer have been unsuccessful. Form TC664 has been sent to the customer for the reasons shown and a reply is required within 15 days.
SD35 - S17 Incompatible / PY-1 Incompatible. Clmt told to ring back with information re (insert reason and record any information already provided by the customer). BF (DD/MM/YY) A phone call has been made to the customer who didn’t have all the required information to resolve the incompatibility. The customer has been asked to ring the Contact Centre with the required information by the date shown.
SD36 - S17 Incompatible / PY-1 Incompatible - TC664R issued to (insert details) re (insert reason). BF (DD/MM/YY) There has been no reply to the previous enquiry. Form TC664R has been sent to the customer asking them for a reply within 15 days.
SD37 - S17 Incompatible. End of Reminder cycle. Claim updated with information declared on S17 (Insert Details) The incompatible failure reason wasn’t resolved because the customer didn’t respond to the incompatible enquiries that were made in time. The claim has been finalised and / or renewed using the information provided on the Annual Declaration.
SD38 - S17 Incompatible / PY-1 Incompatible resolved (Insert Details). Award Finalised / Finalised and renewed / Already Finalised (delete appropriate) The incompatible failure reason was resolved using the information shown. This was obtained using the Access to DWP Data (ADD) system or the information provided by the customer, either by phone or letter. The award has been finalised only, finalised and renewed, or has already been finalised.
This Note no longer used from 29 January 2010 - SD39 - TC853 issued for appeal An appeal reason was also shown for the work item. The form TC853 explains to the customer their appeal rights.
SD40 - PY-1 Incompatible overridden as part of 1SD processing at end of reminder cycle The PY-1 incompatible failure reason wasn’t resolved because the customer didn’t respond to the incompatible enquiries that were made in time. The failure has been overridden as part of the 1SD processing.
SD41 - S17 Incompatible / PY-1 Incompatible resolved (Insert Details) by using details obtained from NPS/ADD (delete appropriate). Customer originally declared (insert details). TC1221 issued. BF (DD/MM/YY). TF (MU XXXXXX). / TC629 issued (delete appropriate). The incompatible failure reason was resolved using different information from what the customer declared. This was obtained using the Access to DWP Data (ADD) system or National Insurance and PAYE Service (NPS). A TC1221 issued to the customer asking for evidence of why income is different. A reply is required within 30 days before case can be finalised/renewed. If BF expired for TC1221 issue TC629 explaining HMRC income used.
SD42 - S17 Incompatible / PY-1 Incompatible. Customer has failed to return the TC664 requesting (Insert Details). Unable to consider (Insert Details) changes. A TC664 was issued for information but the customer has failed to return the TC664. Therefore we are unable to make the changes.
SD43 - S17 Incompatible. Attempt(s) to contact then customer unsuccessful. TCC50 issued to (insert details) re (insert reason). BF (DD/MM/YY) S17 Incompatible. Attempt(s) to contact the customer unsuccessful. TCC50 issued.
SD44 - Income discrepancy, TCC239/TCC50 (delete as appropriate) issued, BF expired with no response- income on declaration £XXXX (original income amount) replaced with income obtained from NPS £XXXX (new income obtained)/ hours worked amended / ended 06/04/PY (delete as appropriate) - work item cleared Income discrepancy, TCC239/TCC50 (delete as appropriate) issued, BF expired with no response- income on declaration £XXXX (original income amount) replaced with income obtained from NPS £XXXX (new income obtained)/ hours worked amended / ended 06/04/PY (delete as appropriate) - work item cleared
SD45 - S17 Incompatibles. Cust recd TCC50/TC1221 (delete as appropriate) and contacted us to clarify information used for finalisation. Cust satisfied with explanation given/Cust not satisfied with explanation but cannot explain the discrepancy. (delete as appropriate). Customer has queried the information we have used to finalise their claim. We have explained what we used and where we obtained this from and customer is happy with the explanation/not happy with figures used but cannot explain the discrepancy.
SD46 - S17 Incompatibles. Cust recd TC1221 and queried the income we have used on letter. Cust told to send in further evidence of income before we can take further action. Customer has queried the income we have used on the TC1221. We have explained what we used but the customer has provided another figure. We are not completely satisfied with this so have requested further evidence.
SD47 - S17 Incompatibles. Cust recd TC1221 and have queried income used on letter. New income figure provided and TC648 referred over to CofC to consider finalising. Customer has queried the income we have used on the letter. We have accepted the income figure provided by the customer. TC648 referred over to change of circs to consider finalising.
SD48 - S17 Incompatibles. Cust recd TC1221 and have queried income used on the letter. New income figure provided (insert new figure) and claim finalised. Customer has queried the income we have used on the letter. We have accepted the new income figure provided by the customer and finalised the award.
SD49 - Income discrepancy, TCC50 issued, Cust recd TCC50 and have queried income/hours details. Explanation given and Annual Declaration details accepted. Annual Declaration processed and work item cleared Following the issue of a TCC50 the customer has contacted us. We accept the discrepancy and process the Annual Declaration with what was provided
SD50 - Income/working hours discrepancy, TCC50/TCC239 issued, Cust disputing the income we have obtained/hours we have used. Cust told to send in further evidence of income before we can take further action. BF extended to (insert date) Following the issue of a TCC50/TCC239 the customer has contacted us disputing the information. Customer told to supply evidence to support their dispute. BF extended.
SD90 - S17 Incompatible. Customer’s explanation not accepted. Income updated in Correction using info from (Insert Details). Award Finalised / Finalised and renewed / Already Finalised (delete appropriate) Customer’s explanation not accepted. Income updated in Correction using info from (Insert Details). Award Finalised / Finalised and renewed / Already Finalised (delete appropriate)

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Unfinalised S17, restore a terminated renewal and NTC Listings - initial action

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
SD51 - Terminated Compliance Case with status of ‘Terminated Compliance’ has been transferred to the Fully Worked And Awaiting System Deletion MU.
SD52 - Compliance Termination NTC Listing Item deleted The NTC Listing work item is a Compliance Termination. As an award doesn’t exist, it doesn’t require finalisation. The work item can be deleted.
SD53 - NTC Listing Unfinalised work item deleted as also on Unprocessed Work List The NTC Listing work item appears on the Unfinalised and Unprocessed NTC Listing work lists. The item can be deleted from the Unfinalised work list.
SD54 - Complex Case referred to International Team The genuine complex case has been transferred to the International Team in Washington to complete their action.
SD55 - DOD indicator Case referred to the P1 CoC’s Team A date of death indicator is shown for one or both of the customers. The case has been transferred to the Priority 1 Change of Circumstances Team.
SD56 - Contacted Compliance Officer (name and Extension Number) informed can continue with action Case has an ‘Inhibited’ or ‘Claim Under Enquiry’ signal present, contacted Compliance Officer, informed that can continue with action.
SD57 - Contacted Compliance Office (name and Extension Number) cannot continue with action, action date set Case has an ‘Inhibited’ or ‘Claim Under Enquiry’ signal present, contacted Compliance Officer, informed that can’t continue with action. Action date set XX/XX/20XX.
SD58 - Contacted CIO (name and Extension Number) informed can continue with action Case has a ‘SCO’ signal present, contacted CIO, informed that can continue with action.
SD59 - Contacted CIO (name and Extension Number) cannot continue with action, action date set Case has a ‘SCO’ signal present, contacted CIO, informed that can’t continue with action. Action date set XX/XX/20XX.

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S17 RTI Incompatibles

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
SD70 - S17 RTI Incompatible resolved (Insert Details). TC629 issued (Accept/reject explanation/no reply TC1221). Award Finalised / Finalised and renewed / Already Finalised (delete appropriate) The incompatible failure reason was resolved using the information provided by the customer, either by phone or letter. TC629 issued. The award has been finalised only, finalised and renewed, or has already been finalised.
SD71 - S17 RTI Incompatible. Customer’s explanation accepted and incompatible resolved (Insert Details). Award Finalised / Finalised and renewed / Already Finalised (delete appropriate) The incompatible failure reason was resolved following the customers explanation, either by phone or letter. The award has been finalised only, finalised and renewed, or has already been finalised.
SD72 - S17 RTI Incompatible. Customer’s explanation not accepted. Original RTI figure(s) have been used and incompatible resolved (Insert Details). Award Finalised / Finalised and renewed / Already Finalised (delete appropriate) The incompatible failure reason was resolved. We have not accepted the customer’s explanation and have used the original RTI figures. The award has been finalised only, finalised and renewed, or has already been finalised.
SD73 - S17 Incompatible. Customer confirmed income as Nil. £1 input to process their renewal. The customer has been contacted to confirm income details were nil. £1 applied on NTC when there has been nil income declared.
SD74 - S17 RTI Incompatible. Attempt(s) to contact customer unsuccessful. TCC50 / TC664/ TCC239 (*delete as appropriate) issued to (insert details) re (insert reason). BF (DD/MM/YY) The attempts to contact the customer have been unsuccessful. Form TCC50 / TC664 / TCC239 has been sent to the customer for the reasons shown and a reply is required within 30 days.
SD75 - RTI income discrepancy, TCC50/TCC239 issued re RTI figure. Cust recd TCC50/TCC239 and queried income/hours details. Explanation given and original RTI figures accepted. Annual Declaration updated and processed. Work item cleared Following the issue of a TCC50/TCC239 for RTI figure, the customer has contacted us. Explanation given and we have used the original RTI figures.
SD76 - RTI income discrepancy, TCC50/TCC239 issued re RTI figure. Cust recd TCC50/TCC239 and queried income/hours details. Customer explanation accepted and Annual Declaration details updated and processed. Work item cleared Following the issue of a TCC50/TCC239 for RTI figure, the customer has contacted us. We accept the discrepancy and have processed the Annual Declaration with what was provided.
SD77 - RTI income discrepancy, TCC50 iss. BF expired with no response. Income on declaration £XXXX (original income amount) replaced with income obtained from RTI £XXXX (new income obtained), work item cleared Following the issue of a TCC50 the customer has failed to respond, so we have updated their income using the details on RTI and obtained from any other relevant source.
SD78 - RTI hour’s discrepancy, TCC239 issued re hours & income. BF expired with no response. Hours amended reduced to 1 from XX/XX/XXXX. Work item cleared Following the issue of a TCC239 the customer has failed to respond, so we have updated their hours reducing them to 1 from XX/XX/XXXX.
SD79 - S17 RTI Incompatible. TC1221 issued to App1/2 re RTI fig - App1/2 dec £XXXX we hold £XXXX. BF (DD/MM/YY). TF (XXXXXX) Form TC1221 has been issued to the customer asking them to provide an explanation of the income discrepancy as they have declared an income amount lower than what is held on HMRC systems. A reply is required with 30 days.
SD80 - RTI Incompatible 2014/15. Incomes declared are below taper threshold of £6420. Customer incomes accepted and used for finalisation by system. Applied following an automatic update to NTC.
SD81 - RTI Incompatibles – ADD, NPS, NTC, S17 checked, customers S17 correct. Claim processed with NFA req. ADD, NPS, NTC, S17 checked, customers S17 correct. Claim processed with NFA req
SD82 - RTI incompatibles – DRLC case. Loan Charge case, income has been adjusted to disregard Loan Charge RTI incompatibles – DRLC case. Loan Charge case, income has been adjusted to disregard Loan Charge
SD83 - S17 RTI Incompatible resolved. Award already Finalised. Case transferred to Work and Cleared MU (249957) S17 RTI Incompatible - Award already Finalised. Case transferred to Work and Cleared MU
SD84 - S17 Incompatible. Attempt(s) to contact the customer unsuccessful. TCC50/TC664/TCC239 (*delete as appropriate) issued to (insert details) re (insert reason). BF (DD/MM/YY) S17 Incompatible. Attempt(s) to contact the customer unsuccessful. TCC50/TC664/TCC239 (*delete as appropriate) issued to (insert details) re (insert reason).
SD85 -
SD86 -
SD87 -
SD88 -
SD89 -
This Note no longer used from 03 March 2020 - SD90 - RTI income discrepancy. TCC50 / TCC239 issued re RTI figure. Cust recd TCC50 / TCC239 and queried income/hours details. Cust explanation accepted and Annual Declaration details updated and processed. Work item cleared. RTI income discrepancy. TCC50 / TCC239 issued re RTI figure. Cust recd TCC50 / TCC239 and queried income/hours details. Cust explanation accepted and Annual Declaration details updated and processed. Work item cleared.
SD91 - S17 Incompatible resolved (Insert details). TC629 issued (Accept / reject explanation / no reply to TC1221). Award finalised / Finalised and renewed / Already Finalised (delete as appropriate). S17 Incompatible resolved. TC629 issued. Award finalised / Finalised and renewed / Already Finalised (delete as appropriate).
SD92 - Income discrepancy. TCC50 / TCC239 issued re RTI figure. Cust recd TCC50 / TCC239 and queried income/hours details. Explanation not provided and original RTI details used. Annual Declaration updated and processed. Work item cleared. Income discrepancy. TCC50 / TCC239 issued re RTI figure. Cust recd TCC50 / TCC239 and queried income/hours details. Explanation not provided and original RTI details used. Annual Declaration updated and processed. Work item cleared.
SD93 - Hours discrepancy. TCC239 issued re hours and income. BF expired with no response. Hours reduced to 1 from XX/XX/XX. Work item cleared. Hours discrepancy. TCC239 issued re hours and income. BF expired with no response. Hours reduced to 1 from XX/XX/XX. Work item cleared.

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