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TCM0172040 - Notes - Standardised Messages (S): Standardised Messages - S - Renewals (codes from SE to SI)

Note: This guidance provides Standardised Messages for the renewals issues listed below. Standardised Messages for other renewals issues are listed in TCM0172020 (codes from SA to SD), TCM0172060 (codes from SJ to SS) and TCM0172080 (codes from ST to SZ).

S17 terminated only (codes from SE01 to SE11)
Incorrectly-ended (Codes SE51 to SE72)
S17 unsigned (Codes SF01 to SF16)
Household breakdown listings (Codes SF51 to SF62)
S17 unsigned and incomplete (Codes SG01 to SG31)
S17 others (Codes SH01 to SH48)
NTC Listing (Codes SI01 to SI34)

Standardised reference

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message. For more information see TCM0152090

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’

S17 terminated only

Deal with awards that have been terminated, as customers haven’t returned their Annual Declaration in time for renewal, usually with other work types attached to the case - for example, verification failures.

They check the customer’s income details and their Statement of Account award once the late Annual Declaration has been returned and either restore the award, if it has been received within 30 days of the Statement of Account or by sending a form TC664 to the customer.

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
SE01 - No outstanding declarations/ Terminated. Details of late annual declaration entered in Amend. CY claim restored The customer has now returned their Annual Declaration and the member of staff has entered the details on the tax credits computer and restored the current year award.
SE02 - No outstanding declarations/ Terminated. Details of late annual declaration match those already held in Amend. CY claim restored The Annual Declaration details have been returned and there’s no need to amend the award because all of the details are matched. The award has then been restored.
SE03 - No outstanding declarations/ Terminated. Cannot restore CY, options greyed out. trfd to vantive MU (MU number) The member of staff has tried to restore the current year award but the option is greyed out. The case has been transferred to the Vantive MU.
This Note no longer used from 6 January 2007 - SE04 - No outstanding declarations/ Terminated. S17 terminated, no SOA date, vantive (number) BF (DD/MM/YY). trfd to (MU number) The case hasn’t had a Statement of Account sent out, it therefore can’t be worked. The case has been transferred to the Vantive MU.
SE05 - No outstanding declarations/ Terminated. Telo (insert details). Details of late annual declaration entered in Amend. CY claim restored The Annual Declaration details have been returned and the details need to be checked and amended as necessary, so a phone call has been made to the customer. The award has been restored.
SE06 - No outstanding declarations/ Terminated. TELO (insert details). Customer requested letter. (TC664/TC829) issd. Action date (DD/MM/YY). trfd to Terminated Only BF MU A phone call has been made to the customer regarding the Annual Declaration. The customer has requested a letter to be sent to them rather than answering the questions over the phone.
SE07 - No outstanding declarations/ Terminated. UTCx2. TC664 issd to (insert details). Action Date (DD/MM/YY). trfd to Terminated Only BF MU We have been unable to contact the customer by phone so a form TC664 has been sent to obtain the information needed.
SE08 - No outstanding declarations/ Terminated. Unable to restore CY as income incomplete. (TC603D/TC829) issd - update income thru Amend CoC and restore CY when reply received. Action date (DD/MM/YY). trfd to Terminated Only BF MU A letter or form has been sent to the customer asking for the missing income information from the Annual Declaration, so that the current year award can be restored after it has been finalised and terminated due to a late reply.
SE09 - No outstanding declarations/ Terminated. LFC returned (DD/MM/YY). Details of late annual declaration entered in Amend. CY claim restored. LFC sent to storage The letter has now been returned and the information entered on the tax credits computer. The award has been restored and the letter sent to storage.
SE10 - No outstanding declarations/ Terminated. LFC returned (DD/MM/YY). Letter incomplete. (TC664/TC829) issd requesting missing info. Action date (DD/MM/YY). trfd to Terminated Only BF MU The letter has now been returned but the required information is missing. Another letter has been sent to the customer requesting the information again. An action date has been set and the case transferred to the BF MU to await the reply.
SE11 - (Recorded/Registered) letter (number) redirected to (insert details) (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.

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Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
SE51 - Incorrectly Ended (insert year) case, referral sent to International team Self-explanatory.
SE52 - Incorrectly Ended (insert year) case, referral sent to CCO The Claim Under Enquiry or Inhibited signal is present. The case has been referred to the Customer Compliance Officer.
SE53 - Incorrectly Ended (insert year) case, referral sent to CIO The Refer to SCO signal is present. The case has been referred to the Criminal Investigations Officer.
SE54 - Incorrectly Ended case - Annual Declaration for 20XX/20XX has been manually issued and reply required by XX/XX/20XX. If customer calls document the PY income and SOC for 20XX/20XX in household notes (Insert your team name and initials) Self-explanatory.
SE55 - Incorrectly Ended case 20XX-20XX, do not remove Manual Correspondence marker’ Self-explanatory.
SE56 - Incorrectly Ended 20XX/20XX claim actioned off system. Any overpayments are not to be recovered. Overpayment remitted in full amount remitted {insert amount}. Self-explanatory.
SE57 - Incorrectly Ended 20XX/20XX case - circumstances for period 06/04/20XX to XX/XX/20XX confirmed with customer. SEES calc established that details have reduced entitlement. Overpayment has already been remitted Self-explanatory.
SE58 - Incorrectly ended 20XX/20XX case - circumstances for period 06/04/20XX to XX/XX/20XX confirmed with customer. SEES calc established that details have increased entitlement. Arrears are due and have been paid totalling {enter amount}. This amount has been paid in a one off manual payment Self-explanatory.
SE59 - Incorrectly Ended 20XX/20XX claim award calculated off system. One off payment made of {enter amount} due to recoveries from other wards Self-explanatory.
SE60 - Incorrectly Ended case TC1004 has been issued manually to confirm circumstances for 06/04/20XX to XX/XX/20XX If customer telephones please ask them to telephone {Insert name} & telephone {insert telephone number directly {insert initials & Group} Self-explanatory.
SE61 - Incorrectly Ended 20XX/20XX claim entitlement calculated off system Payments not to be recovered. Overpayment remitted in full. Amount remitted {insert amount}. Self-explanatory.
SE62 - Incorrectly ended case unable to calculate entitlement as customer has not replied to manual Annual Declaration/enquiry sent. Self-explanatory.
SE63 - Incorrectly ended case 20XX/20XX TC602 Manual Award Notice sent to customer, (enter your direct telephone number)’ Self-explanatory.
SE64 - Incorrectly ended case 20XX/20XX Manual Award Notice sent to customer, (enter your direct telephone number)’ Self-explanatory.
SE65 - Incorrectly Ended case, *new claim captured/*TC1078 sent to customer to invite fresh claim (*delete as appropriate) DD/MM/YY Self-explanatory.
SE66 - Incorrectly Ended claim - TC1709 issued to remind customer to make a fresh claim DD/MM/YY Self-explanatory.
SE67 - Incorrectly Ended case manual Annual Declaration not issued for restore period as App 1 or App 2 (delete as appropriate) is RLS’ Self-explanatory.
SE68 - Incorrectly Ended 20XX/20XX - circumstances for period 06/04/20XX to XX/XX/20XX confirmed with customer. SEES calc established that details have reduced entitlement. Overpayment has already been remitted. No more money to be paid.
SE69 - Incorrectly Ended 20XX/20XX case - circs for period 06/04/20XX to XX/XX/20XX confirmed with cust. SEES calc established that entitlement increased. Arrears due have been paid totalling (enter amount) as one off manual payment. Money due to customer for arrears.
SE70 - Incorrectly Ended 20XX/20XX claim calculated off system. One off payment made of £(enter amount) due to recoveries from other awards. Where money has been recovered from another tax year.
SE71 - Incorrectly Ended case TC1004a has been issued manually to confirm circumstances for 06/04/20XX to XX/XX/20XX. If cust phones please ask them to telephone (insert name) & telephone (insert telephone number) directly. (insert initials & Group) Form issued for information from multi tax years.
SE72 - Incorrectly Ended case unable to calculate entitlement as customer has not replied to manual Annual Declaration/enquiry sent. No further action due to non-response. Correspondence to be sent to PA.

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S17 unsigned

An Annual Declaration has been returned with all the details provided except for the signature. The Annual Declaration can only be completed by sending a form TC829 or 603D to the customer. This must be returned with all the Annual Declaration details resubmitted along with the signature.

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SF01 - S17 Unsigned/Incomplete TC829 & TC603D issued to (insert details) for (earnings/soc/sig). BF (DD/MM/YY) A letter and form TC829 or 603D has been sent to the customer for the information required to complete the Annual Declaration and also the customer’s signature.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SF02 - S17 Unsigned/Incomplete TC829R issued to (insert details) for (earnings/soc/sig) BF (DD/MM/YY) A reminder form TC829R has been sent to the customer because there hasn’t been a reply to the first form that was sent.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SF03 - S17 Unsigned/Incomplete - Details required already received. Processed. Became incompatible due to income. trfd to (MU number) All the information that is required to complete the Annual Declaration is already on the Computer and the award has now been processed. However, the information provided does not match the details held on the tax credits computer for the customer and the case has become Incompatible. The case has been transferred to the Incompatible MU.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SF04 - S17 Unsigned/Incomplete - No errors. S17 Unsigned action completed. Case cleared All the information that is required to complete the Annual Declaration is already on the computer and the award has now been processed without any problem. The entry has also disappeared from the work list.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SF05 - Unsigned/Incomplete - Details required received. Removed zeros from income page. Incomplete action completed. Case cleared All the information that is required to complete the Annual Declaration is already on the computer, but an income figure has been entered in the renewal declaration with extra zeros at the end - for example, 1000.00 instead of 1000. These have been removed. The award has been processed without any problem and the entry has disappeared from the work list.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SF06 - S17 Unsigned/Incomplete (TC829/TC603D) returned, confirmed SOC as (yes/no) Unsigned action completed The form TC829 or 603D has been returned and the SOC (Statement of Circumstances) checkbox has been completed with a yes or no answer and the signature has been obtained. The case has been processed.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SF07 - (TC829/TC603D) returned. Income received. Details entered and processed. Unsigned action completed The form TC829 or 603D has been returned and the income details have been provided. The signature has been obtained. The case has been amended on the tax credits computer and the award has been processed.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SF08 - (TC829/TC603D) returned incomplete. (TC829/TC603D/D2) re-issued for SOC. BF (DD/MM/YY) The form TC829 or 603D has been returned, but some of the details are still missing. In this case the SOC (Statement of Circumstances). The form has been sent again and a new action date set.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SF09 - (TC829/TC603D) returned incomplete. (TC829/TC603D/2 re-issued to (insert details) re income. BF (DD/MM/YY) The form TC829 or 603D has been returned, but some of the details are still missing. In this case the income details. The form has been sent again and a new action date set.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SF10 - (TC829/603D) returned incomplete (TC603D) returned incomplete. (TC829/603/2) re-issued to (insert details) for income & SOC. BF (DD/MM/YY) The form TC829 or 603D has been returned, but some of the details are still missing. In this case the income details and the SOC (Statement of Circumstances). The form has been sent again and a new action date set.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SF11 - Compliance case. trfd to Renewals Related Compliance MU The case is showing Compliance activity, so it has been transferred to the Compliance MU.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SF12 - No outstanding declarations. trfd to Unprocessed S17 Vantive MU. AD (DD/MM/YY) The ‘No outstanding declarations’ message has appeared when trying to access the award. The case has been transferred to the relevant MU because no further action can be taken on the Annual Declaration.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SF13 - End of Reminder cycle. AD (DD/MM/YY) The action date for the form TC829R has expired and the customer has failed to reply. The case has now reached the end of the reminder cycle and is awaiting termination.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SF14 - Address RLS. Set to end of Reminder cycle. AD (DD/MM/YY) The address for the customer has shown as RLS. The case has been moved on to the end of the reminder cycle (the form process) for ‘force finalisation’ and termination.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SF15 - Case inhibited. BF (DD/MM/YY). Cases trfd to Renewals Related Compliance MU The case is showing an ‘inhibited’ signal, so it has been transferred to the Compliance MU.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SF16 - (Recorded/Registered) letter (number) redirected to (insert details) (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.

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Household breakdown listings

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
SF51 - Household Breakdown Listings - Genuine Household Breakdown. Refer to {Insert name & Group/Team details} Self-explanatory.
SF52 - Household Breakdown Listings Work item deleted from NTC Listing. CY Award will not be renewed to HHBD. Scan has identified a case that wasn’t a genuine Household breakdown. Worklist item deleted. Current Year Award won’t be Renewed up to Household Breakdown Date.
SF53 - Household Breakdown Listings Work item. CY renewed, PY not finalised as an appeal marker is present this will be finalised by appeals when they have completed their action Self-explanatory.
SF54 - Household Breakdown Listings Work item. CY renewed & PY finalised Self-explanatory.
SF55 - Household Breakdown Listings Work item. CY restored. Self-explanatory.
SF56 - Household Breakdown Listings Work item deleted from NTC Listing as award shows status Terminated Compliance Case with status of ‘Terminated Compliance’ can’t be worked.
SF57 - Household Breakdown Listings - SCO signal set A ‘SCO’ signal is present on the claim and the Compliance officer has advised not to take any further action.
SF58 - Household Breakdown Listings - Claim Under Enquiry signal set A ‘Claim Under Enquiry’ signal is present on the claim and the Compliance officer has advised not to take any further action.
SF59 - Household Breakdown Listings -Complex Case The genuine complex case has been identified and will be transferred to the International Team.
SF60 - Household Breakdown Listings - DOD indicator A date of death indicator is shown for one or both of the customers.
SF61 - Household Breakdown Listings Work item deleted from NTC Listing. Unprocessed S17 - Incomplete. BAU Action to be taken Self-explanatory.
SF62 - Household Breakdown Listings Work item. CY renewed, PY not finalised Self-explanatory.

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S17 unsigned and incomplete

An Annual Declaration has been returned with information missing and no signature provided. The Annual Declaration can only be completed by sending a form TC829 and form TC603D to the customer. This must be returned with all the Annual Declaration details resubmitted along with the signature.

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SG01 - S17 Unsigned/Incomplete-TC829 & TC603D issued to (insert details) re (insert reason). BF (DD/MM/YY) A letter and form TC829 or 603D has been sent to the customer for the information required to complete the Annual Declaration and also the customer’s signature.
This No longer used from 14 December 2007 - SG02 - S17 Unsigned/Incomplete-TC829R issued to (insert details) re (insert reason). BF (DD/MM/YY) A reminder form TC829R has been sent to the customer because there’s been no reply to the first form that was sent.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SG03 - S17 Unsigned/Incomplete. Details required already received. Processed. Became Incompatible due to (reason). trfd to Incompatible In MU All the information that is required to complete the Annual Declaration is already on the computer and the award has been processed. However, the information provided doesn’t match the details held on the tax credits computer for the customer and the case has become Incompatible. It has been transferred to the Incompatible MU.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SG04 - S17 Unsigned/Incomplete. No errors. S17 Unsigned action completed. Case cleared All the information that is required to complete the Annual Declaration is already on the computer and the award has been processed without any problem. The entry has also disappeared from the work list.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SG05 - S17 Unsigned/Incomplete. Details already received. Removed zeros from income page. Incomplete action completed. Case cleared All the information that is required to complete the Annual Declaration is already on the computer, but an income figure has been entered in the renewal declaration with extra zeros at the end - for example, 1000.00 instead of 1000. These have been removed. The award has been processed without any problem and the entry has disappeared from the work list.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SG06 - S17 Unsigned/Incomplete (TC829/TC603D) returned. Confirmed SOC as (yes/no). Unsigned action completed The form TC829 or 603D has been returned and the SOC (Statement of Circumstances) checkbox has been completed with a yes or no answer and the signature has been obtained. The case has been processed.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SG07 - S17 Unsigned/Incomplete. (TC829/603D) has been returned. Income details received. Unsigned action completed The form TC829 or 603D has been returned. The income details have been received. The signature has been obtained. The case has been amended on the tax credits computer and processed.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SG08 - (TC829/TC603D) returned incomplete. (TC829/TC603D) re-issued for SOC. BF (DD/MM/YY) The form TC829 or 603D has been returned, but some of the details are still missing. In this case the SOC (Statement of Circumstances). The form has been sent again and a new action date set.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SG09 - (TC829/TC603D) returned incomplete (TC829/TC603D/2) re-issued to (insert details) re income. BF (DD/MM/YY) The form TC829 or TC603D has been returned, but some of the details are still missing. In this case the income details. The form has been sent again and a new action date set.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SG10 - (TC829/TC603D) returned incomplete (TC829/TC603D/2) re-issued to (insert details) re income & SOC. BF (DD/MM/YY) The form TC829 or TC603D has been returned, but some of the details are still missing. In this case the income details and SOC (Statement of Circumstances). The form has been sent again and a new action date set.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SG11 - Compliance case trfd to Renewals Related Compliance MU The case is showing Compliance activity, so it has been transferred to the Compliance MU.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SG12 - No outstanding declarations. trfd to Unprocessed S17 Vantive MU AD (DD/MM/YY) The ‘No outstanding declarations’ message has appeared when trying to access the award. The case has been transferred to the relevant MU because no further action can be taken on the Annual Declaration.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SG13 - End of Reminder cycle. AD (DD/MM/YY) The action date for the form TC829R has expired and the customer has failed to reply. The case has now reached the end of the reminder cycle and is awaiting termination.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SG14 - Address RLS. Set to end of Reminder cycle AD (DD/MM/YY) The address for the customer has shown as RLS. The case has been moved on to the end of the reminder cycle (the form process) for ‘force finalisation’ and termination.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SG15 - Case inhibited. BF (DD/MM/YY). Cases transferred to Renewals Related Compliance MU The case is showing an ‘inhibited’ signal, so it has been transferred to the Compliance MU.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SG16 - (Recorded/Registered) letter (number) redirected to (insert details) (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
SG17 - S17 Unsigned/Incomplete TC829 & *TC603D/*TC603D2 issued to (insert details) for (earnings/soc/sig). BF (DD/MM/YY) trfd to BF MU A letter TC829 and form TC603D / TC603D2 have been sent to the customer for the information required to complete the Annual Declaration and also to obtain the customer’s signature. The case has been transferred to the Unsigned BF MU.
SG18 - S17 Unsigned/ Incomplete. (DD/MM/YY) clmt asked to ring back with Incomplete information re (insert reason). BF (DD/MM/YY)’ Phone call was made to the customer who didn’t have all the required information. The customer was asked to ring the Contact Centre with the required information by the date shown.
SG19 - S17 Unsigned/Incomplete TC829R issued to clmt for (earnings/soc/sig) BF (DD/MM/YY) The reminder form TC829R has been sent to the customer because there has been no reply to the first form that was sent for the required information.
SG20 - End of Reminder cycle. AD (DD/MM/YY) trfd to ‘Pending CY Term’ MU The action date for the form TC829R has expired and the customer has failed to reply. The award has now reached the end of the reminder cycle and has been transferred to the Pending CY Term MU awaiting termination.
SG21 - S17 Unsigned/Incomplete - action completed. Award processed All the information required to complete the Annual Declaration is already on the computer and the award has now been processed without any problem. The entry has also disappeared from the work list.
SG22 - S17 Logged treated as Unsigned/Incomplete TC829 & *TC603D/*TC603D2 issued to clmt for (earnings/soc/sig). BF (DD/MM/YY) trfd to ‘BF’ MU A letter TC829 and a form TC603D/TC603D2 has been sent to the customer for the information required to complete the Annual Declaration and also to obtain the customer’s signature. The case has been transferred to the Unsigned BF MU.
SG23 - S17 Logged delay in processing action date set. BF(DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
SG24 - S17 Logged treat as Unsigned/ Incomplete. (DD/MM/YY) clmt asked to ring back with Incomplete information re (insert reason). BF (DD/MM/YY) Phone call was made to the customer who didn’t have all the required information. The customer was asked to ring the Contact Centre with the required information by the date shown.
SG25 - S17 Logged treated as Unsigned/Incomplete TC829R issued to clmt for (earnings/soc/sig) BF (DD/MM/YY) The reminder form TC829R has been sent to the customer because there has been no reply to the first form that was sent for the required information.
SG26 - No reply received, end of Reminder cycle Self-explanatory.
SG27 - S17 Logged treated as Unsigned/Incomplete - S17 Logged action completed. Award processed All the information required to complete the Annual Declaration is already on the computer and the award has now been processed without any problem. The entry has also disappeared from the work list.
This Note no longer used from 9 May 2008 - SG28 - 2006-2007 Award finalised The work item has been worked and the 2006-2007 award has been finalised.
This Note no longer used from 9 May 2008 - SG29 - 2006-2007 Award finalised and 2007-2008 renewed The work item has been worked and the 2006-2007 award has been finalised and the 2007-2008 award renewed.
SG30 - 20XX-20XX Award finalised The work item has been worked and the PY award has been finalised.
SG31 - 20XX-20XX Award finalised and 20XX- 20XX renewed The work item has been worked and the PY-1 award has been finalised and the PY award renewed.

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S17 others

The other S17 reasons are Duplicate, Superseded, Ceased Joint Reply and Ceased Other Income.

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
SH01 - Disregarded all superseded S17’s dec When a superseded Annual Declaration has been received, a work list entry will be created with the reason ‘Superseded’. The superseded Annual Declaration will be disregarded by selecting the Disregard All Superseded S17s checkbox. This action means that all superseded Annual Declarations for the award will be disregarded.
SH02 - S17 reason Ceased Jnt reply Disregarded the S17 A ceased award, where a joint reply hasn’t been received will create a work list entry with the reason ‘Ceased Joint Reply’. The Annual Declaration has been disregarded.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SH03 - S17 reason Ceased Other Inc Disregarded the S17 A work list entry with the reason ‘Ceased Other Income’ has been worked and the Annual Declaration has been disregarded.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SH04 - Original and duplicate Dec details are the same, therefore disregarded duplicate S17 A work list entry has been created with the reason ‘Duplicate’. The original Annual Declaration has been compared with the duplicate one and the details found to be exactly the same. The duplicate Annual Declaration has been disregarded.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SH05 - Confirmed with (insert details) correct Dec dtls, (insert correct income details) system updated and disregarded duplicate S17 A work list entry has been created with the reason ‘Duplicate’. The details on the original Annual Declaration are different from those on the duplicate one. The customer has been contacted to confirm the correct details. Once the correct details are confirmed, the details on the tax credits computer are amended, if necessary and the duplicate Annual Declaration disregarded.
This Note no longer used from 14 December 2007 - SH06 - Transferred case from Unproc S17 W/L to Renewals Related Compliance MU due to Compliance, SCO, Inhibited signals A work list entry has been created with the reasons ‘Duplicate’ and/or ‘Ceased Joint Reply’ or ‘Ceased Other Income’ and a Compliance, Inhibited, or Special Compliance Office signal is also present. The work item has been transferred to another MU.
SH07 - Issued a TC664 to confirm correct Dec detls (insert BF date). Transfer to Others BF MU A work list entry has been created with the reason ‘Duplicate’. The details on the original Annual Declaration are different from those on the duplicate one. It hasn’t been possible to confirm the correct details by phone, therefore form TC664 has been sent. The work item has been transferred to the relevant BF MU.
SH08 - S17 Ceased Joint reply. Disregarded the S17 & Marked as Not Served A ceased award, where a joint reply has not been received will create a work list entry with the reason ‘Ceased Joint Reply’. The Annual Declaration has been disregarded and marked as not served.
SH09 - S17 Ceased Other Inc. Disregarded the AD A work list entry with the reason ‘Ceased Other Income’ has been worked and the Annual Declaration has been disregarded.
SH10 - S17 Ceased Other Inc. Disregarded the AD & Marked as Not Served A work list entry with the reason ‘Ceased Other Income’ has been worked and the Annual Declaration has been disregarded and marked as not served.
SH11 - UTCX1 Clmt asked to ring back with all the info re (insert reason). BF (DD/MM/YY) The details on the original Annual Declaration are different from those on the duplicate one. It hasn’t been possible to confirm all the correct details by phone, the customer has been asked to ring the Contact Centre with the required information. An action date has been set as stated and the work item has been transferred to the relevant BF MU.
SH12 - TC829R Sent to Clmt BF (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
SH13 - AD Disregarded Annual Declaration disregarded as details provided are not required.
SH14 - Trfd to ‘W&C’ MU Duplicate work item has been transferred to the Unprocessed S17 Worked and Cleared MU.
This Note no longer used from 12 March 20 \nSH15 - Trfd to ‘Rogue’ MU Duplicate work item has been transferred to the Unprocessed S17 Rogue MU.
This Note no longer used from 29 January 2010 - SH16 - Form TC853 issued There is an outstanding appeal associated with the Annual Declaration.
This Note no longer used from 9 May 2008 - SH17 - 2005-2006 Award finalised and 2006-2007 award renewed The Annual Declaration has either an appeal or Compliance associated with the Annual Declaration, so Function MANAGE FINALISATION has had to be used to finalise and renew the award.
This Note no longer used from 9 May 2008 - SH18 - 2006-2007 Award finalised The Annual Declaration has either an appeal or Compliance associated with the Annual Declaration, so Function MANAGE FINALISATION has had to be used to finalise the award.
SH19 - Clmt not replied to TC829R AD Disregarded Self-explanatory.
SH20 - 20XX-20XX Award not finalised and 20XX-20XX award renewed The Annual Declaration has either an appeal or Compliance associated with the Annual Declaration, so Function MANAGE FINALISATION has had to be used to renew the award.
This Note no longer used from 29 January 2010 - SH21 - 20XX-20XX Award finalised The Annual Declaration has either an appeal or Compliance associated with the Annual Declaration, so Function MANAGE FINALISATION has had to be used to finalise the award.
SH22 - Duplicate AD Disregarded as does not affect PY or CY entitlement A SEES calculation has been completed on both Annual Declarations and the differing amounts make no difference to the entitlement.
SH30 - SMS issued to customer encouraging them to renew on time - renewal can be captured/processed as normal This is a project to encourage customers to reply on time to their S17. These are customers who have previously not responded on time to their renewal notice resulting in a termination and then a restore of their claim. Renewal can be captured and processed as normal.
SH31 - SMS undelivered. Letter issued to customer prompting them to renew on time - renewal can be captured/processed as normal. This is a project to encourage customers to reply on time to their S17. These are customers who have previously not responded on time to their renewal notice resulting in a termination and then a restore of their claim. Renewal can be captured and processed as normal.
SH32 - Letter issued to customer prompting them to renew on time - renewal can be captured/processed as normal. This is a project to encourage customers to reply on time to their S17. These are customers who have previously not responded on time to their renewal notice resulting in a termination and then a restore of their claim. Renewal can be captured and processed as normal.
SH33 - Second SMS reminder issued to customer prompting them to renew on time - renewal can be captured/processed as normal. This is a project to encourage customers to reply on time to their S17. These are customers who have previously not responded on time to their renewal notice resulting in a termination and then a restore of their claim. Renewal can be captured and processed as normal.
SH34 - Reminder SMS undelivered, reminder letter issued to customer prompting them to renew on time - renewal can be captured/processed as normal. This is a project to encourage customers to reply on time to their S17. These are customers who have previously not responded on time to their renewal notice resulting in a termination and then a restore of their claim. Renewal can be captured and processed as normal.
SH35 - Reminder letter issued to customer prompting them to renew on time - renewal can be captured/processed as normal. This is a project to encourage customers to reply on time to their S17. These are customers who have previously not responded on time to their renewal notice resulting in a termination and then a restore of their claim. Renewal can be captured and processed as normal.
SH36 - SMS issued to customer advising they may receive more than one renewal due to multiple households throughout the year and informing them they must complete each one. Renewal can be captured/processed as normal. This is a project to inform customers who have had one or more HHBD during the year that they need to complete their S17 for each of their claims including terminated ones. Renewal can be captured and processed as normal.
SH37 - SMS undelivered, letter issued to customer advising they may receive more than one renewal due to multiple households throughout the year and informing them they must complete each one. Renewal can be captured/processed as normal. This is a project to inform customers who have had one or more HHBD during the year that they need to complete their S17 for each of their claims including terminated ones. Renewal can be captured and processed as normal.
SH38 - Letter issued to customer advising they may receive more than one renewal due to multiple households throughout the year and informing them they must complete each one. Renewal can be captured/processed as normal. This is a project to inform customers who have had one or more HHBD during the year that they need to complete their S17 for each of their claims including terminated ones. Renewal can be captured and processed as normal.
SH39 - Reminder SMS issued to customer advising they may receive more than one renewal due to multiple households throughout the year and informing them they must complete each one. Renewal can be captured/processed as normal. This is a project to inform customers who have had one or more HHBD during the year that they need to complete their S17 for each of their claims including terminated ones. Renewal can be captured and processed as normal.
SH40 - Reminder SMS undelivered, letter issued to customer advising they may receive more than one renewal due to multiple households throughout the year and informing them they must complete each one. Renewal can be captured/processed as normal. This is a project to inform customers who have had one or more HHBD during the year that they need to complete their S17 for each of their claims including terminated ones. Renewal can be captured and processed as normal.
SH41 - Reminder letter issued to customer advising they may receive more than one renewal due to multiple households throughout the year and informing them they must complete each one. Renewal can be captured/processed as normal. This is a project to inform customers who have had one or more HHBD during the year that they need to complete their S17 for each of their claims including terminated ones. Renewal can be captured and processed as normal
SH42 - SMS to customer whose claim terminated during 18/19 and was not in year finalised reminding them that they need to complete their S17 for the terminated claim. Customer had a claim that was terminated during 18/19. The claim was not in year finalised, therefore SMS sent to customer to inform them that they need to complete their S17 for the terminated claim.
SH43 - SMS undelivered so letter sent to customer whose claim terminated during 18/19 and was not in year finalised reminding them that they need to complete their S17 for the terminated claim. Customer had a claim that was terminated during 18/19. The claim was not in year finalised, SMS sent but was undelivered so letter sent to customer to remind/inform them that they need to complete their S17 for the terminated claim. The SMS was undelivered so letter sent.
SH44 - Reminder SMS to customer whose claim terminated during 18/19 and was not in year finalised reminding them that they need to complete their S17 for the terminated claim. Customer had a claim that was terminated during 18/19. The claim was not in year finalised therefore SMS sent to customer to remind them that they need to complete their S17 for the terminated claim. No response to SMS, reminder SMS sent.
SH45 - Reminder SMS undelivered, reminder letter sent to customer whose claim terminated during 18/19 and was not in year finalised reminding them that they need to complete their S17 for the terminated claim. Customer had a claim that was terminated during 18/19. The claim was not in year finalised. Reminder SMS sent to customer to inform them that they need to complete their S17 for the terminated claim. SMS undelivered letter sent.
SH46 - Letter sent to customer whose claim terminated during 18/19 and was not in year finalised that they need to complete their S17 for the terminated claim. Customer had a claim that was terminated during 18/19. The claim was not in year finalised. There is no mobile number on customer records therefore letter sent to customer to inform them that they need to complete their S17 for the terminated claim.
SH47 - Reminder letter sent to customer whose claim terminated during 18/19 and was not in year finalised, informing them that they need to complete their S17 for the terminated claim. Customer had a claim that was terminated during 18/19. The claim was not in year finalised. Reminder letter sent to customer to inform them that they need to complete their S17 for the terminated claim.
SH48- 1SD extended to December. Clmt provided man declaration, cannot be worked currently. If clmt contacts capture 20/21 renewal on RBS. Select ‘Renewals’ then ‘Completing a Renewal’. Follow the process then close DMS item in Man Capture Queue During 2020/21 Renewals campaign, a large volume of manual declarations have been received that cannot be worked. To prevent them from terminating we have extended the customer specified date to prevent termination.

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NTC Listing

At the end of each tax year, work items remaining on the Unprocessed S17 work list and Unfinalised S17 work list are moved to NTC Listings.

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
SI01 - Compliance Termination NTC Listing Item deleted The NTC Listing work item is a Compliance Termination. As an award doesn’t exist, it doesn’t require finalisation. The work item can be deleted.
SI02 - NTC Listing complex case referred to International Team The NTC Listing work item is a genuine complex case, a relevant action date is set as the work item can’t be processed until the International team have completed their action.
SI03 - TC648 sent to Priority 1 team The NTC Listing work item displays with customer 1 and/or customer 2 deceased signal. Form TC648 is sent to the Priority1 team to work the work item and an action date is set until the work item has been completed by the Priority 1 Team.
SI04 - NTC Listing Unfinalised work item deleted as also on Unprocessed Work List The NTC Listing work item appears on the Unfinalised and Unprocessed NTC Listing work lists. The item can be deleted from the Unfinalised work list.
SI05 - Missing details asked for - Clmt to call back with missing *income/benefits/SOC information’ *Delete as appropriate. BF (DD/MM/YY) The customer has been contacted by phone for missing income/benefits information but didn’t have all the information. The customer was told to phone the Contact Centre with the missing information which will be forwarded to TCO. A 14-day action date is set while awaiting the information.
SI06 - Reminder form TC829R issued to customer A reminder has been sent to the customer as the 14-day action date has expired and the customer hasn’t yet provided the information requested.
SI07 - Wait for award to terminate before continuing with the finalise action The work item is awaiting the computer to terminate before the award can be finalised, an action date of three days is set for this process to take place.
SI08 - Wait for award to renew before continuing with the finalise action The work item is awaiting the computer to renew the award before the award can be finalised, an action date of three days is set for this process to take place.
SI09 - Wait for award to finalise before continuing with the final NTC Listing action The work item is awaiting the computer to finalise the award before the final NTC Listing action, an action date of three days is set for this process to take place.
SI10 - Award has not finalised can not continue with the NTC Listing action The NTC Listing work item can’t be finalised due to a computer error, set a relevant action date.
SI11 - Form TC853 issued The NTC Listing work item had an appeal reason showing, form TC853 has been sent to the customer to explain that their appeal rights on the original award still stand.
This Note no longer used from 9 May 2008 - SI12 - 2005-2006 Award Finalised The NTC Listing work item for 2005-2006 award has been finalised and the work item can now be deleted.
This Note no longer used from 9 May 2008 - SI13 - 2005-2006 Award Finalised and 2006-2007 award Terminated The NTC Listing work item has been worked and the 2005-2006 award has been finalised, and the 2006-2007 award has been terminated. The work item can now be deleted.
This Note no longer used from 9 May 2008 - SI14 - 2005-2006 Award Finalised and 2006-2007 award Renewed The NTC Listing work item has been worked and the 2005-2006 award has been finalised, and the 2006-2007 award has been renewed. The work item can now be deleted.
SI15 - Work item deleted from NTC Listing The NTC Listing work item has been worked and can now be deleted.
SI16 - Refer to SCO signal, case referred to CIO The NTC Listing work list item has a SCO signal on the award and the case has been referred to the Criminal Investigations Officer (CIO). An action date is set that has been provided by the CIO.
This Note no longer used from 9 May 2008 - SI17 - 2005-2006 Award Renewed and Finalised The NTC Listing work item has been worked and the 2005-2006 award has been renewed and finalised, the work item can now be deleted.
SI18 - Award Under Enquiry / Inhibited signal shown case referred to Compliance Officer The NTC Listing work item has a Claim Under Enquiry, or Inhibited signal showing and the case has been referred to Compliance. An action date is set that has been provided by the Compliance Officer.
This Note no longer used from 9 May 2008 - SI19 - 2005-2006 Award Finalised The NTC Listing work item has been worked and the 2005-2006 award has been finalised, the work item can now be deleted from NTC Listing.
SI20 - TC664 issued to customer requesting missing information (record the information you have requested) Form TC664 has been issued to the customer to request the missing information required.
SI21 - Reminder form TC829R issued to clmt A reminder form TC829R has been sent to the customer as the 14-day action date has expired and the customer hasn’t yet provided the information requested.
SI22 - Reminder form TC664R issued to customer A reminder form TC644R has been sent to the customer as the 14 day action date has expired and the customer hasn’t yet provided the information requested.
SI23 - Reminder form TC606 issued to customer A reminder form TC606 has been sent to the customer as the 14-day action date has expired and the customer hasn’t yet provided the information requested.
SI24 - When 1SD has been reached continue with the NTC Listing action An action date is set on NTC Listing until the awards 1SD has been reached so action can continue on the award.
SI25 - When 2SD has been reached continue with the NTC Listing An action date is set on NTC Listing until the awards 2SD has been reached so action can continue on the award.
SI26 - PY award finalised and / or renewed (insert the appropriate years that have been finalised and / or renewed) Self-explanatory.
SI27 - 20XX-20XX Claim Finalised The NTC Listing work item for the 20XX-20XX award has been finalised and the work item can now be deleted.
SI28 - 20XX-20XX Claim Finalised and 20XX/20XX claim Renewed The NTC Listing work item has been worked the 20XX-20XX award has been finalised, and the 20XX-20XX award has been renewed. The work item can now be deleted.
SI29 - 20XX-20XX Claim Renewed and Finalised The NTC Listing work item has been worked and the 20XX-20XX award has been renewed and finalised. The work item can now be deleted.
SI30 - 20XX-20XX Claim Finalised and 20XX/20XX claim Terminated The NTC Listing work item has been worked, the 20XX-20XX award has been finalised, and the 20XX-20XX award has been terminated. The work item can now be deleted.
SI31 - Unprocessed S17 work item actioned from NTC Listings Self-explanatory.
SI32 - NTC Listings complex case being worked by International Team The NTC Listing work item is a genuine complex case. An action date has been set, as the work item cannot be processed until the International Team has completed their action.
SI33 - Reminder form TC609 issued to customer A reminder has been sent to the customer as the 14-day action date has expired and the customer has not yet provided the information requested.
SI34 - 2016/17 claim finalised and/or renewed by robotics - S17 NTC listing deleted 2016/17 claim finalised and/or renewed by robotics - S17 NTC listing deleted.

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