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TCM0172060 - Notes - Standardised Messages (S): Standardised Messages - S - Renewals (codes from SJ to SS)

Note: This guidance provides Standardised Messages for the renewals issues listed below. Standardised Messages for other renewals issues are listed in TCM0172020 (codes from SA to SD), TCM0172040 (codes from SE to SI) and TCM0172080 (codes from ST to SZ).

S17 appeals or complex (codes from SJ01 to SJ05)
Renewals - initial action (Codes SK01 to SK08)
S17 incomplete or no PY-1 (Codes SL01 to SL47)
Unprocessed S17 work list - Compliance, SCO or inhibited only (Codes SM01 to SM09)
S17 unfinalised (Codes SN01 to SN34)
Unprocessed S17 work list - finalised and terminated only (Codes SO01 to SO06)
Household breakdown renewals (Codes SP01 to SP02)
Unprocessed S17 work list - verification failures (Codes SQ01 to SQ08)
Terminating unprocessed S17 work items (Codes SR01 to SR02)
Unprocessed S17 work list - PY-1 incompatible (codes from SS01 to SS06)

Standardised reference

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message. For more information see TCM0152090

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’

S17 appeals or complex

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
SJ01 - S17 appeal or non genuine Complex action completed. Award processed Either appeal or non-genuine Complex work item that has been processed in Function AMEND.
This Note no longer used from 6 November 2009 - SJ02 - CY award renewed and PY award finalised The work item has been worked and the CY award has been renewed and the PY claim finalised, the work item can now be deleted.
SJ03 - PY award finalised The work item for the PY award has been finalised and can now be deleted.
This Note no longer used from 6 November 2009 - SJ04 - Form TC853 issued The work item had an appeal reason showing, and the letter TC853 has been sent to the customer to explain that their appeal rights on the original award still stand.
SJ05 - CY award renewed. PY is unfinalised due to the ongoing appeal The work item has been worked and the CY award has been renewed. The PY award can not be finalised until the appeal has been concluded. Once the appeal has been concluded the award will be finalised.

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Renewals - initial action

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
SK01 - Terminated Compliance Case with status of ‘Terminated Compliance’ has been transferred to the Fully Worked And Awaiting System Deletion MU.
SK02 - Refer to SCO signal, case referred to the Renewals Related MU A ‘SCO’ signal is present on the claim and the case has been transferred to the Renewals Related MU.
SK03 - Claim Under Enquiry / Inhibited signal, case referred to the Renewals Related MU A ‘Claim Under Enquiry’ or ‘Inhibited’ signal is present on the claim and the case has been referred to the Renewals Related MU.
SK04 Complex Case referred to International Team The genuine complex case has been transferred to the International Team in Washington to complete their action.
SK05 - DOD indicator Case referred to the P1 CoC’s Team A date of death indicator is shown for one or both of the customers. The case has been transferred to the Priority 1 Change of Circumstances Team.
SK06 - Manual correspondence marker added for PY income change up to upper income disregard Self-explanatory.
SK07 – 20XX – 20XX Claim Under Enquiry/Inhibited signal, case referred to HRR restore request/CRA, renewals termination restore request/disability, renewals check (delete as appropriate) A ‘Claim Under Enquiry’ or ‘Inhibited’ signal is present on the claim and the case has been referred.
SK08 - S17 not yet received. S17 replayed verbally to customer. Customer advised to renew online/renewal accepted by phone (delete as appropriate) S17 issued to customer but not yet received. The S17 details held on NTC replayed to customer over the phone.

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S17 incomplete or no PY-1

An Annual Declaration has been returned with data missing or provided in an unacceptable format. A complete Annual Declaration is still required to continue the finalisation process.

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SL01 - S17 Incomplete. ‘No outstanding declarations’ Disregard AD guidance followed ‘There are no outstanding declarations for this household’ message has shown when trying to access the award in Function CAPTURE RENEWAL DECLARATION. TCM0272220 needs to be followed, not Incomplete.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SL02 - S17 Incomplete. ‘This barcode has been superseded’. Disregard AD guidance followed ‘This barcode has been superseded’ message has shown when trying to access the award in Function CAPTURE RENEWAL DECLARATION. TCM0272220 needs to be followed, not incomplete.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SL03 - S17 Incomplete. (DD/MM/YY) UTCX2 TC829 & TC603D issued to (insert details) re (insert reason). BF (DD/MM/YY) At least two unsuccessful phone calls have been made to the customer. Form TC829 has been sent to the customer with form TC603D or form TC603D2 asking for a reply within 14 days.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SL04 - S17 Incomplete. TC829 & TC603D issued to (insert details) re (insert reason). BF (DD/MM/YY) Form TC829 and or form TC603D2 have been issued to the customer for the reasons shown. An action date as shown has been set on the work item in the BF MU.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SL05 - S17 Incomplete. (DD/MM/YY) UTCX1 Clmt told to ring back with Incomplete information re (insert reason). BF (DD/MM/YY) At least one unsuccessful phone call has been made to the customer who didn’t have all the required information. The customer was asked to ring the Contact Centre with the required information by the date shown.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SL06 - S17 Incomplete. (DD/MM/YY) UTCX1 verbal reminder for clmt to ring back with Incomplete information re (insert reason). BF (DD/MM/YY) At least one unsuccessful phone has been made to the customer as part of the reminder cycle. The customer was asked to ring the Contact Centre with the required information by the date shown.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SL07 - S17 Incomplete - TC829R issued to (insert details) re (insert reason). BF (DD/MM/YY) A reminder letter TC829R has been sent to the customer because there has been no reply to the first form that was sent asking for the incomplete information.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SL08 - S17 Incomplete. (DD/MM/YY) UTCX2 TC829R issued to (insert details) re (insert reason). BF (DD/MM/YY) At least two unsuccessful phone calls have been made to the customer as part of the reminder cycle. Form TC829R has been sent to the customer asking for a reply within 14 days.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SL09 - S17 Incomplete. End of Reminder cycle. Not fin’d. Trfd to ‘Pending CY Term’ MU The customer has failed to reply to the TC603D or TC603D2 and the action date has expired. The award has now reached the end of the reminder cycle and has been transferred to the Pending CY Term MU to await termination.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SL10 - S17 Incomplete AD received when claim is finalised, Clmt not responded to enqs, no further action taken. Trfd to ‘Fully Worked And Awaiting System Deletion’ MU The customer has failed to reply to the TC603D or TC603D2 and the action date has expired. The award has now reached the end of the reminder cycle and has been transferred to the Fully Worked And Awaiting System Deletion MU as no further action is required because it’s finalised.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SL11 - S17 Incomplete. Inappropriate zeros removed The zeros originally written for an income figure have been entered in an unacceptable format on the annual declaration. The format has now been corrected.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SL12 - S17 Incomplete AD received when claim is Terminated, Clmt not responded to enq’s, no further action taken. Trfd to ‘Fully Worked And Awaiting System Deletion’ MU The customer has failed to reply to the TC603D or TC603D2 and the action date has expired. The award has now reached the end of the reminder cycle and has been transferred to the Fully Worked And Awaiting System Deletion MU as no further action is required because it’s terminated.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SL13 - S17 Incomplete. Single customer claim, second customer details deleted Customer 2 details were present on the computer when the Annual Declaration was for a single customer. Customer 2 details therefore deleted as they aren’t required.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SL14 - S17 Incomplete. Question mark removed. Clmt confirmed what the entry was supposed to be (enter details) Incomplete because RDC couldn’t scan a field and a question mark has been entered by the RDC operator. Information received and entered, therefore question mark removed.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SL15 - S17 Incomplete. Information (enter details) received and processed with no further errors. Award finalised and renewed Incomplete failure has been repaired and the Annual Declaration has been finalised and renewed.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SL16 - S17 Incomplete. Information received and processed with no further errors. Award finalised Incomplete failure has been repaired and the Annual Declaration has been finalised only, because it doesn’t need renewing.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SL17 - S17 Incomplete. (DD/MM/YY) UTCX2 TC829 & TC603D2 issued to (insert details) re (insert reason). BF (DD/MM/YY) At least two unsuccessful phone calls have been made to the customer. Form TC829 has been sent to the customer with form TC603D asking for a reply within 14 days.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SL18 - S17 Incomplete. TC829 & TC603D or D2 issued to (insert details) re (insert reason). BF (DD/MM/YY) Forms TC829 and TC603D or D2 have been sent to the customer for the reasons shown. The action date shown has been set on the work item in the BF MU.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SL19 - S17 Incomplete/Restore (delete as appropriate) - Clmt confirmed zero income/benefit for PY. £1.00 input in the Other Income field in order to process the renewal The computer won’t accept zero income or benefit for PY so £1.00 has been input in the Other Income field to process the annual declaration.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SL20 - S17 Incomplete/Restore (delete as appropriate) - Clmt confirmed zero income/benefit for PY-1. ‘0’ (zero) input in the Other Income field in order to process the renewal The computer won’t accept zero income or benefit for PY-1, so ‘0’ has been input in the Other Income field to process the annual declaration.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SL21 - S17 Incomplete. TC829 & TC603D or D2 re-issued to (insert details) re (insert reason and record any information already provided by the customer). BF (DD/MM/YY) Additional TC829 and TC603D or D2 have been sent to the customer for outstanding renewal information. Details of information required and information already received entered on to household notes. The action date shown has been set on the work item in the BF MU.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SL22 - S17 Incomplete. Clmt told to ring back with Incomplete information re (insert reason and record any information already provided by the customer). BF (DD/MM/YY) Phone call has been made to the customer who didn’t have all the required information. The customer was asked to ring the Contact Centre with the required information by the date shown.
SL23 - S17 Incomplete. ‘No outstanding declarations’ Duplicate Guide followed ‘There are no outstanding declarations for this household’ message has displayed when trying to access the award using Function CAPTURE RENEWAL DECLARATION. TCM0272140 has been followed instead.
SL24 - S17 Incomplete. Attempt to contact customer unsuccessful. (insert letter type(s)) issued to (insert details and reason). Customer already provided (Insert details including SOC box). BF (DD/MM/YY) The attempt to contact the customer has been unsuccessful. The form mentioned in the message has been sent to the customer for the reasons shown. A reply is required within 30 days.
SL25 - S17 Incomplete - Reminder issued to (insert details) re (insert reason). BF (DD/MM/YY) There has been no reply to the previous enquiry. A reminder has been sent to the customer asking for a reply within 16 days.
SL26 - S17 Incomplete. End of Reminder cycle. Not finalised. Trfd to ‘Pending CY Term’ MU The customer hasn’t replied to the written enquiries and the action date has expired. The award has now reached the end of the reminder cycle and has been transferred to the Pending CY Term MU to await termination before 1SD.
SL27 - S17 Incomplete AD received when claim is either finalised or terminated, Customer not replied to enquiries, no further action taken. Trfd to ‘Fully Worked And Awaiting System Deletion’ MU The customer hasn’t replied to the written enquiries and the action date has expired. The award has now reached the end of the reminder cycle and has been transferred to the Fully Worked And Awaiting System Deletion MU as no further action is required because the award has been finalised or terminated.
SL28 - S17 Incomplete. Question mark removed. Customer confirmed what the entry was supposed to be (enter details) Incomplete because Rapid Data Capture (RDC) couldn’t scan a field and a question mark has been entered by the RDC operator or the customer has confirmed that their income is £63,000 or more. The information has been received and entered, and therefore the question mark has been removed.
SL29 - S17 Incomplete. Information received and processed with no further errors (enter details received). Claim Processed The Incomplete failure has been repaired and the Annual Declaration has been processed with no further errors.
SL30 - S17 Incomplete / Restore (delete as appropriate) - Clmt confirmed zero income / benefit for PY. £1.00 input in the Other Income field in order to process the renewal The tax credits computer won’t accept zero income or benefit for PY so £1.00 has been entered in the Other Income field so that the Annual Declaration can be processed.
SL31 - S17 No PY-1 / Restore (delete as appropriate) - Customer confirmed zero income / benefit for PY-1. ‘0’ (zero) input in the Other Income field in order to process the renewal The computer won’t zero income or benefit for PY-1 so a ‘0’ has been entered in the Other Income field so that the Annual Declaration can be processed.
This Note no longer used from 12 August 2011 - SL32 - S17 Incomplete. Customer told to ring back with Incomplete information re (insert reason and record any information already provided by the customer). BF (DD/MM/YY) A phone call has been made to the customer who didn’t have all the required information. The customer has been asked to phone the Contact Centre with the required information by the date shown.
SL33 - S17 Incomplete. Single customer claim, second customer details deleted The second customer’s details were present on the tax credits computer when the Annual Declaration was for a single customer. The second customer’s details have therefore been deleted because they aren’t required.
SL34 - Unprocessed S17 Work Item. TC664 Issued to confirm Income discrepancy. BF (Insert date) in MU (Insert BF MU Number) The attempt to contact the customer has been unsuccessful. The form mentioned in the message has been sent to the customer for the reason shown. A reply is required within 30 days. TCM0262080 has been followed for this work item.
SL35 - Income Discrepancy. Customer has confirmed nil / low income that does not reflect hours worked. TCC50/TC664 (delete as appropriate) sent (include details). BF (DD/MM/YY) Income discrepancy. The Renewals Income Check guide has been followed for this work item and it has shown that the hours worked does not reflect the level of income.
SL36 - Customer confirmed their correct income details after there was a discrepancy identified. Correct income details entered Income discrepancy issue resolved. TCM0262080 has been followed for this work item.
SL37 - Case inhibited. BF (DD/MM/YY). Cases trfd to Renewals Related Compliance MU The case is showing an ‘Inhibited’ signal, so it has been transferred to the Compliance MU.
SL38 - Income discrepancy, TCC50 issued, BF expired with no response- income on declaration £XXXX (original income amount) replaced with income obtained from NPS £XXXX (new income obtained), work item cleared Following the issue of a TCC50 the customer has failed to respond, so we have updated their income using the details on NPS and obtained from any other relevant source.
SL39 - S17 Incomplete. TCC50 issued to clmt 1/2. Clmt 1/2 declared £XXXX emp inc/benefits (name of benefit) 10/11. NPS/ADD emp inc is £XXXX. Discrepancy issue in reference to PAYE No XXXXXXXX. MU XXXXXXX BF (DD/MM/YY) TCC50 issued for discrepancy.
SL40 - S17 Incomplete. RDC image requested for captured S17 to resolve Question Mark issue. BF (DD/MM/YY) Self explanatory.
SL41 - RDC Image received. Income obtained. £XXXX entered on S17 and processed. Self explanatory.
SL42 - Unprocessed S17 Incompletes. TC664 issued (DD/MM/YY) to (Clmt Name) Cust has not provided missing dets by (DD-MM-YY). Provisional payments stopped. Following the issue of a TC664, the customer has failed to provide the missing information, so we have stopped making provisional payments by applying a payment suspension.
SL43 - Unpro S17 Incompletes. Claim finalised using information provided on annual declaration/our systems (delete appropriately). Customer explanation accepted/rejected/no reply to TC1221 (Delete appropriately). TC629 issued. Customer has provided a satisfactory/non-satisfactory explanation of why income declared was different to income on HMRC systems.
SL44 - Unpro S17 Incompletes. Cust recd TCC50/TC1221 (delete as appropriate) and contacted us to clarify income used for finalisation. Cust satisfied with explanation given/Cust not satisfied with explanation but cannot explain the discrepancy. (delete as appropriate). Customer has queried the income we have used to finalise their claim. We have explained what we used and where we obtained this from and customer is happy with the explanation/not happy with figures used but cannot explain the discrepancy.
SL45 - Unpro S17 Incompletes. Cust recd TC1221 and queried the income we have used for finalisation. Cust told to send in further evidence of income before we can take further action. Customer has queried the income we have used to finalise their claim. We have explained what we used but the customer has provided another figure. We are not completely satisfied with this so have requested further evidence.
SL46 - Unpro S17 Incompletes. Cust recd TC1221 and have queried income used for finalisation. New income figure provided and TC648 referred over to CofC to consider re-finalising. Customer has queried the income we have used to finalise their claim. We have accepted the income figure provided by the customer. TC648 referred over to change of circs to consider re-finalising.
SL47 - Unpro S17 Incompletes. Cust recd TC1221 and have queried income used on letter. New income figure provided (insert new figure) and claim finalised. Customer has queried the income we have used on the letter. We have accepted the new income figure provided by the customer and finalised the award.
SL48 - SMS issued regarding incomplete renewal. Customer advised to call Helpline to rectify. Worklist case/item fell onto either one of the Incomplete, Incompat or RTI worklists and customer was issued a Call Me SMS so that their renewal could be finalised in a once and done approach with a telephony adviser.
SL49 - S17 Incomplete BF expired (dd/mm/yyyy) CLAIM CORRECTED BECAUSE (No trace of employer on NPS and claimant failed to to provide evidence that they are in employment). WTC element removed Ap1/2 (year). Any reported changes to this element, advise supporting evidence is required. Claim finalised. (User to insert sign off details) -
SL50 - Unprocessed S17 Incomplete. TC1221 issued to confirm Income discrepancy. BF for 37 days (DD/MM/YY). Transfered to MU 249905 Unprocessed S17 Incomplete. TC1221 issued to confirm Income discrepancy. BF for 37 days (DD/MM/YY). Transfered to MU 249905

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Unprocessed S17 work list - Compliance, SCO or inhibited only

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
SM01 - Comp Term Trfd to ‘Fully Worked And Awaiting System Deletion’ MU The status of the award is Terminated Compliance and has been transferred to the Fully Worked And Awaiting System Deletion MU.
SM02 - 1SD not reached, action date of (DD/MM/YY) set The 1st Specified Date hasn’t yet been reached. An action date of one day after 1SD has been set.
SM03 - Referred to CCO. Action date of (DD/MM/YY) set The Claim Under Enquiry or Inhibited signal is present. The case has been referred to the Customer Compliance Officer and the action date shown has been set. The work item remains in the Compliance Related MU.
SM04 - Referred to CIO. Action date of (DD/MM/YY) set The Refer to SCO signal is present. The case has been referred to the Criminal Investigations Officer and the action date shown has been set. The work item remains in the Compliance Related MU.
SM05 - Complex Case referred to International Team Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 9 May 2008 - SM06 - Fin and Ren in Man Fin Function MANAGE FINALISATION has been used to finalise and renew the award.
This Note no longer used from 9 May 2008 - SM07 - Fin in Man Fin Function MANAGE FINALISATION has been used to finalise the award.
SM08 - PY Finalised and CY Renewed in Function Manage Finalisation Self-explanatory.
SM09 - PY Finalised in Function Manage Finalisation Self-explanatory.

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S17 unfinalised

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
This Note no longer used from 5 March 2010 - SN01 - Non-inc coc applied on Await CoC. Event Date (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 5 March 2010 - SN02 - TC606 sent. BF (DD/MM/YY) to Unfin S17 Await COC BF Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 5 March 2010 - SN03 - Unfin S17 work item trfd to ‘Unfin S17 Await COC BF’ MU. BF (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 5 March 2010 - SN04 - TC664 sent. BF (DD/MM/YY) on Unfin S17 Work List Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 5 March 2010 - SN05 - PY income change done. SOC answer changed to Yes Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 5 March 2010 - SN06 - Change already done. SOC answer changed to Yes Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 5 March 2010 - SN07 - No change to report. SOC answer change to Yes Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 5 March 2010 - SN08 - Missing info requested - Clmt to call back with missing info Customer to phone the Contact Centre with the missing information to resolve the verification failure and or unprocessed change of circumstances.
This Note no longer used from 5 March 2010 - SN09 - TC664 sent to clmt request missing info to solve VF & or Unprocessed CoC Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 5 March 2010 - SN10 - TC853 sent to clmt explaining their appeal rights on the original award still stand Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 5 March 2010 - SN11 - Unprocessed COC work item trfd to ‘S17 Navigation Vantive’ MU Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 5 March 2010 - SN12 - Comp Term work item trfd to the ’Finalised’ MU Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 5 March 2010 - SN13 - Income was ‘E’ (Estimate) changed to ‘A’ (Actual) The claim was finalised ‘Estimate’ so income changed from ‘E’ to ‘A’ to finalise claim as ‘Actual’.
This Note no longer used from 5 March 2010 - SN14 - Do not remove payment suspension or make manual payments on this claim Self-explanatory.
SN15 - PY finalised in function Manage Finalisation Previous Year finalised in function Manage Finalisation.
SN16 - PY finalised and CY renewed in Function Manage Finalisation Previous Year finalised and current year renewed in function Manage Finalisation.
SN17 - CY renewed in function manage Finalisation Current year renewed in function Manage Finalisation.
SN18 - 1SD not reached, action date of (DD/MM/YY) set 1st Specified Date (1SD) not reached, an action date has been set to the 1SD.
SN19 - CY renewed in Function Mange Finalisation, PY not finalised as Appeal marker present Current Year renewed in function Manage Finalisation, previous year not finalised as an appeal marker is present this will be finalised by appeals when they have completed there action.
SN20 - Unprocessed Change of Circs work item transferred to S17 Navigation Vantive MU’ The work item is on the Unfinalised S17 work list: Unprocessed Change of Circumstances (UNCOC) and also on the ‘S17 Navigation Vantive MU’, the work item has to be transferred to the ‘S17 Navigation Vantive MU’ as unable to work the item.
SN21 - CY terminated as no reply to Annual Declaration and PY finalised Current year has been terminated as no reply was received to the annual declaration, previous year finalised on information held in function Manage Finalisation.
SN22 - TC606 sent, BF’d DD/MM/YY to same date as ‘Unfin S17 Await COC BF’ Self-explanatory.
SN23 - Income type changed from ‘E’ estimate of income to ‘A’ actual income The customer hasn’t provided us with actual income, the income type has been amended from Estimate to Actual income.
SN24 - New Actual income figure provided and updated, income type changed from ‘E’ to ‘A’ Customer has provided actual income figure, this has been updated on the system and the income type has been changed from estimate to actual.
SN25 - Change Of Circumstances applied, actual income figure updated and income type changed from ‘E’ to ‘A’ The customer has notified us of a change of circumstances and provided us with an actual income figure, this has been amended on the system and the income type has been changed form estimate to actual.
SN26 - Change Of Circumstances applied, and income type changed from ‘E’ to ‘A’ The customer has notified us of a change of circumstances, the income type has been amended from estimate to actual.
SN27 - 2SD not reached, action date of (DD/MM/YY) set 2nd Specified Date (2SD) not reached, an action date has been set to the 2SD.
SN28 - Finalisation inhibit marker removed Self-explanatory.
SN29 - TC664 sent to customer for missing information TC664 form sent to the customer to request missing information to resolve the work item.
SN30 - TC664R reminder form issued to customer TC664R form sent to the customer as no reply received to initial request for missing information to resolve the work item.
SN31 - SMS sent to customer as Unfin S17 - awaiting coc Annual Declaration received indicating outstanding COC. Automated reminder SMS sent requesting COC information or tax credits payments will stop.
SN32 - Change could not be applied as we are awaiting reply to TC656A re child resp. BF dd/mm/yy & Transferred to MU249956. No Sign Off Set Change could not be applied as awaiting reply to TC656A re child resp
SN33 - VFs worked and cleared, Rule 3 present, transferred to 298431 VFs worked and cleared, Rule 3 present, transferred to 298431
SN34 - Award updated with S17 details – awaiting appeals to finalise PY – unable to renew CY due to appeal marker Award updated with S17 details, awaiting appeals to finalise PY , unable to renew CY due to appeal marker

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Unprocessed S17 work list - finalised and terminated only

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
SO01 - Details of the late AD entered in AMEND (DD/MM/YY) If the PY and PY-1 income figures are different on the Annual Declaration to the income details on the computer, the new income figures from the Annual Declaration are entered.
SO02 - Details provided on late AD by (insert App1 or App2 as applicable) match the details shown in AMEND so award not re-finalised The PY and PY-1 income figures are the same on the Annual Declaration to the income details on the computer, so no re-finalisation is required.
SO03 - Details of late AD entered in Amend. CY award restored (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
SO04 - Details of late AD matched details already held in AMEND. Cy award restored (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
SO05 - Details of the late AD entered in correction using information from the S17 on (insert today’s date). PY Finalised. CY claim restored Self-explanatory.
SO06 - Details of the late AD matched the details already held in correction. PY Finalised. CY claim restored Self-explanatory.

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Household breakdown renewals

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
This Note no longer used from 5 March 2010 - SP01 - Only 1 AD reply recd from 2 clmt Household Breakdown case. AD recd (DD/MM/YY) from App 1/App 2 (as appropriate), enter details from the AD Only one Annual Declaration reply has been received from a joint household in a household breakdown case.
This Note no longer used from 5 March 2010 - SP02 - TC823a sent to clmt, as former partner has not replied to AD. Both replies required & reason for late reply to consider good cause Form TC823a has been sent to the customer, due to the former partner not replying to the Annual Declaration. Both Annual Declarations must be returned and the reason for the late response to consider good cause.

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Unprocessed S17 work list - verification failures

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
SQ01 - S17 VF. UTCX1 Clmt told to ring back with VF info re (insert reason). BF (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
SQ02 - S17 VF. UTCX1 verbal reminder for clmt to ring back with all VF info re (insert reason). BF (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
SQ03 - S17 VF. UTCX2 TC664 sent re (insert reason). BF (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
SQ04 - TC664R sent BF (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
SQ05 - S17 VF. Award processed Self-explanatory.
SQ06 - S17 VF. Finalised or finalised and renewed Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 29 January 2010 - SQ07 - TC853 sent for appeal Self-explanatory.
SQ08 - S17VF. Change could not be applied as we are awaiting reply to TC656a Re child resp. BF dd/mm/yy. Transferred to MU249986 Working unprocessed S17, when letter has already been issued.

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Terminating unprocessed S17 work items

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
SR01 - 20XX-20XX award finalised & renewed from ‘Pending CY Term’ MU, reason for Unprocessed S17 work item was No PY-1 only Self-explanatory.
SR02 - 20XX-20XX award finalised from ‘Pending CY Term’ MU, reason for Unprocessed S17 work item was No PY-1 only Self-explanatory.

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Unprocessed S17 work list - PY-1 incompatible

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
SS01 - Not finalised and / or term. Income changed BF (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SS02 - TC664 iss’d for missing info. BF (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SS03 - Clmt told to call Contact Centre with missing info BF (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SS04 - TC664R sent BF (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SS05 - PY-1 Incompatible overridden as part of 1SD processing Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 29 May 2009 - SS06 - S17 PY-1 Incompatible finalised or finalised and renewed Self-explanatory.

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