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TCM0320260 - Extra information: glossary: L

Level 1 and Level 2 user roles

There are two different user roles, Level 1 and Level 2. The user role will reflect your work task and will determine the functions that you can use to perform your job.

If you’re using function ‘Amend Application’ or function ‘Amend Effective Date’ to make a change to a previous year (PY) finalised award, the tax credits computer will determine if you’re a Level 1 or Level 2 user. If you’re a Level 2 user, you must access the user role ‘AMBS Auth S18’ to make a change to a PY finalised award.

If you’re a

  • Level 1 user, you won’t be able to make a change that would cause a potentially inappropriate refinalisation
  • Level 2 user, you’ll be told that the change will cause a potentially inappropriate refinalisation. You’ll be allowed to go ahead if you’ve determined that the change can be authorised under S19, S20 or S21 after following the guidance in TCM0042260.

Level 1 and Level 2 users will be prevented from processing a change between the 1st Specified Date (1SD) and 2nd Specified Date (2SD) if we’re waiting for actual income for a finalised year affected by the change. You’ll need to obtain actual income for the relevant year before the tax credits computer will allow you to process the change.

The Level 2 user role must only be allocated to users that have had the necessary training to allow them to make a decision to refinalise a PY award under Sections 19, 20 or 21 of the Tax Credit Act 2002 or due to an appeal decision.

Your office manager will allocate the user roles you will need to perform your job.