TCM0320280 - Extra information: glossary: M
Main earner
The main earner for Working Tax Credit (WTC) in a household is the member of a couple who works the most hours in total.
- only one member of a couple works at least 16 hours weekly, WTC will be paid to them
- both members of a couple work at least 16 hours a week, they can choose which one of them the WTC is paid to
- they’re unable to decide, HMRC will decide which customer to pay WTC to.
Manual suspension
A manual suspension is where
- overpayment recovery is in place for an award year
- an operator decides to suspend the recovery of the overpayment for business reasons - for example, to prevent further payments being made to the wrong bank account.
Recovery of the overpayment will cease until the issue is resolved. This is known as a ‘Manual Suspension’.
A manual suspension can only be recorded if there isn’t an open dispute present.