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TCM0322020 - Extra information - miscellaneous information: Adjust the award reminder cycle

It is appropriate to adjust the reminder cycle in the following circumstances

  • When you issue a copy award notice to the customer and there is not enough time remaining on the original reminder cycle for the customer to sign and return it - for example, zero to seven days.
  • When the customer contacts you and advises that they will need a longer time to return their signed award notice - for example, the household has been on holiday and on their return there is not enough time left for them to sign and return the notice before the date quoted.
  • (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
  • When the household has returned the award notice unsigned and you need to return it for signature and the cycle requires extending to allow time for sending out the form and awaiting its return.
  • When an unsigned award notice has been logged in error and you need to reset the original reminder cycle having considered that more time is needed to await the return of the notice.
  • When you are issuing a manual reminder notice and you need to allow more time in which to return the signed award notice.
  • When you are required to stop the cycle because it has been extended to its limits but the customer is still incapacitated and an appointee submits a new claim on behalf of the household.

It is not appropriate to adjust the reminder cycle in the following circumstances

  • When a duplicate notice is required. This is because the system will automatically generate a reminder cycle when the notice is issued.
  • When the household has previously requested and been issued with copies of the notice and extensions have been given up to the maximum limit allowed.
  • When you issue a copy notice that is not required by Tax Credit Office to be signed and returned - for example, the customer wants a copy for their records.
  • When a copy notice is issued and you consider there is still sufficient time to sign and return the notice.