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TCM0322040 - Extra information - miscellaneous information: Alternative currency

This is dependent on the Euro being introduced in the United Kingdom.

If this happens, the alternative currency will be the Euro and E-Day will be the day that it is introduced.

If you are using the computer six months prior to E-Day or later and the work list entries contain financial amounts

  • a pound sign (£) will be displayed in the right hand corner of the screen
  • any financial amounts will be displayed in Sterling.

You will be able to view these amounts in the alternative currency, which will be the Euro.

If you are using the computer from a date after E-Day (date to be decided) and the work list entries contain financial amounts

  • a Euro sign (€) will be displayed in the right hand corner of the screen
  • any financial amounts will be displayed in Euros.

You will be able to view these amounts in the alternative currency, which will be Sterling.