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TCM0322060 - Extra information - miscellaneous information: Amend Effective Date warning messages

In Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE, you will be presented with up to nine warning signals when you go to the Amend Effective Date screen.

Before you enter a new effective date, you must consider if you need to take any action relating to the warning checkboxes that are ticked, either prior to or after amending the effective date.

Payment not suspended

If this checkbox has been selected, a full recalculation will be made when you amend the effective date. You must consider if you need to suspend payment initially and perform any follow up action before payment is issued.

Manual Correspondence not set

If this checkbox has been selected, a full recalculation will be made when you amend the effective date. You must consider if the award notice can be issued automatically or the Manual Correspondence marker should be set before you amend the effective date.

Finalisation not Inhibited

If this checkbox has been selected, there is an award that is not finalised. By amending the effective date, the change of circumstances could finalise the claim.

Compliance Enquiry

If this checkbox has been selected, you must access Household Notes and contact the Claimant Compliance Officer who is dealing with the case. Tell them that you wish to amend the effective date of the claim.

  • If they are happy for you to do so, continue with your action.
  • If they want to check the case, you must cancel out of the Function and transfer the case to them so that they can provide you with the correct effective date.


If this checkbox has been selected, you must access Household Notes and contact the Appeals Officer who is dealing with the case. Tell them that you wish to amend the effective date of the claim.

  • If they are happy for you to do so, continue with your action.
  • If they want to check the case, you must cancel out of the Function and transfer the case to them so that they can provide you with the correct effective date.


If this checkbox has been selected, you must access Household Notes and contact the Special Compliance Officer who is dealing with the case. Inform them you wish to amend the effective date of the claim.

  • If they are happy for you to do so, continue with your action.
  • If they want to check the case, you must cancel out of the Function and transfer the case to them so that they can provide you with the correct effective date.

S17 Issued for PY but PY not finalised

If this checkbox is selected, the Annual Declaration (S17) that has been issued may be incorrect once you have amended the effective date. You may have to reissue the Annual Declaration again after performing this task.

Manual Verification present

If this checkbox is selected, you may wish to clear the outstanding verification failures before amending the effective date.


If this checkbox is selected, do not amend the effective date. The customer has already confirmed that their circumstances were correct at finalisation.