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TCM0322080 - Extra information - miscellaneous information: Applicant entitlement messages

The following error messages may display when you are amending the dates in the Start Date and Include From fields on the Applicant 1 / Applicant 2 Entitlement Details screen in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE.

For some of the error messages, you will need to use Function AMEND APPLICATION to correct the applicable entries in this function before you can proceed.

If an error message displays when you have entered a date in the Start Date and/or Include From field, follow the guidance below for the applicable field- for example, Disabled for an entry in the Disabled Start Date field.

Note: Use this guidance in conjunction with the appropriate backdating and entitlement history guidance.

Note: If you make any changes in Function AMEND APPLICATION, you must wait for these changes to be applied by the computer before performing any subsequent actions in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE. This usually takes 24 hours.

General messages
Total hours worked
50+ Employment Premium
In receipt of IS
In receipt of JSA/ESA
In receipt of MIG/PC
Incapacitated for childcare

General messages

‘Date entered cannot be later than DD-MM-YYYY’


Your entry in one of the following fields is after the existing effective date

  • Disabled Start Date
  • Disabled Include From Date
  • DLA(HCC) / PIP(ER) Start Date
  • DLA(HCC) / PIP (ER) Include From Date
  • Total Hours Worked Start Date
  • Total Hours Worked Include From Date
  • 50+ Employment Premium Claim Start Date
  • 50+ Employment Premium Include From Date
  • IS Start Date
  • IS Include From Date
  • JSA Start Date
  • JSA Include From Date.

Note: From 27/10/2008, the JSA start date and include from date will mean the start date or include from date for either JSA or ESA. Refer to the Access To DWP Data System manual to confirm the benefit details, if required.

The start date cannot be after the existing effective date.

You must

  • change the entry to before the existing effective date

or- amend the existing effective date on the Amend Effective Date screen.

‘Date must be provided’


You have removed an entry in one of the following fields

  • Disabled Start Date
  • Disabled Include From Date
  • DLA(HCC) / PIP(ER) Start Date
  • DLA(HCC) / PIP(ER) Include From Date
  • Total Hours Worked Start Date
  • Total Hours Worked Include From Date
  • 50+ Employment Premium Claim Start Date
  • 50+ Employment Premium Include From Date
  • IS Start Date
  • IS Include From Date
  • JSA / ESA Start Date
  • JSA / ESA Include From Date.

You cannot remove an entry from any of the above if the field originally displayed a start date.

You must enter the date in the appropriate field.

‘Date cannot be prior to Start Date’


Your entry in one of the following fields is before the corresponding start date

  • Disabled Include From Date
  • DLA(HCC) / PIP(ER) Include From Date
  • Total Hours Worked Include From Date
  • 50+ Employment Premium Claim Include From Date
  • IS Include From Date
  • JSA / ESA Include From Date.

The include from date cannot be before the start date for the same entitlement factor.

You must amend the start or include from date as appropriate.

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‘This Start Date falls into a previous period of Disability. Must be at least previous End Date plus one day’


Your entry in the Disabled Start Date field is either on or before an earlier end date for disability.

The disability start date cannot be on or before an earlier disability end date for the same customer.

You must check the existing disabled end date in the Applicant Details screen in Function AMEND APPLICATION

  • If the existing end date is correct, change the disabled start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE to the day after the end date shown in Function AMEND APPLICATION.
  • If the existing end date is incorrect, change the disabled end date in Function AMEND APPLICATION and re-enter the disabled start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE.

‘More than one Entitlement period for disability exists’


A period of disability entitlement already exists for this customer creating an overlap in disability periods.

You cannot have overlapping entitlement periods for disability at the new effective date.

You must check the details already held in the Applicant Details screen in Function AMEND APPLICATION

  • If the existing disability entitlement period has ceased
  • enter the appropriate disabled end date in Function AMEND APPLICATION


  • re-enter the new disabled start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE.
  • If the existing disability entitlement period is correct, check the details you are trying to enter in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE and action as appropriate.

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‘This Start Date falls into a previous period of DLA(HCC) / PIP(ER). Must be at least previous end date plus one day’


Your entry in the DLA(HCC) / PIP(ER) Start Date field is either on or before an earlier end date for DLA(HCC) / PIP(ER).

The DLA(HCC) / PIP(ER) start date cannot be on or before an earlier DLA(HCC) end date for the same customer.

You must check the existing DLA(HCC) / PIP(ER) end date in the Applicant Details screen in Function AMEND APPLICATION

  • If the existing end date is correct, change the DLA(HCC) / PIP(ER) start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE to the day after the DLA(HCC) / PIP(ER) end date shown in Function AMEND APPLICATION.
  • If the existing end date is incorrect, change the DLA(HCC) / PIP(ER) end date in Function AMEND APPLICATION and re-enter the DLA(HCC) start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE.

‘More than one Entitlement Period for DLA(HCC) / PIP(ER) exists’


A period of DLA(HCC) / PIP(ER) entitlement already exists for this customer creating an overlap in DLA(HCC) periods.

You cannot have overlapping entitlement periods for DLA(HCC) / PIP(ER) at the new effective date.

You must check the details already held in the Applicant Details screen in Function AMEND APPLICATION

  • If the existing DLA(HCC) / PIP(ER) entitlement period has ceased

  • enter the appropriate DLA(HCC) / PIP(ER) end date in Function AMEND APPLICATION


  • re-enter the new start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE.

  • If the existing DLA(HCC) / PIP(ER) entitlement period is correct, check the details you are trying to enter in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE and action as appropriate.

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Total hours worked

‘More than one Entitlement Period for total hours worked’


A period of entitlement already exists for total hours worked for this customer creating an overlap in total hours worked periods.

You cannot have overlapping entitlement periods for total hours worked at the new effective date.

You must check the details already held in the Work Details screen in Function AMEND APPLICATION

  • If the existing total hours worked entitlement period has ceased
  • enter the appropriate total hours worked end date in Function AMEND APPLICATION


  • re-enter the new start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE.
  • If the existing total hours worked entitlement period is correct, check the details you are trying to enter in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE and action as appropriate.

‘The Start Date falls into a previous period of Hours Worked. Must be at least previous end date plus one day’


Your entry in the Total Hours Worked Start Date field is either on or before an earlier end date for total hours worked.

The total hours worked start date cannot be on or before an earlier total hours worked end date for the same customer.

You must check the existing hours worked end date in the Work Details screen in Function AMEND APPLICATION

  • If the existing end date is correct, change the hours worked start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE to the day after the end date shown in Function AMEND APPLICATION.
  • If the existing end date is incorrect
  • change the hours worked end date in Function AMEND APPLICATION


  • re-enter the hours worked start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE.

This Start Date falls into a previous period of IS and customer is working 16 hours or more.

This Start Date falls into a previous period of JSA and customer is working 16 hours or more

Note: From 27/10/2008, this message will mean either JSA or ESA. Refer to the Access To DWP Data System manual to confirm the benefit details.

This Start Date falls into a previous period of MIG and customer is working 16 hours or more.


Your entry in the Hours Worked Start Date field is a date that falls within a previous period of IS, JSA / ESA or MIG / PC.

The total hours worked start date cannot be on or before an earlier end date for IS if the customer is working 16 hours or more.

You must check the details already held in the Work Details screen in Function AMEND APPLICATION

  • If the IS, JSA or MIG / PC end date is correct, check the total hours worked start date you are trying to enter in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE and action as appropriate.
  • If the ESA date and total hours worked start date are correct, refer the case to the European Economic Area (EEA) Team (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
  • If the IS, JSA / ESA or MIG / PC end date is incorrect
  • enter the appropriate IS, JSA / ESA or MIG / PC end date in Function AMEND APPLICATION


  • re-enter the correct total hours worked start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE.

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50+ Employment Premium

‘Start Date cannot be equal to or between a historical 50+ start date and a historical 50+ end date’


Your entry in the 50+ Employment Premium Claim Start Date field is either on or before an earlier end date for 50+ employment premium claim.

The 50+ employment premium claim start date cannot be on or before an earlier end date for the same customer.

You must check the existing 50+ end date in the Work Details screen in Function AMEND APPLICATION

  • If the existing end date is correct, change the 50+ start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE to the day after the end date shown in Function AMEND APPLICATION.
  • If the existing end date is incorrect
  • change the 50+ end date in Function AMEND APPLICATION


  • re-enter the 50+ start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE.

‘More than one Entitlement Period for 50+ Employment’


A period of entitlement already exists for 50+ Entitlement Premium Claim for this customer creating an overlap in 50+ periods.

You cannot have overlapping entitlement periods for 50+ employment premium claim at the new effective date.

You must check the details already held in the Work Details screen in Function AMEND APPLICATION

  • If the existing 50+ entitlement period has ceased
  • enter the appropriate 50+ end date in Function AMEND APPLICATION


  • re-enter the new start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE.
  • If the existing 50+ entitlement period is correct, check the details you are trying to enter in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE and action as appropriate.

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In receipt of IS

‘Start Date must be outside a historical period of IS’

‘Start Date must be outside a historical period of JSA’

Note: From 27/10/2008, this message will mean either JSA or ESA. Refer to the Access to DWP Data System manual to confirm the benefit details.

‘Start Date must be outside a historical period of MIG’

‘Start Date must be outside a historical period of Hours Worked’


You have entered a date in the IS Start Date field - that is, on or before an earlier end date for IS, JSA, ESA, MIG or Hours Worked.

The IS start date must be after an earlier end date for IS, JSA, ESA, MIG or Hours Worked.

You must check the existing end date in the Income screen in Function AMEND APPLICATION

  • If the existing end date is correct, change the start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE to the day after the end date shown in Function AMEND APPLICATION.
  • If the existing end date is incorrect
  • change the end date in Function AMEND APPLICATION


  • re-enter the start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE.

‘More than one Entitlement Period for IS exists for this customer’


A period of IS entitlement already exists for this customer creating an overlap in IS periods.

You cannot have overlapping entitlement periods for IS at the new effective date.

You must check the details already held in the Income screen in Function AMEND APPLICATION

  • If the existing IS entitlement period has ceased
  • enter the appropriate IS end date in Function AMEND APPLICATION


  • Re-enter the new start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE.
  • If the existing IS entitlement period is correct, check the details you are trying to enter in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE and action as appropriate.

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In receipt of JSA/ESA

‘Start Date must be outside a historical period of IS’

‘Start Date must be outside a historical period of JSA’

Note: From 27/10/2008, this message will mean either JSA or ESA. Refer to the Access to DWP Data System manual to confirm the benefit details.

‘Start Date must be outside a historical period of MIG’

‘Start Date must be outside a historical period of Hours Worked’


You have entered a date in the JSA Start Date field - that is, on or before an earlier end date for IS, JSA, ESA, MIG or Hours Worked.

The JSA / ESA start date must be after an earlier end date for IS, JSA / ESA, MIG or Hours Worked.

You must check the existing end date in the Income screen in Function AMEND APPLICATION

  • If the existing end date is correct, change the start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE to the day after the end date shown in Function AMEND APPLICATION.
  • If the existing end date is incorrect
  • change the end date in Function AMEND APPLICATION


  • re-enter the start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE.

‘More than one Entitlement Period for JSA exists for this customer’


Note: From 27/10/2008, this message will mean either JSA or ESA. Refer to the Access to DWP Data System manual to confirm the benefit details.

A period of JSA / ESA entitlement already exists for this customer creating an overlap in JSA / ESA periods.

You cannot have overlapping entitlement periods for JSA / ESA at the new effective date.

You must check the details already held in the Income screen in Function AMEND APPLICATION

  • If the existing JSA / ESA entitlement period has ceased
  • enter the appropriate JSA / ESA end date in Function AMEND APPLICATION


  • re-enter the new start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE.
  • If the existing JSA / ESA entitlement period is correct, check the details you are trying to enter in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE and action as appropriate.

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In receipt of MIG/PC

‘Applicant must be over 60 to claim MIG’


You have entered a date in the MIG / PC Start Date field that indicates that the customer is less than 60 years of age

A customer must be 60 years of age or more to be eligible for MIG / PC

You must enter the MIG / PC start date to on or after the customer’s 60th birthday

‘Start Date must be outside a historical period of IS’

‘Start Date must be outside a historical period of JSA’

Note: From 27/10/2008, this message will mean either JSA or ESA. Refer to the Access to DWP Data System manual to confirm the benefit details.

‘Start Date must be outside a historical period of MIG’

‘Start Date must be outside a historical period of Hours Worked’


You have entered a date in the MIG / PC Start Date field - that is, on or before an earlier end date for IS, JSA, ESA, MIG or Hours Worked.

The MIG / PC start date must be after an earlier end date for IS, JSA, ESA, MIG or Hours Worked.

You must check the existing end date in the Income screen in Function AMEND APPLICATION

  • If the existing end date is correct, change the start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE to the day after the end date shown in Function AMEND APPLICATION.
  • If the existing end date is incorrect
  • change the end date in Function AMEND APPLICATION


  • re-enter the start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE.

‘More than one Entitlement Period for MIG / PC exists for this customer’


A period of MIG / PC entitlement already exists for this customer creating an overlap in MIG / PC periods.

You cannot have overlapping entitlement periods for MIG / PC at the existing effective date.

You must check the details already held in the Income screen in Function AMEND APPLICATION

  • If the existing MIG / PC entitlement period has ceased
  • enter the appropriate MIG / PC end date in Function AMEND APPLICATION


  • re-enter the new start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE.
  • If the existing MIG / PC entitlement period is correct, check the details you are trying to enter in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE and action as appropriate.

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Incapacitated for childcare

‘More than one entitlement period for incapacitated for childcare’


A period of incapacitated for childcare entitlement already exists for this customer creating an overlap in incapacitated for childcare periods.

You cannot have overlapping entitlement periods for incapacitated for childcare at the existing effective date.

You must check the details already held in the Childcare Details screen in Function AMEND APPLICATION

  • If the existing incapacitated for childcare entitlement period has ceased
  • enter the appropriate incapacitated for childcare end date in Function AMEND APPLICATION
  • then
  • re-enter the new start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE.
  • If the existing incapacitated for childcare entitlement period is correct, check the details you are trying to enter in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE and action as appropriate.

‘Start date must be outside a historical period of incapacitated for childcare’


You have entered a date in the Incapacitated for Childcare Start Date field - that is, on or before an earlier end date for incapacitated for childcare.

The incapacitated for childcare start date must be after an earlier incapacitated for childcare end date for the same customer.

You must check the existing incapacitated for childcare end date in the Childcare Details screen in Function AMEND APPLICATION

  • If the existing incapacitated for childcare end date is correct, change the start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE to the day after the end date shown in Function AMEND APPLICATION.
  • If the existing incapacitated for childcare end date is incorrect
  • change the end date in Function AMEND APPLICATION


  • re-enter the start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE.