Record keeping for employment agencies and businesses

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Records about work-seekers

You only have to keep records of work-seekers if you take action to find them work.

For example, if you get sent speculative CVs and don’t use these work-seekers, you don’t have to keep the CVs.

You must keep the following records on work-seekers you either find work for, or try to find work for:

  • their name, address and, if under 22, date of birth
  • any terms which apply, or will apply, between the agency or employment business and the work-seeker
  • any document recording changes to these terms
  • details of the work-seeker’s training, experience and qualifications and any authorisation to do particular types of work (and copies of any documents provided to you relating to this)
  • details of any resulting engagements and when they start
  • a copy of any contract between the work-seeker and a hirer that you entered into on the work-seeker’s behalf
  • details of enquires about the work-seeker and the position concerned (including copies of all relevant documents and dates they were received or sent)

Records of fees

If you are allowed to charge fees to work-seekers, you should also keep records of either:

  • the dates of requests for fees from the work-seeker and receipts of fees or payments, with copy statements or invoices, numbers and amounts
  • statements of dates and amounts of sums deducted from money you received on the work-seeker’s behalf, which was paid into a ‘client account’ to hold the work-seekers money

Records of other agencies

You no longer need to keep records of other employment agencies or business involved with the hirer or work-seeker.