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Constitutional affairs

Guidance and regulation

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16 results sorted by Most viewed
  • Advice for civil servants and policymakers on taking account of devolution when working on policies and managing services.

  • The devolution guidance notes (DGNs) set out advice on working arrangements between the UK government and the devolved administrations.

  • Your Vote Matters aims to give people the knowledge and skills to influence local and national politics.

  • Members of the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel share their experience of working in the office.

  • This guidance, for members of the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel (OPC), explains how to draft amendments to bills.

  • The Royal Mencap Society has developed an easy-to-read guide about voting and registering to vote.

  • The Taskforce sits within the framework of the National Committee for Safety of Journalists, which helps to ensure journalists are able to carry out their work free from physical threats, attacks and violence within the UK.

    First published during the 2022 to 2024 Sunak Conservative government

  • Individual Electoral Registration gives everyone who is eligible to vote control over their own registration and the option to register online.

  • This note describes the operation of the First Past The Post and Alternative Vote systems.

  • Rock Enrol!® is a high quality, interactive resource pack to encourage young people to register to vote.

  • The Youth Count! Democracy Challenge programme has been designed to help young people develop an understanding of democracy and voting.

  • Guidance for members of the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel (OPC) on the need for King's or Prince's consent, and the process to follow.

  • A collection of ready-to-use information and resources to inform your democratic engagement work with homeless citizens and frequent movers.

  • Managing the transfer of information, records and knowledge is a key element of Arms Length Bodies reform.

  • Easy-to-use activities designed to help engage young people aged 13 to 16 in our democracy. You can read about the toolkit at the bottom of this page.

  • The Democracy Ambassadors resources help train young people aged 13-16 to talk about democracy with their peers.