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Guidance and regulation

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12 results sorted by Most viewed
  • Further information on what drivers with different types of diabetes need to tell DVLA by law.

  • Advice for medical professionals to follow when assessing drivers with diabetes mellitus.

  • An overview of the NHS diabetic eye screening (DES) programme, its services and contact information.

  • Information explaining diabetic retinopathy, a disease screened for by the NHS diabetic eye screening (DES) programme.

  • Sets out the government's quality standards for diabetes services.

  • Training and continuing professional development (CPD) for people working in the diabetic eye screening (DES) programme in England.

  • How to optimise the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme in order to identify those at risk of Type 2 diabetes and help lower their risk of developing the disease.

  • Overview of the UK's diabetes research infrastructure and advantages of investment in the UK's life science sector to support new treatments.

  • The publication sets out the NHS diabetic eye screening (DES) programme's processes for when patients are no longer traceable.

  • A tool that provides hospital admissions information for children with asthma, diabetes or epilepsy.

  • Guidance on minimum specific audits that diabetic eye screening services must complete on a regular basis.

  • This workbook was developed by the Health Inequalities National Support Teams (HINST) with 70 local authorities covering populations in England.