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9 results that are All research and statistics, sorted by Updated (newest)
  • This publication presents information on children in Northern Ireland who have been looked after continuously for 12 months or longer at 30 September each year.

  • This publication presents information on children in Northern Ireland who have been looked after continuously for 12 months or longer at 30 September each year.

  • This publication presents information on children in Northern Ireland who have been looked after continuously for 12 months or longer at 30 September each year.

  • Research report considering whether the practice of placing children together in secure children’s homes for justice and welfare reasons increases the risk of child sexual abuse.

  • Research into where children living in children’s homes receive their education and what the quality of this education is like.

  • This publication presents information on children in Northern Ireland who have been looked after continuously for 12 months or longer at 30 September each year.

  • A range of outcome measures at national and local authority level for children looked after continuously for at least 12 months.

  • A summary of evidence from literature reviews on effective interventions to improve the educational outcomes of children in need.

  • This bulletin presents the latest figures on looked after children in Northern Ireland.