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Further education funding

Research and statistics

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41 results that are All research and statistics, sorted by Updated (newest)
  • Research report on the findings and methodology following an evaluation of the first year of the Turing Scheme.

  • Research reports evaluating the skills accelerator pilot, incorporating the local skills improvement plan (LSIP) trailblazers and strategic development fund (SDF).

  • Findings from the evaluation of the 16 to 19 tuition fund, academic year 2021 to 2022.

  • Findings of a survey into the further education (FE) funding for high cost and high value provision.

  • Information on community learning through skills for life qualifications by participation and achievements.

  • Interim findings from the evaluation of the cost and outreach pilots.

  • The report provides an overview of the self-evaluation reports from the colleges taking part in the strategic college improvement fund (SCIF) pilot.

  • A report from the independent panel to the review of post-18 education and funding.

  • Evaluation of training and funding schemes for the FE workforce programme commissioned by DfE and Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS).

  • Further education and schools learner participation breakdowns by local authority.

  • Archived information on apprenticeship vacancies.

  • Research into the effectiveness of funding to support apprentices with learning difficulties, disabilities or disadvantage.

  • Statistics covering latest monthly apprenticeship starts, apprenticeship service registrations and commitments, and apprenticeship levy information.

  • Information on apprenticeship vacancies.

  • Statistics from the apprenticeship service, including registered apprenticeship services accounts and commitments, reported to 31 August 2017.

  • Research examining data and evidence for countries with similar vocational education systems to the new system proposed in England.

  • Research examining how local bodies can benefit from working together and with national bodies to improve skills in England.

  • Reports to inform understanding of qualifications in the population based on the labour force survey.

  • Further education and skills data reported for October 2016.

  • Further education and skills data reported for June 2016.