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Freight, haulage and cargo

Research and statistics

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204 results that are All research and statistics, sorted by Updated (newest)
  • Quarterly and periodic (4-weekly) statistics on the volume of freight transported by rail and the punctuality of those services.

  • Data about the road freight domestic activity, produced by the Department for Transport. These statistics are accredited official statistics.

  • Road freight activity of Great Britain registered heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) operating in the UK, between October 2023 to September 2024.

  • Data about domestic and international freight transport, produced by Department for Transport.

  • Study researching the feasibility of a national trial of longer heavier vehicles (LHVs) within Great Britain.

  • Quarterly and periodic (4-weekly) statistics on the volume of freight transported by rail and the punctuality of those services.

  • Data about heavy good vehicle driver vacancies, produced by the Department for Transport. These statistics are badged as official statistics.

  • Road freight transported by UK registered heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) in the UK between July 2023 to June 2024, including HGV driver vacancies statistics.

  • Evidence to support DfT's understanding of road freight within the UK.

  • Road freight activity of UK registered heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) operating in the UK, between April 2023 to March 2024.

  • Quarterly and periodic (4-weekly) statistics on the volume of freight transported by rail and the punctuality of those services.

  • An index sheet of all road freight statistical tables.

  • Data about the international road freight activity, produced by the Department for Transport. These statistics are accredited official statistics.

  • Road freight transported by Great Britain and UK registered heavy goods vehicles (HGV). It also includes statistics on HGV driver vacancies in the UK.

  • Quarterly and periodic (4-weekly) statistics on the volume of freight transported by rail and the punctuality of those services.

  • Data about the roll-on, roll-off international road freight activity travelling to Europe and Ireland, produced by Department for Transport.

  • Number of trips made by powered vehicles and unaccompanied trailers on each route to Europe for 2023.

  • Report into the road freight industry's perspective on government measures to reduce the shortage of HGV drivers.

  • Road freight transported by Great Britain and UK registered Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs). It also includes statistics on HGV driver vacancies in the UK.

  • Quarterly and periodic (4-weekly) statistics on the volume of freight transported by rail and the punctuality of those services.