Service Manual
Helping teams to create and run great public services that meet the Service Standard.
Contact the Service Manual team with any comments or questions.
Help and encourage people to use your service: accessibility, assisted digital, user support.
How to work in an agile way: principles, tools and governance.
Naming, structuring and scoping your service, prototyping, using design patterns and design training.
How to use data to improve your service: measuring, reporting, analytics tools and techniques.
How to apply the Service Standard, check if you need a service assessment, get your service on GOV.UK and become a service assessor.
Choosing technology, development, integration, hosting, testing, security and maintenance.
Managing a service team: roles, recruiting the people you need, working with contractors, training.
Understand user needs: plan research, prepare for sessions, share and analyse findings.
The Service Standard
The Service Standard provides the principles of building a good service. This manual explains what teams can do to build great services that will meet the standard.
Communities of practice
You can view the communities of practice to find more learning resources, see who has written the guidance in the manual and connect with digital people like you from across government.