
Animal diseases: international and UK monitoring

Monitoring for major, notifiable or new and emerging animal disease outbreaks internationally and in the UK.

We monitor any major, notifiable or new and emerging animal disease outbreaks worldwide. We do this as an early warning to assess the risk they may pose to the UK, in particular those diseases which impact on animal health and welfare, international trade, public health or wider society.

We assess the risk that diseases might come into the UK through trade in animals or animal products (legal or illegal), through movement of wildlife, or through movement of things such as insects which may carry a disease. We use these outbreak assessments to help us decide how to manage or reduce the risks.

We carry out a full qualitative risk assessment in certain cases, and in response to specific policy questions concerning a disease outbreak. This is based on the general principles of the OIE qualitative risk analysis framework.

View outbreak assessments from 2019 and before on the National Archives.

Outbreak assessments 2025

When we become aware of a new animal disease outbreak in the UK or another country, we may carry out a preliminary outbreak assessment. In particular, we do so when we are officially notified of a new disease incident in an EU member state, a country on the border of the EU or one of the UK’s third country trading partners.

Outbreak assessments 2024

Outbreak assessments 2023

Outbreak assessments 2022

Outbreak assessments 2021

Outbreak assessments 2020

View outbreak assessments from 2019 and before on the National Archives.

Updates to this page

Published 31 July 2014
Last updated 7 March 2025 show all updates
  1. Added the preliminary outbreak assessment for foot and mouth disease in Hungary.

  2. Preliminary outbreak assessment and updated situation assessments for foot and mouth disease (FMD) in water buffalo in Germany has been added.

  3. Added 'Avian influenza (bird flu) in dairy cattle in Great Britain' to outbreak assessments 2024

  4. Added link to sheep and goat pox in Europe page to outbreaks 2024.

  5. Added link to Peste de Petits Ruminants in Eastern Europe to outbreak assessments 2024.

  6. Added link to African swine fever in pigs in South East Asia and Oceania to Outbreak assessments 2024.

  7. Added a link to the avian influenza (bird flu) in Australia outbreak assessment.

  8. Added a link to the 'Influenza A (H5N1) of avian origin in domestic livestock in the USA' preliminary outbreak assessment.

  9. Removed outbreak assessments older than 2020. Added a link to the National Archives for outbreak assessments older than 2019.

  10. Added 'Aujeszky’s disease in Europe' to the outbreak assessments 2024.

  11. Updated the 2024 section with a link to a document 'Foot and mouth disease in North Africa and the Middle East'.

  12. Added a link to outbreak assessments for Bluetongue in Europe.

  13. Added preliminary outbreak assessment for lumpy skin disease in Libya.

  14. Added link to African swine fever in pigs in South East Asia and Oceania to Outbreak assessments 2023

  15. We have added an outbreak assessment for the foot and mouth disease in North Africa and the Middle East.

  16. Added the preliminary outbreak assessment for Aujeszky’s disease in dogs in the Czech Republic

  17. Added the preliminary outbreak assessment for Newcastle disease in Europe.

  18. Added a preliminary outbreak assessment for epizootic haemorrhagic disease in Italy.

  19. Added a preliminary outbreak assessment about a case of Rabies in a dog in France.

  20. Added a 2022 outbreak assessment for Newcastle disease in Norway.

  21. Added an outbreak assessment for sheep and goat pox in Southern Spain.

  22. Added 'West nile virus in Germany and Southern Europe' under the 'Outbreak assessments 2022' heading.

  23. Added preliminary outbreak assessment for foot and mouth disease in South East Asia.

  24. Added 'African swine fever in pigs in South East Asia and Oceania' under the 'Outbreak assessments 2022' heading.

  25. Added a new page 'African swine fever in pigs in the Americas' to the outbreak assessments 2021 section.

  26. Added African horse sickness in Malaysia publication.

  27. Added West Nile virus in Germany.

  28. Added bluetongue in Europe preliminary outbreak assessment.

  29. Added rabies in a cat in Italy preliminary outbreak assessment.

  30. Added equine infectious anaemia in Germany preliminary outbreak assessment.

  31. Added the Preliminary Outbreak Assessment for Equine Infectious Anaemia in France.

  32. Added Highly pathogenic avian influenza (H7N3) in poultry in the USA.

  33. Added African horse sickness in Thailand to 2020.

  34. Added Rabies in a dog in France preliminary outbreak assessment to outbreak assessments 2020.

  35. Added the 2020 assessments section.

  36. Added preliminary outbreak assessment for Aujeszky’s disease in wild boar in Finland.

  37. Moved West Nile Virus in Owls in Germany and South Europe to 2019 assessments.

  38. Added the African swine fever in pigs and boars in Europe update.

  39. Added preliminary outbreak assessment for lumpy skin disease in Israel and South East Europe.

  40. Added Rift Valley fever in Mayotte (Indian Ocean).

  41. Added Aujeszky’s disease in domestic swine in France.

  42. Moved the "Foot and Mouth disease in North Africa" entry into the 2019 list of assessments.

  43. Updated to include new assessments on African swine fever in pigs in Eastern Europe, Bluetongue virus in Europe and African swine fever in wild boar in Belgium.

  44. Added the Qualitative risk assessment: risk of introducing African swine fever to the UK pig population document.

  45. Added the preliminary outbreak assessment for Newcastle disease in Sweden.

  46. Added the preliminary outbreak assessment for African swine fever in wild boar in Belgium.

  47. Added the preliminary outbreak assessment for classical swine fever in pigs in Japan.

  48. Added the preliminary outbreak assessment for west nile virus in owls in Germany.

  49. Added the preliminary outbreak assessment for ASF in pigs in China.

  50. Added preliminary outbreak assessment for Newcastle disease in Belgium.

  51. Added the preliminary outbreak assessment for Peste de Petits Ruminants in sheep in Bulgaria.

  52. Moved Chronic Wasting Disease in Europe and African Swine Fever in Eastern Europe into the outbreak assessments for 2018 as both have updated situation assessments.

  53. Added the preliminary outbreak assessment for Equine infectious anaemia in Germany and the Netherlands.

  54. Added preliminary outbreak assessments for Foot and Mouth Disease in the Middle East and North Africa and African swine fever in pigs in Poland, Lithuania and Latvia.

  55. Added the qualitative risk assessment for bluetongue virus (BTV-8) entry into the UK and updated situation assessment for bluetongue virus (BTV-8) in France.

  56. Added the qualitative risk assessment for assessing the risk of infection of poultry premises by avian influenza.

  57. Added the qualitative risk assessments for avian notifiable diseases for bird gatherings and pigeon racing. Also added the preliminary outbreak assessment for avian flu in the USA.

  58. Added the latest update on avian influenza in Europe and in the UK.

  59. Added the preliminary outbreak assessment for avian influenza in Europe.

  60. Added the preliminary outbreak assessment for foot and mouth disease in Russia and an updated situation assessment for bluetongue virus in France.

  61. Added the preliminary outbreak assessmenf for avian flu in ducks in Canada.

  62. Added the preliminary outbreak assessment for avian flu in wild birds in Russia and an updated situation assessment for african swine fever in Poland.

  63. Added the preliminary outbreak assessment for avian flu in poultry in the Netherlands.

  64. Added the preliminary outbreak assessment for avian influenza in Italy.

  65. Added preliminary outbreak assessments for African horse sickness in horses in South Africa, lumpy skin disease in Bulgaria and Greece, and bluetongue virus (BTV-8) in France.

  66. Added the preliminary outbreak assessment for cervid spongiform encephalopathy in Norway.

  67. Added the qualitative risk assessment for risk of chronic wasting disease being introduced into Great Britain.

  68. Added updated situation assessments for bluetongue in France and foot and mouth disease in the Middle East.

  69. Added the preliminary outbreak assessment for Senecavirus A in the Americas.

  70. Added an updated situation assessment for avian influenza (bird flu) in poultry in France.

  71. Added bluetongue virus (BTV-8) risk assessment of entry into the UK.

  72. Added preliminary outbreak assessment: Outbreaks of H7N8 avian influenza in poultry in the USA.

  73. Added preliminary outbreak assessment for low pathogenic avian influenza in Scotland, UK.

  74. Added a preliminary outbreak assessment for Foot and mouth disease in North Africa and the Middle East

  75. Added preliminary outbreak assessment for avian influenza H5N1 in poultry in France.

  76. Added the preliminary outbreak assessment for bluetongue virus (BTV-8) in France.

  77. Added the preliminary outbreak assessment for west nile fever in France.

  78. Added lumpy skin disease in Greece preliminary outbreak assessment.

  79. Added the HPAI H7N7 in Germany poa.

  80. Added POA: Lumpy skin disease in Turkey and 2 QRAs: HPAI from USA and risk of BTV-4.

  81. Published a preliminary outbreak assessment for rabies in an imported dog in France.

  82. Published a preliminary outbreak assessment update for avian influenza in poultry in North America, Africa and Europe

  83. Added a preliminary outbreak assessment for Glanders (Germany) and HPAI (Europe, America, Middle East).

  84. Added a preliminary outbreak assessment for Highly pathogenic avian influenza in poultry in Israel.

  85. Added preliminary outbreak assessement for highly pathogenic avian influenza in Germany and Italy to document collection. Added preliminary outbreak assessement forhighly pathogenic avian influenza H5N2 and H5N8 in poultry in Canada and USA. Added preliminary outbreak assessement forequine infectious anaemia in Germany.

  86. Added updates to Bluetongue virus in Europe and African swine fever in Europe

  87. Added preliminary outbreak assessment of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N8 in turkeys in Germany to the document collection.

  88. AHVLA documents have been re-assigned to the new Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA).

  89. Added POA: Bluetongue in Greece, Bulgaria and the Republic of Macedonia.

  90. Added foot and mouth disease in Algeria and Tunisia to collection.

  91. First published.