
Democratic engagement and voter registration resources

This collection brings together information and a set of resources to promote democratic engagement and voter registration.

This collection was withdrawn on

This page contains material developed under the 2010-15 Coalition government and following Conservative governments. The material has not been reviewed since then.

Democratic engagement resources

UK government has partnered with many organisations that work to encourage democratic participation, particularly amongst those groups that are less likely to be registered to vote. Together we have developed resources which can be used to engage people in the democratic process. This collection of resources covers everything from the history of democracy and how it works, to the practicalities of registering to vote. They include a number of interactive approaches for getting people engaged in democracy, such as peer to peer training, quizzes, workshops and leaflets.

This is collated as a helpful resource and some areas may apply only to England in some instances.

Suffrage centenary resources

The Historical Association created Women’s Suffrage: History and Citizenship resources for schools, a website to educate KS3 and KS4 students in our democracy.

Through the website you can access a variety of podcasts, films, articles and case studies of suffrage campaigners to support both teachers and students in History and Citizenship lessons. The activities cover the history of women at the hustings from the 17th century right up to questions of citizenship and equality today.

Whether you are an electoral administrator, local councillor, parliamentarian, charity worker, teacher, youth leader or citizen, there is something for everyone to use to help make our democracy more inclusive.

Young people

Students in higher education

Barriers to registration: Homeless citizens and frequent movers

Homeless citizens

Improving the democratic participation of disabled people

Barriers to registration for ethnic minorities

Updates to this page

Published 22 December 2014
Last updated 13 September 2019 + show all updates
  1. Added Guidance to facilitate electoral registration of students to Students section

  2. Added link to Youth Count! Democracy Challenge page

  3. Added a new link under Improving the democratic participation of disabled people

  4. Updated description.

  5. Updated to add Barriers to Registration: Homeless Citizens and Frequent Movers.

  6. Revamped page with new text and attachments

  7. First published.