
Homes for health

Strategies, plans, advice, and guidance about the relationship between health and the home.

Following the implementation of the Health and Care Act 2022 on 1 July 2022, clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) have been abolished and their functions have been assumed by integrated care boards (ICBs).

Public Health England has also been replaced by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID). These changes will be reflected at its next update.

These resources can help local authorities, health and social care commissioners and decision makers make plans to improve health and wellbeing through the places people live.

Commissioning for improved health through the home

Assessing local plans to include housing

As a wider determinant of health, any local plan for improved health and wellbeing must give thought to the home environment and housing circumstances: how do they impact on the population’s health and wellbeing, and what action is needed to mitigate risks?

Housing conditions and household circumstances

Suitable homes

Temperature and climate

Other hazards in the home

Stable homes and ending homelessness

Healthy communities and neighbourhoods

Updates to this page

Published 31 March 2016
Last updated 30 October 2019 show all updates
  1. Added 'Spatial planning and health: Getting Research into Practice (GRIP)'.

  2. Added 'Fast food outlets: density by local authority in England' to healthy communities and neighbourhoods section.

  3. Updated to include new research and analysis Healthy High Streets on the environmental impact on mental health

  4. Added 'Health and environmental impact assessment: guide for local teams'.

  5. Added 'Spatial planning for health: evidence review'.

  6. Added the Improving health through the home documents.

  7. Added Smoke and carbon guidance, homelessness: applying all our health.

  8. Added Care & Repair publications.

  9. First published.