Small Business, Enterprise and Employment (SBEE) Act
A series of publications relating to the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act.
On 4 June 2014, the Queen announced a bill to help make the UK the most attractive place to start, finance and grow a business.
The Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act will open up new opportunities for small businesses to:
- compete
- get finance to create jobs
- grow
- innovate
- export
For more information see Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015
Access to finance - Part 1
The act will introduce measures to improve small businesses’ access to finance.
SBEE Act: access to finance fact sheets (PDF, 267KB)
Draft 2015 - The Small and Medium Sized Business (Finance Platforms) Regulations 2015 (PDF, 428KB)
Speeding up cheque payments: impact assessment (PDF, 3.92MB)
Speeding up cheque payments: regulatory policy committee assessment (PDF, 235KB)
Regulatory reform – Part 2
The act will cut down on red-tape by ensuring that regulations affecting business are reviewed frequently and remain effective.
Public sector procurement - Part 3
The act will remove barriers for small businesses to public sector contracts and make procurement practices across the entire public sector more streamlined and efficient.
SBEE Act: public sector procurement fact sheets (PDF, 98.4KB)
Pubs - Part 4
The act will introduce a statutory code of practice to govern the relationship between large pub-owning companies and their tied tenants.
SBEE Act: the Pubs Code adjudicator and the Pubs Code fact sheet (PDF, 77.7KB)
Childcare and schools – Part 5
The act will promote a prosperous and growing childcare market.
Education evaluation - Part 6
The act will introduce measures to provide new and improved information on learning outcomes. It will do this by tracking students through education into the labour market and allow us to share, at student level, information on the destinations of former students with colleges in England and Wales.
Companies: transparency - Part 7
The act will introduce measures, which ensure that the UK continues to be recognised globally as a trusted and fair place to do business.
SBEE Act: companies - transparency fact sheets (PDF, 75.9KB)
Company filing requirements – Part 8
The act will simplify the current filing requirements for companies, remove duplication and improve the accuracy and integrity of the public companies register.
SBEE Act: Company filing requirements fact sheet (PDF, 105KB)
Company filing requirements - Red Tape Challenge (PDF, 1.02MB)
Directors’ disqualification – Part 9
The act will improve the rules on director disqualifications.
SBEE Act: directors’ disqualification, compensation awards and bankruptcy fact sheet (PDF, 85.7KB)
Insolvency – Part 10
The act will improve insolvency law to remove unnecessary costs and ensure effective oversight of insolvency practitioners so they deliver their services at a fair and reasonable cost that reflects the work undertaken.
SBEE Act: insolvency fact sheets (PDF, 98.1KB)
Insolvency Practitioner fees regime - impact assessment (Word, 95.6KB)
Employment - Part 11
The act will introduce measures to:
- drive behaviour change within organisations to embrace whistleblowing as an effective governance tool and to investigate any issues raised by whistleblowers
- reform Employment Tribunals
- deter employers from breaking National Minimum Wage legislation
- stop abuse of zero hours contracts
- reform public sector redundancy pay
Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee’s report
The Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform (DPRRC) Committee examines bills before the Lords and reports on powers proposed to be delegated to ministers. This section focuses only on its recommendations relating to the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act.
Summary documents
Updates to this page
Statement on 'control by a public authority' and guidance on statutory review requirements added.
Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Bill becomes an act, updated links to new fact sheets and added impact assessment.
Added links to 2 new technical consultations in Part 7 - Companies: transparency.
Response to the Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee report has been added.
This page has been updated with: Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Bill: supplementary delegated powers memorandum (BIS/14/1331/)
The following documents have been added: 1) Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Bill: qualifications clause (education evaluation), 2) Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Bill: destinations clause (education evaluation).
Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Bill: European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) memorandum added
First published.