Small business appeals champions and non-economic regulators
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Includes an analysis of the 25 responses received from:
- national regulators
- businesses
- businesses representatives
- professional bodies
- individuals
Our policy and its supporting analysis was also informed by discussions with national regulators and government departments.
We will include legistation to allow for the appointment of Small Business Appeals Champions in the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Bill.
Original consultation
Consultation description
In Small Business: Great Ambition, the government announced its intention to consult on the proposal to create in law and appoint an independent small business appeals champion within each non-economic regulator.
To make sure the needs of businesses, and particularly small businesses, are taken into account and for them to have confidence in the champion, the champions would need to be independent.
This consultation seeks the views of anyone with an interest in the remit and work of the national non-economic regulators on the creation of the proposed small business appeals champions. It asks for views on:
- the relative merits of both legislative and non-legislative approaches
- their possible range of powers and duties
- the scope of bodies to be included