Energy investigation update
A short update on progress with the market investigation.

Both group members and staff from the energy investigation team have now taken part in 9 site visits across Great Britain, visiting major generators, suppliers and other participants in the industry to find out first-hand about how they carry out their business.
The team has also appointed GfK NOP Ltd to conduct a survey of domestic energy customers, which is now underway, to get their perspective on the market.
We are also carrying out a number of case studies looking at the barriers to entry that new and expanding suppliers might face.
After a round of initial meetings with interested parties, the investigation team has now begun holding formal hearings with a range of industry participants and interested parties including regulators, consumer groups, generators and suppliers. Summaries of these hearings will be published on the investigation case page after they are completed – the team also continues to receive submissions which it will also publish on the case page.