Academies land and buildings collection tool
Guide to help academy trusts and diocesan users submit their land and buildings collection tool.
Applies to England
Land and buildings collection tool (LBCT)
This year’s LBCT deadline (12 November 2024) has now passed. If your trust has not yet submitted your LBCT, log into your return and complete your return as soon as possible.
If you have any questions about the Land and buildings collection tool, contact us using the customer help portal.
Alternatively you can also try our new virtual assistant to help resolve any queries you may have about the LBCT.
Academy land and buildings collection tool workbook
You can use the workbook to help prepare for the return. It will show you all of the data fields in the LBCT form, including the ‘non-land and building’ leases section and additional questions for some occupancies. These are clearly marked in the Excel workbook. You can tailor the Excel workbook to suit your circumstances by deleting sections that are not relevant.
Note that we will not accept the workbook as a submission, we will only accept returns made via the online form.
Sector dial-in call
These are the dates and times we are available for academy and diocesan users to ask us about their LBCT return. We are not planning any presentations but as a drop-in session to ask us any queries you have for your LBCT.
Date | Time |
10 October 2024 | 10:30am to 11:00am |
17 October 2024 | Power Hour: 3:00pm - 4:00pm - register for this event |
24 October 2024 | 10:30am to 11:00am |
31 October 2024 | 10:30am to 11:00am |
5 November 2024 | 10:30am to 11:00am |
6 November 2024 | 10:30am to 11:00am |
7 November 2024 | 10:30am to 11:00am |
8 November 2024 | 10:30am to 11:00am |
11 November 2024 | 10:30am to 11:00am |
12 November 2024 | 10:30am to 11:00am |
Join these sessions using Microsoft Teams. Alternatively dial 020 3321 5238 followed by the access code 108 932 671#.
How to contact us if you have any other queries
If you have any questions about LBCT, contact us using the customer help portal.
Alternatively you can also try our new virtual assistant to help resolve any queries you may have about the LBCT.
Updates to this page
Updated to highlight the LBCT deadline has now passed.
Added sign-up link for Power Hour on Thursday 17 October.
Updated section 5.1.1 of 'Land and buildings collection tool: summary guidance for academies' to clarify the different types of lease.
Updated the documents for the 2024 collection and added the go-live and deadline date for this year. Updated 'Academy land and buildings collection tool workbook' to reflect changes to the tool for 2024.
This year's LBCT deadline, 7 November 2023, has passed. Thank you to all of the trust's who submitted on time. If you've still got to complete and submit your return, log into your return, use this link below:
The land and building collection tool is now live - the deadline to submit your return is 7 November 2023.
We have added details for the sector dial in details that will happen during the LBCT collection window.
The LBCT guidance has been updated for 2023 submission. New leased assets guidance has been added based on user feedback. There are no significant changes to this year's LBCT collection.
We have updated the page to include the go live dates for the LBCT 2023. The form will go-live on 3 October and has a deadline of the 7 November 2023.
The deadline to submit your LBCT return has passed.
We've added new sector call dial-in dates. Please check the website.
Please note the LBCT return will be down for routine updates between 7pm to 11:59pm on Thursday 2 February. Apologies if this caused any users any inconvenience.
Removed the service update about Microsoft outages which are now resolved.
Providing a service update on form access
We have updated the content including financial and operating leases definition and how to change Diocese contact details on the relevant guidance.
The LBCT form is now live - please log in and complete your return by the deadline, 21 February 2023.
We have updated the "how to contact us" section on land page and added some extra information on the main guidance.
We have updated the Land and building go live date, it is 17th January 2023.
We have updated the information on this page for the LBCT 2022 and the guidance documents.
We have updated this page to confirm the schedule for this year's LBCT return. The online form will go live on 4 October 2022. The deadline for submission is 8 November 2022.
The LBCT deadline has now passed - please complete your return as soon as possible if you've not done so yet.
The LBCT form is now live - please log in and complete your return by the deadline, 9 November 2021.
The land and buildings collection tool guidance documents have been updated for the 2021 collection. This includes the main guidance document, the Excel workbook, the diocese guidance as well as a new data adjustments guidance document.
We have published the key dates for the land and buildings collection tool (LBCT). The online form will be available from 5 October 2021 and the deadline is 9 November 2021.
The LBCT deadline has now passed - for those who've not submitted your return yet please log in as soon as possible to complete it.
The LBCT financial return is now open - please complete your return by the deadline: 28 January 2021.
Please note the go-live date of the LBCT is now 15 December 2020 and has a deadline of 28 January 2021. The guidance has also been updated to reflect the new form functionality as well.
We have updated the page to change the deadline for submitting the land and buildings collection to 17 December 2020. The form will go live on 12 November 2020.
The deadline for the LBCT passed on 4 November 2019. If you haven't submitted your return please do so as soon as possible.
We have added further guidance on the submission of the form to the DFE.
Please note: the online form will be unavailable on 8 October between 6pm and 9pm for scheduled maintenance.
The land and buildings collection tool is now open, please submit your return by the deadline 4 November 2019.
We have added new LBCT tutorial videos to our HTML guidance to help users complete the form. The go-live for the LBCT is 1 October and the deadline is 4 November.
We have updated the academies land and buildings collection tool (LBCT) guidance page to include new versions of the guidance document and Excel workbook. The page also includes information about how to contacts us after the online form goes live on Tuesday 1 October 2019. The deadline for the LBCT return is Monday 4 November 2019.
Updated the webpage to reflect that the LBCT return deadline has passed and to update the 'how to contact us' with the academy questions details.
Page updated to reinstate the link to the online form for the land and buildings collection tool (LBCT).
Please note: The online form for the academies land and buildings collection tool (LBCT) is currently unavailable due to technical issues. We expect to restore the system by 10am on 31 October 2018.
Due to essential maintenance, the LBCT online form will be unavailable this weekend from 7am on Saturday 20 October to 8am on Monday 22 October. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.
We have added the webinar recording and updated the guidance document
We have added tutorial videos for how to add an occupation and asset to your LBCT return.
Updated with a link to the land and building collection tool (LBCT) online form which is now live for academy trusts to use to complete and submit their LBCT return by 5 November 2018. Please sign-up for our [LBCT webinar]( on 10 October 2018 where you'll get further guidance about the LBCT.
We have add extra details to the LBCT guidance documents and included details of the LBCT webinar on 10 October 2018. The form will go live 1 October 2018 and needs to be completed and submitted to the DfE by the 5 Novemeber 2018.
We've updated the LBCT guidance to include a diocesan user guidance document, this will provide further information for academies with church owned land and for diocesan users.
Summary guidance for academy trusts about the land and buildings collection tool. The return will open 1 October 2018 and has a deadline to be submitted to the ESFA by 5 November 2018
Updated the LBCT page to add an introductory guidance video
We've updated this page to include the most recent LBCT webinar which took place on 19 October.
Updated with information for academy trusts with church schools occupying church-owned land.
Updated with revised guidance for completing the land and buildings collection tool
Updated attachments to change the terminology for a 'right of use' occupation to 'customary occupation' and 'leasehold improvement' to 'alteration of non-freehold land/building' to match the language in the online form.
First published.