August 2023 — NCTS Phase 5: Guarantees
Updated 5 December 2024
To help you prepare for the introduction of NCTS5 on 16 November 2023, we’re issuing updates each month.
In July we told you about new data items you might need to provide in a transit declaration. This month, we’re explaining changes to the information you will be asked for when entering the guarantee amount on a transit declaration in NCTS5.
You can find all of our previous updates on the transit newsletter update page.
What is Changing
Since 14 January 2021 it has been a requirement to provide an accurate guarantee reference amount in transit declarations entered on the Great Britain and Northern Ireland NCTS systems, in line with the Common Transit Convention (CTC).
Currently when you complete a declaration in NCTS4 and the guarantee reference box is not completed, the system will automatically enter a value of 10,000 euros.
This will no longer happen when we switch over to NCTS5 on 16 November 2023.
What you need to do
From 16 November 2023 all declarations submitted into NCTS5 must have the appropriate guarantee amount entered, into the guarantee reference box. If this is not entered correctly the declaration will be rejected and you will be advised that an accurate guarantee balance needs to be populated.
Guidance on NCTS guarantees will be updated in due course.
Further updates
Look out for our next NCTS5 update in September.