SSAC FOI releases 2020
Social Security Advisory Committee (SSAC) Freedom of Information (FOI) releases for 2020.
This page contains Social Security Advisory Committee (SSAC) responses released during 2020.
The Freedom of Information Act (FOI) gives people the right to ask any public sector organisation for all the recorded information they have on any subject.
Updates to this page
Added the AI and Digital Transformation: SSAC FOI response.
Added the Freedom of Information response: Person responsible for IT and Information Security.
Added the following SSAC FOI responses, 'Organisation and IT solutions', 'Minutes of meetings', 'Occasional Paper 21' and 'Operating systems used'.
Added the following Freedom of Information responses: SSAC correspondence between 1 April 2018 and 31 March 2019, Third party suppliers, Physical post received by SSAC, Physical post sent by SSAC and Software, IT and Mobile Device Management Solutions.
Added the responses 'Use of Oracle and SAP: SSAC FOI response' and 'Telephony system information: SSAC FOI response.'
First published.