Getting started

This section gives you the details of how to begin applying for Mid Tier.

To get started it’s important that you do the following in the order we’ve listed them:

1. Register or sign in to the Rural Payments service – to receive CS payments you must be registered in the Rural Payments service. To find out how to do this read ‘Register or sign into the Rural Payments service’ below.

If you do not have access to the internet, call us on 03000 200 301 and we’ll try to help.

2. Check and change – you must check that your personal details, business details, permission levels and digital maps are up to date, and update them if needed. To find out how to do this read the ‘Check and change anything that needs to be updated’ section. (You may also find the RLE1 guidance useful, which is also on GOV.UK.)

It’s important that your bank account details are up to date and valid or we will not be able to pay you for CS and any other schemes you are claiming payment for. To amend your bank account details, call us on 03000 200 301. You cannot change them online or by email.

To help prevent fraud, after payments start from 1 December 2021 until the end of December, there are restrictions on updating bank account details. We can only update details if we have asked you for them or if your bank has rejected payment.

3. Apply for Countryside Stewardship Wildlife Offers – you can download an application pack or request one to be emailed to you using the Rural Payments service from 9 February to 28 May.

If you do not have access to the internet, you can call us on 03000 200 301 until 28 May 2021 to request an application pack.

4. Read the scheme manual and other guidance

All the guidance and information you need for Countryside Stewardship (CS) Wildlife Offers in 2021 is on GOV.UK:

If you cannot access GOV.UK you can email or call us to request a paper copy of the manual.

You can read guidance about Agri-environment agreements and BPS on GOV.UK, search for Agri-environment schemes (CS and ES) and BPS.

Remember, it’s your responsibility to make sure that:

  • you meet the scheme rules
  • all the eligible land included in your application is correct, to the best of your knowledge.