Complete your claim

This section tells you how to fill in your capital claim and annexes.

If you’re submitting your claim by email

Save the form and annexes to your computer, fill them in on your screen or print them and write the information onto the paper copy. In both cases, you must print the declaration section, then sign and date it. Scan any printed sections into your computer as well as supporting documents and any evidence that needs to be submitted. Then email your completed form, annexes and supporting documents and evidence to us. For more information read the ‘Submit your claim’ section.

If you’re submitting your claim by post

Fill in the claim form and annexes and post them to us together with any supporting documents and any evidence that needs to be submitted. Remember to sign and date the declaration section in the form. For more information read the ‘Submit your claim’ section.

If you’re completing a paper claim use BLOCK letters and black ink throughout and make sure that you initial any alterations – do not use correcting fluid.

You must sign and date your claim form if you are submitting it by either email or post.

Please give your SBI at the bottom of all pages of the claim in the boxes provided.

Claim details

Read the first page of your Countryside Stewardship Agreement Document, in particular Agreement Reference and End Date, for help when completing this section.

Fill in your SBI, Business name and address (including postcode).

Scheme – tell us which scheme the claim is for, for example Mid Tier, Higher Tier.

Agreement reference – give the agreement reference this claim is for.

Agreement end date – give the end date of the agreement this claim if for.

Annex I – claim for standard cost items

Read Sections 7 and 8 of your Countryside Stewardship Agreement Document for help when completing this annex.

If this is your first claim, ignore ‘Quantity remaining to complete’ and ‘Eligible grant remaining’.

If your claim is pre-populated with information, you only need to give the following information for each item you’re claiming for.

Enter the quantity claimed and payment claimed for the actual work that has been completed. Also indicate if this is the final claim for that particular capital item.

If your claim does not contain any pre-populated information you need to fill in all the information in the row for each item you’re claiming for.

If your agreement includes capital items PA3 and/or RP8 you can only claim for these items once and only after each individual capital item has been completed. If you make a partial claim on either of the above items, you cannot keep the outstanding quantity for future claims. Read the relevant scheme manual for more information about partial claims.

Annex II – claim for actual cost items

Read Sections 7 and 8 of your Countryside Stewardship Agreement Document for help when completing this annex.

If this is your first claim please ignore ‘Grant already claimed’ and ‘Eligible grant remaining’.

If your claim is pre-populated with information you only need to give the following information for each item you’re claiming for.

  • Receipted Invoice Reference Number – enter the reference number from the invoice.

  • Total Invoiced Amount Excluding VAT – enter the total invoiced amount (excluding VAT) for the item you are claiming.

  • Agreed Rate (%) – enter the agreed percentage of the invoiced value (excluding VAT). It should not be greater than eligible grant remaining. If the Total Invoiced Amount (excluding VAT) does not match the agreed quotation, contact your Natural England Area Team adviser to discuss.

  • Tick if Final Claim – tick if this is the final claim for this particular item.

  • Amount Claimed Excluding VAT – enter the total amount you want to claim (excluding VAT) for the actual work that has been completed.

If your claim does not contain any pre-populated information you need to fill in all the information in the row for each item you’re claiming for.

Claim profile

Give details in this section of any capital items in your agreement that:

  • you have not claimed for by the ‘claim by’ deadline date

  • you have not already claimed for, and you do not intend to make a further claim for them.

Other public funding

You cannot use Countryside Stewardship to pay for capital work that you’re receiving other public funding for (this is double funding). If you are receiving or have received other funding you must give details of the work the funding is for, the organisation the funding is from and how much money it involves, so that we can assess the eligibility of your claim. If you are not sure about whether something is public funding, call us before you claim for the work.

Supporting documents

Read Section 9 of your Countryside Stewardship Agreement for help to complete this section. When you send your capital claim to us you also need to send supporting documents and evidence. This section asks you to confirm which documents you’re sending. For more information about receipted invoices/receipts and evidence such as photos read the ‘Supporting documents and evidence’ section.

VAT declaration for actual cost items

If you’re not VAT registered and want to claim the VAT for the actual cost items in this claim, confirm that you’re sending us a letter from an accountant confirming that you are not VAT registered.

Receipted invoices/receipts

When you claim for capital items based on actual costs, you must submit receipted invoices (that show payment for materials and contracted work) with your claim. Tick the box if you are sending receipted invoices/receipts to us, and enter the number of receipted invoices/receipts in the other box.

Capital item supporting evidence

For some capital items you need to submit evidence such as photographs, with your capital claim to show that you have completed the work. If evidence is required for the capital items in your claim, tick the box to confirm that you’re sending it to us.


Read the declaration section and complete your name and status (for example, agent, partner, agreement holder), and sign and date it.

You must have the correct permission level (at least ‘CS Agreements –Submit) in the Rural Payments service before you submit your claim. Read ‘Check – your permission levels’ section.