Confirm your information and claim

To confirm the information in your claim is correct, check it before you submit it online.

Claim summary

When you’ve completed your claim you need to check that the information in it is correct. To do this, create or update your claim summary by following the instructions in the ‘Complete’ section under Claim Summary. Then if needed, you can go back into your claim and change it.

Withdraw your claim

If you decide that you do not want to submit your claim, click ‘Withdraw’. A message appears to check that you do want to withdraw the claim.

Diagram 27 withdraw

Click ‘No’ if you do not want to withdraw it.

Click ‘Yes’ if you do want to withdraw it. You’ll see a screen message confirming that you’ve successfully withdrawn your claim. This claim will not be submitted to RPA, and you cannot open it again but you can create a new claim while the relevant green button is available.

Click ‘Back’ to return to the claim screen (where you’ll see the claim status is now ‘Withdrawn’ and the claim is no longer ‘Active’).

Submit your claim

If you have checked your claim summary and the information in your capital claim is correct, click ‘Submit’.

Diagram 28 submit

You’ll be asked to confirm that you’ve completed all the sections of the claim before you submit. Click ‘Cancel’ if you want to return to your claim to amend something, or click ‘OK’ if you want to continue to submit your claim.

The screen will confirm that your claim has ‘submitted successfully’ and RPA has received your claim.

Diagram 29 cap submit success

Click ‘Print’ if you want to print and keep the confirmation for your records.

Click ‘Back’ to return to the claims screen (where you’ll see that the status of your claim has changed to ‘Submitted’. It also shows the date and time your claim was submitted).

For more information read the ‘Supporting documents and evidence’ section.

Claim fails to submit

If your claim fails to submit, a screen message will tell you this. It will also show the reasons why it did not submit with a red warning box beside it.

Diagram 30 claim fail

Read this message fully by using the scroll bar to the right of the message. You may find it useful to print and save the message. You may be able to do this by clicking the button on the right side of the mouse or touchpad, and choosing the print or save options.

Click ‘Back’ to return to the claims screen.

Check and correct all of the sections detailed in the message before you ‘Submit’ your claim again.

The information below will tell you what you need to do before you submit your claim again:

No claimed items entered

You need to add at least 1 capital item to your claim. Read the ‘Add standard cost items’ and the ‘Add actual cost items’ sections for more information.

Claim profile form in Other Claim Information is not complete

You have either not answered the question under ‘Claim Profile’, or you’ve answered ‘Yes’ to the question but have not entered the details in the box provided. Read the ‘Claim profile’ section for more information.

Other public funding form in Other Claim Information is not complete

You have either not answered the question under ‘Other Public Funding’, or you’ve answered ‘Yes’ but have not entered the details in the box provided. Read the ‘Other public funding’ section for more information.

Supporting documentation form in Other Claim Information is not complete

You have not answered all of the questions under ‘Supporting documents’. Read the ‘Supporting documents’ section for more information.

You must select ‘Yes’ in the Declarations section to be able to proceed with your claim

You’ve not answered ‘Yes’ to confirm that you accept the declaration under ‘Declarations’. Read the ‘Declarations’ section for more information.

After you’ve claimed

After you’ve submitted your claim and returned to the claim screen, you will see a green ‘Summary’ button beside your submitted claim details.

Diagram 31 summary


You may have already generated this at the ‘Complete your claim’ section. You should ‘generate’ and ‘download’ it again after you submit your claim to make sure it contains everything you’ve put into your claim.

You may want to print or save your summary to keep it for your records.

Supporting documents and evidence

RPA must receive your online claim, supporting documents, and any evidence that needs to be submitted, by the ‘Claim by’ date outlined in your agreement document. Late claims will be rejected.

Depending on the items you’re claiming for, the supporting documents and evidence you need to send to RPA may vary. Therefore, it’s important that you read about each item in the relevant scheme manual and Countryside Stewardship grants on GOV.UK.

Some evidence you must submit to RPA and some evidence you must keep until you’re asked for it. Read about the requirements for each individual item in Countryside Stewardship grants on GOV.UK.  

You may need to send:

  • receipted invoices/receipts
  • photographs at different stages and on completing the work
  • contacts or other documents outlining the technical specification of the work.

Receipted invoices/proof of payment

All invoices you send to us must be signed and dated by the contractor to prove they have received your payment. This is known as ‘receipted’.

Proof of payment can be any of the following:

  • till receipts
  • internet purchased receipts
  • bank and or credit card statements where necessary
  • schedule of works/timesheets, where you have used your own labour/machinery and none of the above are available.

For Higher Tier and Mid Tier agreements starting on or after 1 January 2023, or CS Capital only agreements starting on or after 8 February 2022, capital claims can be submitted and paid based on incurred expenditure (work completed and invoiced) rather than after you’ve paid for the work.

For earlier agreements, full payment must have left your bank account (been paid) before you submit your capital claim, so the date of receipting (on invoices) and/or transaction date (on other eligible proof of payment) must be before the date your capital claim was submitted.

For more information read the ‘Evidence required to support your claim’ section of the relevant CS manual on GOV.UK.

Labelling photographs

All photographs (digital and paper) must meet the standards set out in the ‘Photographic evidence’ section of the relevant CS manual on GOV.UK.

Use the Ordnance Survey (OS) map sheet reference and National Grid reference for the field parcel, followed by the relevant proposed or implemented option or capital item code and, if more than one image is required, the image number.

The OS map sheet reference and National Grid reference should relate to the field parcel on which the feature or capital item is sited or for boundary features the adjacent field parcel. For example, if you need to take before and after photographs to show evidence that works have taken place for Gateway relocation (RP2), label the image as XX12345678_ RP2_1 and XX12345678_RP2_2. If there is no relevant land parcel reference, include a clear identifiable description such as Farmyard_RP22_1.

Save digital images under the label outlined above. If posting printed photographs, clearly write the label on the reverse of each one, detailing the Ordnance Survey (OS) map sheet reference and National Grid reference for the field parcel, the implemented capital item code, date, Agreement Holder name and SBI.

How to submit your supporting documents and evidence

You can scan and email your supporting documents and evidence to

You must put your SBI and Claim number in the email and on all documents. Also use ‘Countryside Stewardship 2022 Capital Claim’ and your SBI as the email subject heading.

The maximum size of emails we can accept is 32MB.

Do not include links to cloud storage, for example Dropbox or Google Drive, as we cannot accept documents or evidence this way.

For security reasons, we cannot accept discs, USB pen drives or other external storage media.

You can send digital photos by email, but do not scan printed photos as the quality is not good enough. Read the ‘Photographic Evidence Quality’ section of the relevant CS manual on GOV.UK for more information.

Or you can post documents to RPA using the address in the ‘More information, contact details and data protection’ section. Remember to add your SBI and claim number to all documents you send to us. We recommend you get proof of posting. 

Next steps

We’ll contact you if we have any queries.

We’ll make all payments directly into the bank account we have details for, so it’s important that this information is up to date.

After you’ve submitted your claim, you can check the progress of it in the Rural Payments service. As your claim progresses, the claim status will change in the Countryside Stewardship claims screen:


You’ve submitted your claim online and now need to send your supporting documents and any evidence that needs to be submitted, to reach RPA before the ‘claim by’ date in your agreement document.

Claim validation

Your claim, supporting documents, and any evidence that needed to be submitted are being checked to confirm eligibility.

Final checking

Your claim is waiting for final check and authorisation to pay.

Preparing for payment*

Your claim is being sent for payment, or has been paid.

*The claim status will still show ‘Preparing for payment’ after it has been paid. Please check your nominated bank account to confirm if payment has been received. If your claim has been at ‘Preparing for Payment’ for longer than one month and you have not received your payment contact RPA using details from the ‘More information, contact details and data protection’ section.