How to apply

Before you apply, you must check and update any of your information in the Rural Payments service.

Check that you have the following:

  • Countryside Stewardship Woodland Creation and Maintenance Application form
  • The Woodland Creation and Maintenance annex
  • An application map – see Step 2 for details of how to get this.

If you’ve downloaded the application form from GOV.UK or have received it by email

Save it and the Woodland Creation and Maintenance annex to your computer and fill in the form and annex on your screen. Complete the relevant maps and scan them into your computer. Once complete, email your completed form, annex and maps to us. Read Step 6 for more information.

If you’ve received the application form and annex by post

Fill in the application form, annex and maps and either post them to us, or you can scan them into your computer and send them to us by email. Read Step 6 for more information.