What happens next?

This section tells you what to expect after you’ve submitted your application.

When we receive your application we’ll check that:

  • you meet the eligibility requirements;
  • all the necessary details have been entered on your application form and annexes; and
  • all of your maps have been completed.

If your application fails any of the above checks, we’ll contact you to explain what is wrong and how the failed check(s) can be corrected (if relevant).

At this point a Forestry Commission Woodland Officer will contact you about a site visit and to discuss your application, making any amendments (in discussion with you) as needed. They’ll also begin the consultation process as discussed in Section 5.10 of the Countryside Stewardship Woodland Creation and Maintenance Grant Manual.

The Woodland Creation and Maintenance grant is competitive, which means that not everyone who applies will be successful. A scoring process, based on environmental benefits, will be used to select successful applicants.

What will happen if your application has been successful?

If your application is accepted you’ll be offered an agreement.

What will happen if your application has been unsuccessful?

We’ll tell you if your application has not been successful.

If you are unsuccessful, you may email or write to us and we’ll review your case.