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CECCG13800 - Complaints Handling Procedure: Resolving a complaint

Once a complaint has been identified and recorded as a potential misconduct matter a decision needs to be taken as to how it can best be resolved.

Resolution means:

  • solving
  • explaining
  • clearing up or
  • settling the matter with the complainant.

The Officer’s manager, the Complaints Team or Internal Investigations will decide the appropriate approach depending on the nature and seriousness of the allegations.

The complaint can be routed to:

  • Internal Investigations to decide whether the referral criteria to the IOPC, PIRC or COPFS are met
  • the relevant Line of Business where the referral criteria are not met but where there are potential gross misconduct matters to be addressed and who will, in consultation with EAS, decide whether Internal Investigations will carry out a gross misconduct investigation
  • The local Senior Manager in the business unit where the facts are clear and not contested and the potential outcome is misconduct
  • the Complaints Team where it is agreed the matter is minor or there is no potential conduct matter to be addressed.

For complaints that do not require referral to Internal Investigations to assess whether the IOPC, PIRC or COPFS referral criteria are met, please see CECCG13900.