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CECCG13950 - Complaints Handling Procedure: Contact with the complainant

Before contacting the complainant, please consider the guidance CECCG12000 HumInt

All complaints of potential misconduct or gross misconduct matters, whether written or verbal should be given a written acknowledgement. In areas where Tier 1 complaint cases are dealt with by the business Complaints Team, this acknowledgement will be issued by the Complaints Team upon receipt of the complaint, or in other areas by the individual's manager.

The acknowledgement must make it clear how the complaint will be handled.

Keeping the complainant informed of progress and the outcome of the investigation

It is good practice for the complainant to be given an update every 28 days on the progress of the complaint where the complaint is dealt with under HMRC’s own complaint handling procedures.

The IOPC will be responsible for keeping the complainant updated on progress and the outcome of the investigation in independently investigated or managed cases and Internal Investigations will provide updates in local or supervised investigations every 28 days.

The local senior manager, officer or complaints manager carrying out the investigation will update the complainant where appropriate in all other cases.  In doing so you should not disclose details relating to the staff member concerned or of any specific action taken against the individual.


No evidence minor misconduct

I am sorry to learn of the upset your recent contact caused.  We have completed our investigation into your complaint but can find no evidence to support your claim/what you say.  We are not upholding your complaint.  We are now closing your complaint but if you remian dissatisfied you can (escalation route appropriate).


Evidence of minor misconduct

I am sorry to learn of your recent experience of XXX and the upset your contact with us caused.  We have completed our investigation and are (partially/fully) upholding your complaint but in line with the UK GDPR cannot disclose the action or outcome of the action we have taken.  If you remain dissatisfied (escalation route) (potential consideration of redress).