TCM0044000 - Changes - miscellaneous (G-Z): contents
TCM0044040Household change - customer/child in more than one award
TCM0044060Income changes
TCM0044080Invite fresh claim
TCM0044100More than one husband or wife (Info)
TCM0044120Notifying a change (Info)
TCM0044160PY-1 or earlier changes (AG)
TCM0044170PY-2 or earlier changes – manual calculation
TCM0044180Notification of an award to disability benefit - adult
TCM0044190Notification of an award of disability benefit - child
TCM0044200S19 - Priority 1 or Mismatch team change of circumstances (AG)
TCM0044220Signals history - correcting effective date (Info)
TCM0044240Signals history - correcting effective date (AG)
TCM0044260Signals history - correcting start/end dates (Info)
TCM0044280Signals history - correcting start/end dates (AG)
TCM0044320Unmatched change or correction
TCM0044340What is a change of circumstance? (Info)